The Digital Periegesis is proud to be a Partner of or associated with the following initiatives:
- The Pelagios Network — a free and open community of researchers, scientists and curators using Linked Data methods and tools to investigate the past.
- Nodegoat — a web-based research environment for the humanities
- ToposText — a comprehensive library of ancient texts indexed to places, people, and concepts they cover, with a map interface as well as text search.
- MANTO — a dynamic digital portal into Greek myth
- InfraVis — a national research infrastructure funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) in support of scientific advancement through the application of state-of-the-art data analysis and visualization techniques.
- HumInfra — a Swedish national infrastructure supporting digital and experimental research in the Humanities by providing users with a single entry point for finding existing Swedish materials and research tools, as well as developing national method courses.