Research / Blogs
Semantic Geo-Annotation for Ancient History and Beyond
Published in Hypothesis
Elton Barker, 2022-06-22
Sometime in the second century CE, Pausanias of Magnesia wrote the Periegesis Hellados (Description of Greece). Representing a unique deep dive into ancient Greece’s built environment to the level...
Pausanias the Chronotopiarist
By Brady Kiesling, 2021-12-05
The text the Greek traveler Pausanias produced sometime in the 170s CE was not, in his own mind or ours, a work of fiction. It is, however, a rich and complex narrative. The narratological insights derived...
Delos as a hyper-connected hub
By O. Cenk Demiroglu, 2020-02-27
As covered in last week’s post, annotating Pausanias’ references on Delos in Recogito enables us to visualize the many places with which the sanctuary-island was connected. But our digital venture...
Delos as a Mediterranean network?
Mapping historical cultures dates before the term digital humanities became established, most notably through the method of cartography, the practice of drawing and studying maps. Traditional print cartography...
Curtains for Zeus: Mapping a multi-media offering
Annotating the surviving text of the intrepid 2nd century traveler Pausanias is a delicate task: weighing 223,000-odd words in ancient Greek and tagging people, places, events, and their relationships....
Introducing the Digital Periegesis
Such in my opinion are the most famous legends (logoi) and sights (theorêmata) among the Athenians, and from the beginning my narrative has picked out of much material the things that deserve to be recorded. Pausanias, Description...
A typology for annotating the Periegesis
As we have set out in our previous posts, our aim in the Digital Periegesis is to identify and explore the spatial form of, and the forms of space within, Pausanias’s narrative. The challenge of analyzing...
The Digital Periegesis’s technical environment
Usability and reach are the determining factors behind our choice of how to produce a digital Periegesis, though other important factors like efficiency, sustainability, collaboration and transparency...