Classical Antiquity Person Collection

A dataset of about 24 000 Wikidata Person IDs that might prove useful for annotating persons in an ancient Greek literary text

Search only persons mentioned by Pausanias in Recogito Annotation
Total search results: 23939
Wikidata IDpersonPausanias PersongenderDescriptionentitycitizendeathfathermotherbirthplace
23801 Q11955352Xenophon of Cyprusmaleancient authorhuman
23802 Q463564Xenophon of EphesusmaleGreek writerhuman0300Ephesus
23803 Q1780446Xenophon of IcariamaleAthenian victim of 30 tyrantshuman-0403
23804 Q11955354Xenophon of Lampsacusmaleancient Greek authorhuman
23805 Q1465890Xenophon the Athenianmaleancient Greek sculptorhumancitizen
23806 Q21502066Xenotimosmaleancient greek attic potterhuman
23807 Q129165Xerxes IΞέρξουmaleKing of Kings of Achaemenid Empire from 486 to 465 BChumancitizen-0464Darius I of PersiaAtossaIran
23808 Q514746XuthusΞούθουmaleking in Greek mythologyking in Greek mythologyHellenOrseis
23809 Q3571039XuthusmalePythagorean philosopherhumanCrotone
23810 Q19311997Yves DuhouxmaleBelgian hellenisthumancitizen
23811 Q3068735Zacharias of Jerusalemmalepatriarch of Jerusalemhuman0631
23812 Q139567Zacharias Rhetormale5th–6th century Bishop of Mytilenehumancitizen0553Gaza City
23813 Q8065259ZacynthusΖάκυνθοςmaleson of the legendary Arcadian chief Dardanusmythological Greek characterDardanusBatea
23814 Q140406Zagreusmalefigure in Greek mythologyGreek deityHadesPersephone
23815 Q140406Zagreusmalefigure in Greek mythologyGreek deityZeusPersephone
23816 Q145090Zaleucusmale7th-century BC Greek lawgiverhuman-0600Epizephyrian Locri
23817 Q145218ZalmoxismaleThracian godgod
23818 Q145218ZalmoxismaleThracian godwar deity
23819 Q66789295Zalmoxismaleaccording to Herodotus, Dacian who was a slave of Pythagoras on the island of Samoshuman whose existence is disputedcitizen
23820 Q146787Zanes (Olympic)bronze statues of Zeus as penalty for Olympic cheatingfine
23821 Q146787Zanes (Olympic)bronze statues of Zeus as penalty for Olympic cheatinggroup of sculptures
23822 Q146993Zanobi Acciaiolimalelibrarian, translatorhuman1519Florence
23823 Q4187165Zarexτοῦτονmaleson of Carystus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterCarystus
23824 Q119853881ZarexΖάρηξmaleGreek hero with shrine in Attica, eponym of Zarax in Laconiamythological Greek charactercitizen
23825 Q2503433ZariadresmaleKing of Sophenehuman-0187Xerxes of Armenia
23826 Q56293198Zariadresmalehero of ancient folktalehuman whose existence is disputed
23827 Q12877472Zariardesmalecharacter from Greek mythologymythological Greek character
23828 Q8066835Zarmanochegasmale1st century BC Indian philosopher and monkhuman
23829 Q20939557Zelotusmaleancient Greek poethuman
23830 Q189208Zelusmaleancient Greek personification of emulation/envyGreek deityPallasStyx
23831 Q11955584Zenis of Chiosmaleancient authorhuman
23832 Q20102288Zenomaleantiker Historiker; "Über Pyrrhos' Feldzüge" (3. Jh. v.u.Z.)human
23833 Q183452ZenomaleByzantine Emperor (425-491)humancitizen0491Zenopolis in Isauria
23834 Q183452ZenomaleByzantine Emperor (425-491)humancitizen0491Zenopolis in Isauria
23835 Q106727594Zenomaletabularius in the first half of the 3rd centuryhumancitizen
23836 Q189750Zeno of Caunusmaleancient Greek public official and scribehuman-0300Kaunos
23837 Q171303Zeno of CitiummaleGreek philosopher, founder of Stoicismhumancitizen-0262Kition
23838 Q8069165Zeno of Cyprusmaleancient physician and teacherhumanCyprus
23839 Q132157Zeno of EleamaleGreek philosopher (c. 495 – c. 430 BC)human-0424Velia
23840 Q20102285Zeno of Laodiceamaleoratorhumandeathfather Labelmother LabelAncient Rome
23841 Q20102286Zeno of Myndosmaleancient epigram writerhuman
23842 Q189751Zeno of RhodesmaleGreek historianhuman-0200Rhodes
23843 Q189759Zeno of Sidonmale150-c. 75 BCE, Epicurean philosopher from the Phoenician city of Sidonhuman-0074Sidon
23844 Q189767Zeno of Tarsusmaleancient Greek philosopherhuman-0200DioscoridesTarsus
23845 Q189705Zenobiafemale3rd-century Queen of the Palmyrene Empirehumancitizen0275Palmyra
23846 Q189705Zenobiafemale3rd-century Queen of the Palmyrene Empirehumancitizen0275Palmyra
23847 Q189699Zenobiusmale2nd-century Greek sophist and authorhumancitizen0200
23848 Q9390066Zenobiusmaledeaconhuman
23849 Q117325195Zenobius of Aegaemalemartyr et saint chrétienhuman
23850 Q9390065Zenobius of Sidonmalemártir cristianohuman0310
23851 Q20949777Zenobius the Grammarianmaleancient Greek grammarianhuman
23852 Q4024175Zenodorusmalemathematicianhuman-0139Athens
23853 Q3576497ZenodorusmaleGreek bronze sculptor, active mid-1st century CEhumancitizen
23854 Q1958965Zenodorus son of Lysaniasmaletetrarch of Itureahuman-0019
23855 Q67220823Zenodotusmaleancient Greek mythographerhuman
23856 Q189718Zenodotusmale3rd century BC Greek grammarian, literary critic and scholarhuman-0259Ephesus
23857 Q189711ZenodotusmaleNeoplatonist philosopherhumancitizen
23858 Q117193978Zenodotusmalesculpteur antiquehuman
23859 Q104531253ZenodotusmaleAncient Greek tragic poethuman
23860 Q20102290Zenodotus of Alexandriamalegrammairien antiquehumandeath
23861 Q189708Zenodotus of Troezenmaleancient Greek historianhuman-0200
23862 Q16989335Zenodotus the StoicmaleStoic philosopher and epigrammatisthuman
23863 Q93359608Zenon ho Agreophontosmaledied 238 BCEhuman-0237
23864 Q11955589Zenon of Athensmalephysicianhumancitizen
23865 Q9390156Zenon of Ikaltomalemoine et saint chrétienhumanSyria
23866 Q4024181Zenon of Philadelphiamalesoldierhumancitizen0304
23867 Q20102287Zenon of Sidonmaleantiker Historiker un Philosoph (3. Jh. v.u.Z.)human
23868 Q9390165Zenothemismaleancient Greek authorhuman
23869 Q467515ZephyrusΖεφύρουmaleGreek god of the wind from the westAnemoiAstraeusEos
23870 Q4024302ZetesΖήτηςmaleson of Boreas in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterBoreasOrithyia
23871 Q196865ZethosΖῆθονmaleking in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterZeusAntiope
23872 Q34201ZeusΔιὸςmaleGreek god of the sky and king of the godsOlympian godKronosRhea
23873 Q34201ZeusΔιὸςmaleGreek god of the sky and king of the godsGreek deityKronosRhea
23874 Q34201ZeusΔιὸςmaleGreek god of the sky and king of the godsKing of the GodsKronosRhea
23875 Q34201ZeusΔιὸςmaleGreek god of the sky and king of the godsthunder godKronosRhea
23876 Q3575327Zeus AmmonἌμμωναmaleancient Egyptian deityAncient Egyptian deity
23877 Q3575327Zeus AmmonἌμμωναmaleancient Egyptian deitydeity
23878 Q3575327Zeus AmmonἌμμωναmaleancient Egyptian deityepithet
23879 Q117196777Zeus Labraundosepithet of Zeus in Asia Minorepithet
23880 Q11955600Zeuxiadesmaleancient Greek sculptorhuman
23881 Q1266218ZeuxidamusΖευξίδαμονmaleSpartan Eurypontid princes/kinghuman-0760ArchidamusGreece
23882 Q4177485Zeuxidamusmaleson of Leotychidas II of SpartahumanLeotychidas IISparta
23883 Q3575332Zeuxippefemaledaughter of Eridanosmythological Greek characterEridanos
23884 Q3575333Zeuxippefemaledaughter of Hippocoon, wife of Antiphates and mother of Oeclesmythological Greek characterHippocoon
23885 Q1641282Zeuxippefemalespouse of the legendary Athenian king Pandion InaiadButes
23886 Q197028ZeuxippeΖευξίππηνfemalemythical character, daughter of Lamedonmythological Greek characterLamedon
23887 Q46845955Zeuxippefemalemother of Athamas in Greek mythologymythological Greek character
23888 Q46132004ZeuxippefemaleOcean's daughter in Greek mythologyOkeanidOceanusTethys
23889 Q23818213Zeuxippefemalemother of Priamusmythological Greek character
23890 Q46132004ZeuxippefemaleOcean's daughter in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterOceanusTethys
23891 Q27702508Zeuxippusmalefather of Pieris or Tereis, herself mother of Megapenthes by Menelausmythological Greek character
23892 Q23818214Zeuxippusmaleson of Eumelusmythological Greek characterEumelus
23893 Q18607596Zeuxippusmaleancient Greek philosopherhuman
23894 Q11955598ZeuxippusmaleBoeotian politician, foe of Philip Vhuman
23895 Q197033ZeuxippusΖεύξιπποςmaleking of Sikyonmythological Greek characterApolloSyllis
23896 Q8069832Zeuxippus of Heracleamaleancient Greek teacher of painting in Athenshuman
23897 Q197035Zeuxismaleancient Greek sculptorhuman
23898 Q197044Zeuxismale5th-century BCE Greek painterhuman-0400Heraclea Lucania
23899 Q20102291Zeuxismaleancient Greek goldsmithhuman
23900 Q20102293Zeuxismaleancient Greek doctor that lived in 1st century B.C.human
23901 Q18607625Zeuxismaleancient Greek philosopherhuman
23902 Q8069838Zeuxis of Tarentummaleancient Greek physicianhuman-0260Taranto
23903 Q197039ZeuxofemaleOceanid of Greek mythologywater deityOceanusTethys
23904 Q197039ZeuxofemaleOceanid of Greek mythologyOkeanidOceanusTethys
23905 Q198293Ziaelas of BithyniamaleKing of Bithyniahuman-0227Nicomedes I of BithyniaDitizele of Bithynia
23906 Q205468Zipoetes I of BithyniaΖυποίτηςmaleKing of Bithyniahuman-0277Bas of Bithynia
23907 Q2341507Zoe of Romefemalemartyr sainthumancitizen0286
23908 Q107240488Zoeteusmalemythological Greek character
23909 Q106411176Zoeteus son of TricolonusΖοιτέαmalemythical founder of Zoiteion in Arcadiamythological Greek characterTricolonus
23910 Q218451ZoilusmaleGreek grammarian, philosopher and literary critic (c.400–320 BC)human-0319Amphipolis
23911 Q107560090Zoilus Agrippianusmale1st century Roman freedmanhumancitizen
23912 Q220440ZopyrionmaleMacedonian generalhumancitizen-0330
23913 Q220454Zopyrusmale6th century BC Persian noblemanhuman-0600
23914 Q220449Zopyrusmalephysicianhuman-0100
23915 Q3576076Zopyrusmaleancient Greek physicianhuman
23916 Q16684088Zopyrusmaleslave in Athens, tutor of AlcibiadeshumanThrace
23917 Q11955660ZopyrusmaleAncient Greek cup engraverhumancitizen
23918 Q111253519Zopyrusmaleancient geographer and historianhuman
23919 Q104531276ZopyrusmaleAncient Greek tragic poethuman
23920 Q20102298Zopyrus of ByzantiummaleAncient Greek historian, author of a work on the foundation of Miletushuman
23921 Q111253535Zopyrus of Heracleamalepoète orphiquehuman
23922 Q24817246Zopyrus of Syracusemaleancient Greek olympics victor in stadion (3rd century B.C.)humanSyrakousai
23923 Q4024777Zopyrus of Tarentummalephilosophe antiquehumanTaranto
23924 Q35811Zoroastermalefounder of ZoroastrianismhumandeathPorushaspaDohodobirthplace Label
23925 Q35811Zoroastermalefounder of Zoroastrianismreligious characterdeathPorushaspaDohodobirthplace Label
23926 Q2993862Zosimas of Palestinemalesainthumancitizen0560Palestine
23927 Q226868Zosimos of PanopolismaleEgyptian alchemisthumancitizen0350Akhmim
23928 Q226868Zosimos of PanopolismaleEgyptian alchemisthumancitizen0350Alexandria
23929 Q226859Zosimusmalemartyrhuman0110
23930 Q226858Zosimusmalelate 5th/early 6th century Byzantine historianhumancitizen0520
23931 Q54578199Zosimusmalesainthuman0107
23932 Q96942940Zosimusmaleancient Greek epigrammatisthuman
23933 Q16658175Zosimus of Ascalonamalerhéteur grec de l'Antiquitéhuman0550Gaza City
23934 Q21625888Zosimus of Thasosmaleancient Greek poethumanThasos
23935 Q107248407Zosteriaepithet of Athena and Apolloepithet
23936 Q4024839Zoticusmalepartner of Elagabalushumancitizen0300
23937 Q8074592Zoticus of Comanamalemartyr, saint and bishophumancitizen0204
23938 Q3464125Zoticus of ConstantinoplemaleChristian martyrhumancitizen0350Rome
23939 Q15295548Cleobulinafemalemadre de Tales de Miletohuman

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