Classical Antiquity Person Collection
A dataset of about 24 000 Wikidata Person IDs that might prove useful for annotating persons in an ancient Greek literary text
Total search results: 23939
▲ | Wikidata ID | person | Pausanias Person | gender | Description | entity | citizen | death | father | mother | birthplace |
23801 | Q11955352 | Xenophon of Cyprus | male | ancient author | human | ||||||
23802 | Q463564 | Xenophon of Ephesus | male | Greek writer | human | 0300 | Ephesus | ||||
23803 | Q1780446 | Xenophon of Icaria | male | Athenian victim of 30 tyrants | human | -0403 | |||||
23804 | Q11955354 | Xenophon of Lampsacus | male | ancient Greek author | human | ||||||
23805 | Q1465890 | Xenophon the Athenian | male | ancient Greek sculptor | human | citizen | |||||
23806 | Q21502066 | Xenotimos | male | ancient greek attic potter | human | ||||||
23807 | Q129165 | Xerxes I | Ξέρξου | male | King of Kings of Achaemenid Empire from 486 to 465 BC | human | citizen | -0464 | Darius I of Persia | Atossa | Iran |
23808 | Q514746 | Xuthus | Ξούθου | male | king in Greek mythology | king in Greek mythology | Hellen | Orseis | |||
23809 | Q3571039 | Xuthus | male | Pythagorean philosopher | human | Crotone | |||||
23810 | Q19311997 | Yves Duhoux | male | Belgian hellenist | human | citizen | |||||
23811 | Q3068735 | Zacharias of Jerusalem | male | patriarch of Jerusalem | human | 0631 | |||||
23812 | Q139567 | Zacharias Rhetor | male | 5th–6th century Bishop of Mytilene | human | citizen | 0553 | Gaza City | |||
23813 | Q8065259 | Zacynthus | Ζάκυνθος | male | son of the legendary Arcadian chief Dardanus | mythological Greek character | Dardanus | Batea | |||
23814 | Q140406 | Zagreus | male | figure in Greek mythology | Greek deity | Hades | Persephone | ||||
23815 | Q140406 | Zagreus | male | figure in Greek mythology | Greek deity | Zeus | Persephone | ||||
23816 | Q145090 | Zaleucus | male | 7th-century BC Greek lawgiver | human | -0600 | Epizephyrian Locri | ||||
23817 | Q145218 | Zalmoxis | male | Thracian god | god | ||||||
23818 | Q145218 | Zalmoxis | male | Thracian god | war deity | ||||||
23819 | Q66789295 | Zalmoxis | male | according to Herodotus, Dacian who was a slave of Pythagoras on the island of Samos | human whose existence is disputed | citizen | |||||
23820 | Q146787 | Zanes (Olympic) | bronze statues of Zeus as penalty for Olympic cheating | fine | |||||||
23821 | Q146787 | Zanes (Olympic) | bronze statues of Zeus as penalty for Olympic cheating | group of sculptures | |||||||
23822 | Q146993 | Zanobi Acciaioli | male | librarian, translator | human | 1519 | Florence | ||||
23823 | Q4187165 | Zarex | τοῦτον | male | son of Carystus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Carystus | ||||
23824 | Q119853881 | Zarex | Ζάρηξ | male | Greek hero with shrine in Attica, eponym of Zarax in Laconia | mythological Greek character | citizen | ||||
23825 | Q2503433 | Zariadres | male | King of Sophene | human | -0187 | Xerxes of Armenia | ||||
23826 | Q56293198 | Zariadres | male | hero of ancient folktale | human whose existence is disputed | ||||||
23827 | Q12877472 | Zariardes | male | character from Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
23828 | Q8066835 | Zarmanochegas | male | 1st century BC Indian philosopher and monk | human | ||||||
23829 | Q20939557 | Zelotus | male | ancient Greek poet | human | ||||||
23830 | Q189208 | Zelus | male | ancient Greek personification of emulation/envy | Greek deity | Pallas | Styx | ||||
23831 | Q11955584 | Zenis of Chios | male | ancient author | human | ||||||
23832 | Q20102288 | Zeno | male | antiker Historiker; "Über Pyrrhos' Feldzüge" (3. Jh. v.u.Z.) | human | ||||||
23833 | Q183452 | Zeno | male | Byzantine Emperor (425-491) | human | citizen | 0491 | Zenopolis in Isauria | |||
23834 | Q183452 | Zeno | male | Byzantine Emperor (425-491) | human | citizen | 0491 | Zenopolis in Isauria | |||
23835 | Q106727594 | Zeno | male | tabularius in the first half of the 3rd century | human | citizen | |||||
23836 | Q189750 | Zeno of Caunus | male | ancient Greek public official and scribe | human | -0300 | Kaunos | ||||
23837 | Q171303 | Zeno of Citium | ὁ | male | Greek philosopher, founder of Stoicism | human | citizen | -0262 | Kition | ||
23838 | Q8069165 | Zeno of Cyprus | male | ancient physician and teacher | human | Cyprus | |||||
23839 | Q132157 | Zeno of Elea | male | Greek philosopher (c. 495 – c. 430 BC) | human | -0424 | Velia | ||||
23840 | Q20102285 | Zeno of Laodicea | male | orator | human | death | father Label | mother Label | Ancient Rome | ||
23841 | Q20102286 | Zeno of Myndos | male | ancient epigram writer | human | ||||||
23842 | Q189751 | Zeno of Rhodes | male | Greek historian | human | -0200 | Rhodes | ||||
23843 | Q189759 | Zeno of Sidon | male | 150-c. 75 BCE, Epicurean philosopher from the Phoenician city of Sidon | human | -0074 | Sidon | ||||
23844 | Q189767 | Zeno of Tarsus | male | ancient Greek philosopher | human | -0200 | Dioscorides | Tarsus | |||
23845 | Q189705 | Zenobia | female | 3rd-century Queen of the Palmyrene Empire | human | citizen | 0275 | Palmyra | |||
23846 | Q189705 | Zenobia | female | 3rd-century Queen of the Palmyrene Empire | human | citizen | 0275 | Palmyra | |||
23847 | Q189699 | Zenobius | male | 2nd-century Greek sophist and author | human | citizen | 0200 | ||||
23848 | Q9390066 | Zenobius | male | deacon | human | ||||||
23849 | Q117325195 | Zenobius of Aegae | male | martyr et saint chrétien | human | ||||||
23850 | Q9390065 | Zenobius of Sidon | male | mártir cristiano | human | 0310 | |||||
23851 | Q20949777 | Zenobius the Grammarian | male | ancient Greek grammarian | human | ||||||
23852 | Q4024175 | Zenodorus | male | mathematician | human | -0139 | Athens | ||||
23853 | Q3576497 | Zenodorus | male | Greek bronze sculptor, active mid-1st century CE | human | citizen | |||||
23854 | Q1958965 | Zenodorus son of Lysanias | male | tetrarch of Iturea | human | -0019 | |||||
23855 | Q67220823 | Zenodotus | male | ancient Greek mythographer | human | ||||||
23856 | Q189718 | Zenodotus | male | 3rd century BC Greek grammarian, literary critic and scholar | human | -0259 | Ephesus | ||||
23857 | Q189711 | Zenodotus | male | Neoplatonist philosopher | human | citizen | |||||
23858 | Q117193978 | Zenodotus | male | sculpteur antique | human | ||||||
23859 | Q104531253 | Zenodotus | male | Ancient Greek tragic poet | human | ||||||
23860 | Q20102290 | Zenodotus of Alexandria | male | grammairien antique | human | death | |||||
23861 | Q189708 | Zenodotus of Troezen | male | ancient Greek historian | human | -0200 | |||||
23862 | Q16989335 | Zenodotus the Stoic | male | Stoic philosopher and epigrammatist | human | ||||||
23863 | Q93359608 | Zenon ho Agreophontos | male | died 238 BCE | human | -0237 | |||||
23864 | Q11955589 | Zenon of Athens | male | physician | human | citizen | |||||
23865 | Q9390156 | Zenon of Ikalto | male | moine et saint chrétien | human | Syria | |||||
23866 | Q4024181 | Zenon of Philadelphia | male | soldier | human | citizen | 0304 | ||||
23867 | Q20102287 | Zenon of Sidon | male | antiker Historiker un Philosoph (3. Jh. v.u.Z.) | human | ||||||
23868 | Q9390165 | Zenothemis | male | ancient Greek author | human | ||||||
23869 | Q467515 | Zephyrus | Ζεφύρου | male | Greek god of the wind from the west | Anemoi | Astraeus | Eos | |||
23870 | Q4024302 | Zetes | Ζήτης | male | son of Boreas in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Boreas | Orithyia | |||
23871 | Q196865 | Zethos | Ζῆθον | male | king in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Zeus | Antiope | |||
23872 | Q34201 | Zeus | Διὸς | male | Greek god of the sky and king of the gods | Olympian god | Kronos | Rhea | |||
23873 | Q34201 | Zeus | Διὸς | male | Greek god of the sky and king of the gods | Greek deity | Kronos | Rhea | |||
23874 | Q34201 | Zeus | Διὸς | male | Greek god of the sky and king of the gods | King of the Gods | Kronos | Rhea | |||
23875 | Q34201 | Zeus | Διὸς | male | Greek god of the sky and king of the gods | thunder god | Kronos | Rhea | |||
23876 | Q3575327 | Zeus Ammon | Ἄμμωνα | male | ancient Egyptian deity | Ancient Egyptian deity | |||||
23877 | Q3575327 | Zeus Ammon | Ἄμμωνα | male | ancient Egyptian deity | deity | |||||
23878 | Q3575327 | Zeus Ammon | Ἄμμωνα | male | ancient Egyptian deity | epithet | |||||
23879 | Q117196777 | Zeus Labraundos | epithet of Zeus in Asia Minor | epithet | |||||||
23880 | Q11955600 | Zeuxiades | male | ancient Greek sculptor | human | ||||||
23881 | Q1266218 | Zeuxidamus | Ζευξίδαμον | male | Spartan Eurypontid princes/king | human | -0760 | Archidamus | Greece | ||
23882 | Q4177485 | Zeuxidamus | male | son of Leotychidas II of Sparta | human | Leotychidas II | Sparta | ||||
23883 | Q3575332 | Zeuxippe | female | daughter of Eridanos | mythological Greek character | Eridanos | |||||
23884 | Q3575333 | Zeuxippe | female | daughter of Hippocoon, wife of Antiphates and mother of Oecles | mythological Greek character | Hippocoon | |||||
23885 | Q1641282 | Zeuxippe | female | spouse of the legendary Athenian king Pandion I | naiad | Butes | |||||
23886 | Q197028 | Zeuxippe | Ζευξίππην | female | mythical character, daughter of Lamedon | mythological Greek character | Lamedon | ||||
23887 | Q46845955 | Zeuxippe | female | mother of Athamas in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
23888 | Q46132004 | Zeuxippe | female | Ocean's daughter in Greek mythology | Okeanid | Oceanus | Tethys | ||||
23889 | Q23818213 | Zeuxippe | female | mother of Priamus | mythological Greek character | ||||||
23890 | Q46132004 | Zeuxippe | female | Ocean's daughter in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Oceanus | Tethys | ||||
23891 | Q27702508 | Zeuxippus | male | father of Pieris or Tereis, herself mother of Megapenthes by Menelaus | mythological Greek character | ||||||
23892 | Q23818214 | Zeuxippus | male | son of Eumelus | mythological Greek character | Eumelus | |||||
23893 | Q18607596 | Zeuxippus | male | ancient Greek philosopher | human | ||||||
23894 | Q11955598 | Zeuxippus | male | Boeotian politician, foe of Philip V | human | ||||||
23895 | Q197033 | Zeuxippus | Ζεύξιππος | male | king of Sikyon | mythological Greek character | Apollo | Syllis | |||
23896 | Q8069832 | Zeuxippus of Heraclea | male | ancient Greek teacher of painting in Athens | human | ||||||
23897 | Q197035 | Zeuxis | male | ancient Greek sculptor | human | ||||||
23898 | Q197044 | Zeuxis | male | 5th-century BCE Greek painter | human | -0400 | Heraclea Lucania | ||||
23899 | Q20102291 | Zeuxis | male | ancient Greek goldsmith | human | ||||||
23900 | Q20102293 | Zeuxis | male | ancient Greek doctor that lived in 1st century B.C. | human | ||||||
23901 | Q18607625 | Zeuxis | male | ancient Greek philosopher | human | ||||||
23902 | Q8069838 | Zeuxis of Tarentum | male | ancient Greek physician | human | -0260 | Taranto | ||||
23903 | Q197039 | Zeuxo | female | Oceanid of Greek mythology | water deity | Oceanus | Tethys | ||||
23904 | Q197039 | Zeuxo | female | Oceanid of Greek mythology | Okeanid | Oceanus | Tethys | ||||
23905 | Q198293 | Ziaelas of Bithynia | male | King of Bithynia | human | -0227 | Nicomedes I of Bithynia | Ditizele of Bithynia | |||
23906 | Q205468 | Zipoetes I of Bithynia | Ζυποίτης | male | King of Bithynia | human | -0277 | Bas of Bithynia | |||
23907 | Q2341507 | Zoe of Rome | female | martyr saint | human | citizen | 0286 | ||||
23908 | Q107240488 | Zoeteus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
23909 | Q106411176 | Zoeteus son of Tricolonus | Ζοιτέα | male | mythical founder of Zoiteion in Arcadia | mythological Greek character | Tricolonus | ||||
23910 | Q218451 | Zoilus | male | Greek grammarian, philosopher and literary critic (c.400–320 BC) | human | -0319 | Amphipolis | ||||
23911 | Q107560090 | Zoilus Agrippianus | male | 1st century Roman freedman | human | citizen | |||||
23912 | Q220440 | Zopyrion | male | Macedonian general | human | citizen | -0330 | ||||
23913 | Q220454 | Zopyrus | male | 6th century BC Persian nobleman | human | -0600 | |||||
23914 | Q220449 | Zopyrus | male | physician | human | -0100 | |||||
23915 | Q3576076 | Zopyrus | male | ancient Greek physician | human | ||||||
23916 | Q16684088 | Zopyrus | male | slave in Athens, tutor of Alcibiades | human | Thrace | |||||
23917 | Q11955660 | Zopyrus | male | Ancient Greek cup engraver | human | citizen | |||||
23918 | Q111253519 | Zopyrus | male | ancient geographer and historian | human | ||||||
23919 | Q104531276 | Zopyrus | male | Ancient Greek tragic poet | human | ||||||
23920 | Q20102298 | Zopyrus of Byzantium | male | Ancient Greek historian, author of a work on the foundation of Miletus | human | ||||||
23921 | Q111253535 | Zopyrus of Heraclea | male | poète orphique | human | ||||||
23922 | Q24817246 | Zopyrus of Syracuse | male | ancient Greek olympics victor in stadion (3rd century B.C.) | human | Syrakousai | |||||
23923 | Q4024777 | Zopyrus of Tarentum | male | philosophe antique | human | Taranto | |||||
23924 | Q35811 | Zoroaster | male | founder of Zoroastrianism | human | death | Porushaspa | Dohodo | birthplace Label | ||
23925 | Q35811 | Zoroaster | male | founder of Zoroastrianism | religious character | death | Porushaspa | Dohodo | birthplace Label | ||
23926 | Q2993862 | Zosimas of Palestine | male | saint | human | citizen | 0560 | Palestine | |||
23927 | Q226868 | Zosimos of Panopolis | male | Egyptian alchemist | human | citizen | 0350 | Akhmim | |||
23928 | Q226868 | Zosimos of Panopolis | male | Egyptian alchemist | human | citizen | 0350 | Alexandria | |||
23929 | Q226859 | Zosimus | male | martyr | human | 0110 | |||||
23930 | Q226858 | Zosimus | male | late 5th/early 6th century Byzantine historian | human | citizen | 0520 | ||||
23931 | Q54578199 | Zosimus | male | saint | human | 0107 | |||||
23932 | Q96942940 | Zosimus | male | ancient Greek epigrammatist | human | ||||||
23933 | Q16658175 | Zosimus of Ascalona | male | rhéteur grec de l'Antiquité | human | 0550 | Gaza City | ||||
23934 | Q21625888 | Zosimus of Thasos | male | ancient Greek poet | human | Thasos | |||||
23935 | Q107248407 | Zosteria | epithet of Athena and Apollo | epithet | |||||||
23936 | Q4024839 | Zoticus | male | partner of Elagabalus | human | citizen | 0300 | ||||
23937 | Q8074592 | Zoticus of Comana | male | martyr, saint and bishop | human | citizen | 0204 | ||||
23938 | Q3464125 | Zoticus of Constantinople | male | Christian martyr | human | citizen | 0350 | Rome | |||
23939 | Q15295548 | Cleobulina | female | madre de Tales de Mileto | human |