Data / Data from Recogito
Data from Recogito
Description of the Pausanias Recogito Annotation Project
Recogito annotations of a text or image can be downloaded in a number of formats (see below) for use in a wide variety of analysis and visualization platforms. Our annotations are freely downloadable from...
Read Pausanias’ Books 1-10 by Section in English and Greek
You can Open Any Section and Navigate to Next and Previous Section
View Data from Recogito by 24 Different Annotation Types of Pausanias’ Periegesis
With Links to Wikidata and to Book Sections
Select an annotation type to view the annotations in a table with links to Wikidata and to Book Sections....
Persons in Pausanias’ Periegesis Sorted by Name and by Book Sections
With Links to Wikidata and to Book Sections
The first table list above contains a simple alphabetic order av Persons with the Book, Chapter and Section where they are mentioned. The same person can reappear in the list multiple times, within the...
Places in Pausanias’ Periegesis Sorted Alphabetically and by Book Section
With Maps and with Links to Wikidata and to Book Sections
The first table list above contains a simple alphabetic order av Paces with the Book, Chapter and Section where they are mentioned. The same place can reappear in the list multiple times, within the same...
Events in Pausanias’ Periegesis Sorted by Name and by Book Sections
With Links to Wikidata and to Book Sections
The first table list above contains a simple alphabetic order av Events with the Book, Chapter and Section where they are mentioned. The same event can reappear in the list multiple times, within the same...
Epithets in Pausanias’ Periegesis
With Links to Wikidata and to Book Sections
Works and Art Works in Pausanias’ Periegesis
With Links to Wikidata and to Book Sections