Digital Periegesis

Tracing the places of ancient Greece and the stories associated with them

The Project

The Periegesis Hellados is the title of a work by a certain Pausanias of Magnesia, who was writing in the second century CE/AD. Known in English as the Description of Greece, the term periegesis derives from the verb periēgeisthai, “to lead or show around”. It is this double sense of movement (through space) and description (of place) that we wish to explore in this digital periegesis. Read more

The research project is hosted by the Centre for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at Uppsala University. The team consists of researchers currently located at Uppsala University, Sweden, the Swedish Institute at Athens and Open University, Great Britain. Read more about the research team.

Introducing the Digital Periegesis

Pausanias Periegesis Book Cover

Such in my opin­ion are the most fa­mous leg­ends (lo­goi) and sights (the­o­rê­mata) among the Athe­ni­ans, and from the be­gin­ning my nar­ra­tive has picked out of much ma­te­r­ial the things that de­serve to be recorded.

Pau­sa­nias, De­scrip­tion of Greece 1.39.3

Some­time over the course of the 2nd cen­tury CE, a cer­tain Pau­sa­nias of Mag­ne­sia set out to write a de­tailed ac­count of a jour­ney (or, bet­ter, jour­neys) through main­land Greece. The re­sult is the Perie­ge­sis Hel­la­dos (De­scrip­tion of Greece)a ten-vol­ume sur­vey of the hu­man foot­print on that land­scape, which pre­sents a wealth of in­for­ma­tion about the towns, build­ings, mon­u­ments and arte­facts from At­tica to Pho­cis, tak­ing in a counter-clock­wise route through the Pelo­pon­nese along the way.

Project and Affiliated Members

Elton Barker

Elton Barker

Anna Foka

Anna Foka

Brady Kiesling

John Brady Kiesling

Kyriaki Konstantinidou

Kyriaki Konstantinidou

Linda Talatas

Linda Talatas

Vasiliki Tsoumari

Vasiliki Tsoumari


Recent Texts

 Table Views with all Annotations of Persons, Places and Events that are Mentioned in Pausanias’ Periegesis

Table Views with all Annotations of Persons, Places and Events that are Mentioned in Pausanias’ Periegesis

With Links to Wikidata, to Book Sections and to Maps


Category: Data from Recogito

 Read Pausanias’ Books 1-10 by Section in English and Greek

Read Pausanias’ Books 1-10 by Section in English and Greek

You can Open Any Section and Navigate to Next and Previous Section


Category: Data from Recogito

 Persons in Pausanias’ Periegesis Displayed in Four Different Tables

Persons in Pausanias’ Periegesis Displayed in Four Different Tables

With Links to Wikidata and to Book Sections


You can download all four tables as CSV, XML or JSON files, or you can search in them and download the search results. Please read the information about searching and sorting the table, which you can see...

Category: Data from Recogito

 Places in Pausanias’ Periegesis Displayed in Four Different Tables

Places in Pausanias’ Periegesis Displayed in Four Different Tables

With Links to Wikidata, to Book Sections and to Maps


You can download all four tables as CSV, XML or JSON files, or you can search in them and download the search results. Please read the information about searching and sorting the table, which you can see...

Category: Data from Recogito

Annotation statistics

Statistics over the persons, places and events from Pausanias Periegesis that have hitherto been annotated in maps.


21 780


18 244


1 753


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