Classical Antiquity Person Collection

A dataset of about 24 000 Wikidata Person IDs that might prove useful for annotating persons in an ancient Greek literary text

Search only persons mentioned by Pausanias in Recogito Annotation
Total search results: 23939
Wikidata IDpersonPausanias PersongenderDescriptionentitycitizendeathfathermotherbirthplace
201 Q15360016Actaeafemaledaughter of Danausmythological Greek characterDanausPieria
202 Q12898582ActaeaἈκταίανfemaleNereid of Greek mythologyNereidsNereusDoris
203 Q9581658Actaeonmaleson of Melissus loved by Archiasmythological Greek characterMelissus father of Actaeon
204 Q208531ActaeonἈκταίωνοςmaleson of Aristaeus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterAristaeusAutonoë
205 Q4425724Actaeon's Dogsmythological dogsgroup of dogs
206 Q4425724Actaeon's Dogsmythological dogsgroup of Greek mythical characters
207 Q421808ActaeusἈκταῖονmaleGreek mythical character, first king of Atticamythological Greek character
208 Q21547854ActaeusmaleGreek mythical character, father of Telamonmythological Greek character
209 Q106616246Acteisfemalemother of Clonius in Greek mythologymythological Greek character
210 Q2657834Actismalemythical son of Heliusmythological Greek characterHeliosRhodos
211 Q4677443ActisanesmaleAncient Greek mythological King of Ethiopiahuman
212 Q21547864Actiusepithet of Apollo from Actiumepithet
213 Q21547867Actonmaleson of Myrmidon in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterMyrmidonPisidice
214 Q17521119ActormaleGreek mythical character, son of Hippasusmythological Greek character
215 Q17521118Actormaleson of Acastus, figure of Greek mythologymythological Greek characterAcastus
216 Q21547872ActormaleLapithmythological Greek character
217 Q21547875Actormalecompanion of Aeneasmythological Greek character
218 Q21547870Actormaleson of Poseidon in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterPoseidonAgamede
219 Q2823758ActorἌκτοροςmaleson of Azeus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterAzeus
220 Q2823762Actormaleking in Greek mythologyking in Greek mythologyMyrmidonPisidice
221 Q2823762Actormaleking in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterMyrmidonPisidice
222 Q2473937ActormaleSon of Deion, figure of Greek mythologymythological Greek characterDeioneusDiomede
223 Q24055358Actor of Phocismaleargonaut, son of Hippasusmythological Greek characterHippasus
224 Q423424Actor son of PhorbasἌκτοροςmaleking in Greek mythologyking in Greek mythologyMyrmidonHyrmine
225 Q423424Actor son of PhorbasἌκτοροςmaleking in Greek mythologyking in Greek mythologyPhorbasHyrmine
226 Q423424Actor son of PhorbasἌκτοροςmaleking in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterPhorbasHyrmine
227 Q423424Actor son of PhorbasἌκτοροςmaleking in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterMyrmidonHyrmine
228 Q12873261Actoridafemalecharacter from Greek mythologymythological Greek character
229 Q21547878Actorionmaleson of Irus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterIrus
230 Q423734Acumenusmale5th-century BC Greek physicianhumancitizen-0460
231 Q423894AcusilausἈκουσιλάῳmaleancient Greek logographer and mythographerhumanArgos
232 Q28918912Acusilaus of Cyrenemaleancient Greek olympic victor in stadionhumanCyrene
233 Q11904135Acusilaus of RhodesἈκουσίλαοςmaleboxerhuman-0460Diagoras of RhodesIalysos
234 Q775658Acutiafemalewife of Publius Vitellius the Youngerhumancitizen0100father Labelmother Labelbirthplace Label
235 Q235788Ada of Cariafemalesatrap of Cariahuman-0325HecatomnusMuğla
236 Q346767Adaeusmaleancient Greek poethuman
237 Q346769Adaeus AlectryonmaleMacedonian officer under Philip IIhuman-0352
238 Q346780Adaeus of Mitylenemaleancient Greek poethuman-0300Mytilene
239 Q70899Adammalefirst man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islammythical characterdeathGarden of Eden
240 Q70899Adamandrogynosfirst man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islamhuman biblical figuredeathGarden of Eden
241 Q70899Adamandrogynosfirst man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and IslamprotoplastdeathGarden of Eden
242 Q70899Adamandrogynosfirst man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islammythical characterdeathGarden of Eden
243 Q70899Adammalefirst man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islamhuman biblical figuredeathGarden of Eden
244 Q70899Adammalefirst man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and IslamprotoplastdeathGarden of Eden
245 Q351469Adamantiusmaleancient Roman Jewish physicianhumancitizen0500Alexandria
246 Q3605031Adamantiusmalepolitician and diplomathumancitizen
247 Q4680115AdamantiusmaleChristian writerpseudo-authorAnatolia
248 Q4680115AdamantiusmaleChristian writerhumanAnatolia
249 Q3605023AdamasmaleGreek mythical character, son of Asiusmythological Greek charactercitizenAsius
250 Q12076717Adamastusmaleancient greek mythology personnagemythological Greek character
251 Q352278Adanusmaleson of Uranus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterUranusGaia
252 Q353570AdeimantusἈδείμαντονmale5th-century BC Greek generalhumancitizen-0460Classical Athens
253 Q12898586Adeimantusmaleflatterer of Demetrios Poliorketeshuman
254 Q12873040Adeimantusmalemythical king in the Argolidmythological Greek character
255 Q353580Adeimantus of Collytusmalebrother of Platohumancitizen-0381Ariston of AthensPerictioneKollytos
256 Q353577Adeimantus of Corinthmale5th century BCE Corinthian naval commanderhumancitizen-0500
257 Q12956051Adejmalegreek retorhuman
258 Q3605188Adelphiafemalenobildonna romanahumancitizen0355
259 Q332942Adeodatusmalemonkhumancitizen0388Augustine of HippoCarthage
260 Q12873052Adiantefemaledaughter of Danausmythological Greek characterDanaus
261 Q356947Adiatorixmale1st-century BC Galatian priest and ruler of Comana in Cappadociahumancitizen-0028father Labelmother LabelAncient Rome
262 Q3605348Adimantusmalefollower of Manihuman
263 Q15406622Aditefemaledaughter of Danausmythological Greek characterDanausPieria
264 Q17748154Admetefemaledaughter of Amphidamas in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterAmphidamas
265 Q927322Admetefemaledaughter of Eurystheus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterEurystheusAdmete
266 Q927322Admetefemaledaughter of Eurystheus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterEurystheusAntimache
267 Q4679171AdmetefemaleOceanid of Greek mythologyOkeanidOceanusTethys
268 Q21547898Admétofemaledaughter of Pontus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterPontusThalassa
269 Q192109AdmetusἌδμητόςmaleking of Pherae in Thessaly, in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterPheres
270 Q91121089AdmetusἈδμήτουmaleson of Augeias, represented in Iliupersis painting at Delphimythological Greek charactercitizenAugias
271 Q163920AdonisἌδωνινmaleGreek god of beauty and desireGreek deityTheiasAlphesiboea
272 Q163920AdonisἌδωνινmaleGreek god of beauty and desireGreek deityCinyrasAlphesiboea
273 Q163920AdonisἌδωνινmaleGreek god of beauty and desireGreek deityPhoenixAlphesiboea
274 Q163920AdonisἌδωνινmaleGreek god of beauty and desireGreek deityTheiasMyrrha
275 Q163920AdonisἌδωνινmaleGreek god of beauty and desireGreek deityCinyrasMyrrha
276 Q163920AdonisἌδωνινmaleGreek god of beauty and desireGreek deityPhoenixMyrrha
277 Q4057954AdrasteiafemaleGreek nymphGreek nymphOceanusAmalthea
278 Q4057954AdrasteiafemaleGreek nymphGreek nymphMelissus of CreteAmalthea
279 Q16737262AdrasteiaἈδράστειαfemalemountain goddess in Greek mythologyGreek deityZeusThemis
280 Q16737262AdrasteiaἈδράστειαfemalemountain goddess in Greek mythologyGreek deityZeusAnanke
281 Q4684706Adrastos of Kyzikosmaleancient Greek mathematicianhumanCyzicus
282 Q107092424Adrastos the LydianἌδραστονmalevolunteer for the Greek cities resisting Macedon, honored by a statuehumancitizen
283 Q3294469Adrastusmaleson of Gordias, king of Phrygiamythological Greek characterGordias
284 Q18643761AdrastusmaleGreek mythical character, son of Herculesmythological Greek characterHeracles
285 Q21547912Adrastusmalemythological Trojan in the Iliadmythological Greek character
286 Q21547914Adrastusmalemythical son of Polyneicesmythological Greek characterPolynicesArgea
287 Q223152AdrastusἈδράστουmalemythological king of Argosking in Greek mythologyTalausEurynome
288 Q223152AdrastusἈδράστουmalemythological king of Argosmythological Greek characterTalausEurynome
289 Q2824994Adrastusmalemythological Greek character, father of Eurydicemythological Greek character
290 Q4057953AdrastusmaleGreek mythical character, son of Meropsmythological Greek characterMerops Perkosios
291 Q2530523Adrastus of Aphrodisiasmaleancient Greek philosopherhumancitizenAphrodisias
292 Q16160790Adrastus the Phrygianmaleaccidental killer of son of Croesusmythological Greek character
293 Q12873053Adrestafemaleslave of Helen in the Odysseymythological Greek character
294 Q100331355Adrian of Antiochmaleexégète antiquehuman
295 Q374822Adrian of NicomediamaleHerculian Guard of the Roman Emperor Galerius Maximianhumancitizen0306ProbusConstantinople
296 Q11904212AdrianusmaleByzantine theologianhuman
297 Q2080167Adrianusmaleancient Greek poethuman
298 Q1271013Adrianus of Tyremalesophist during the reigns of Marcus Aurelius and Commodushumancitizen0193Tyre
299 Q376216Adriasmalemythical charactermythological Greek character
300 Q377669AdristasΔρίσταmalemythical charactermythological Greek character
301 Q17048369Adrymesmalepersonaggio della mitologia grecamythological Greek character
302 Q3605352Adymnusmaleson of Cephalus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterCephalusEos
303 Q107174537Aeafemalemythological Greek character
304 Q85739907Aeacesmalepère de Polycratèshuman
305 Q11917954AeacesmaleLate 6th/early 5th century BC ruler of Samoshuman-0478SylosonSamos
306 Q403361AeacidaeΑἰακιδῶνmythical dynasty descended from Aeacus, associated with Aeginadynasty
307 Q403377Aeacides of EpirusΑἰακίδουmaleRuler of Ancient Epirushuman-0312Arybbas of EpirusTroasEpirus
308 Q206187AeacusΑἰακὸνmaleson of Zeus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterZeusAeginaAegina
309 Q15781889Aeanesmaleson of Amphidamas in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterAmphidamas
310 Q403400Aeantidesmaleancient Greek tragic poethuman-0300
311 Q403403Aeantides of LampsacusmaleLampsacus politicianhumancitizenHippoclus
312 Q403408Aeantides of Miletusmalefought with Lysander at Aegospotami, he was represented in a votive group in Delphihumancitizen
313 Q16329939Aeanusmaleson of Elymus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterElymus
314 Q15781890Aeatusmaleson of Pheidippus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterPheidippus
315 Q97824075Aebutiafemaledama romana de principios del siglo II a. C.humancitizen-0200Aebutiusmother Labelbirthplace Label
316 Q97824081Aebutiusmaleabuelo de Publio Ebuciohypothetical personcitizendeathfather Labelmother Labelbirthplace Label
317 Q97824086Aebutiusmalefather of Publius Aebutiushypothetical personcitizendeathAebutiusmother Labelbirthplace Label
318 Q3607060AechmagorasΑἰχμαγόρανmaleGreek mythical character, son of Herculesmythological Greek characterHeraclesPhialo
319 Q91121903Aechmeas of ParapotamiΑἰχμέας Παραποτάμιοςmalewinner in Pythian gameshumancitizen
320 Q91121903Aechmeas of ParapotamiΑἰχμέας Παραποτάμιοςmalewinner in Pythian gamesPythian games winnercitizen
321 Q15781893Aechmodicusmalemythological Greek character, lover of Amphissa or Metopemythological Greek character
322 Q404962Aeclusmaleson of Xuthus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterXuthus
323 Q2382393Aedesiafemalephilosopher (0410-0480)humancitizen0500
324 Q19918454Aedesiusmalehomme politique romainhumancitizen0390
325 Q404023AedesiusmaleNeoplatonist philosopherhumancitizen0355Cappadocia
326 Q4687473Aedesius of Alexandriamalesainthumancitizen0306Patara
327 Q12279512Aedia Serviliafemalewife of Manius Acilius Aviolahumancitizen
328 Q97213544Aëdonfemalepersonnage de la mythologie grecquemythological Greek character
329 Q368853Aëdonfemaledaughter of Pandareus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterPandareus
330 Q241971AeëtesΑἰήτῃmaleson of Helios in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterHeliosPerse
331 Q241971AeëtesΑἰήτῃmaleson of Helios in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterHeliosAntiope
332 Q4687519AegafemaleGreek mythical character, daughter of Olenus, nurse of Zeusmythological Greek characterOlenus
333 Q4687519AegafemaleGreek mythical character, daughter of Olenus, nurse of Zeusmythological Greek characterMelissus of Crete
334 Q4687519AegafemaleGreek mythical character, daughter of Olenus, nurse of Zeusmythological Greek characterHelios
335 Q21547930Aegaeonmalemythical son of Lycaon of Arcadiamythological Greek characterLycaon
336 Q3751604Aegeafemalemythological queen of the Amazons, eponymeponymcitizen
337 Q3751604Aegeafemalemythological queen of the Amazons, eponymmythological Greek charactercitizen
338 Q3751604Aegeafemalemythological queen of the Amazons, eponymking in Greek mythologycitizen
339 Q17115124AegeoneusmaleGreek mythical character, son of Priammythological Greek characterPriam
340 Q20100469Aegestafemalemother of Acestes in Greek mythologymythological Greek character
341 Q191725AegeusΑἰγεὺςmalemythical king of Athensmythological Greek charactercitizenPandion IIPylia
342 Q4687553AegeusΑἰγέωςmaleson of Oeolycus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterOeolycus
343 Q21547936Aegialefemalesaid to be one of the Charites or Graces in Greek mythologymythological Greek character
344 Q41311Aegialefemalein Greek mythology, daughter of Adrastus married to Diomedesmythological Greek characterAegialeusAmphithea
345 Q41311Aegialefemalein Greek mythology, daughter of Adrastus married to Diomedesmythological Greek characterAdrastusAmphithea
346 Q404396Aegialefemalein Greek mythology, daughter of Helios and ClymeneGreek nymphHeliosKlymene
347 Q404396Aegialefemalein Greek mythology, daughter of Helios and ClymeneHeliadesHeliosKlymene
348 Q18246355Aegialeusmaleeponymous king of Aegialea in Greecemythological Greek character
349 Q4687559Aegialeusmalegeneral of the Achaean Leaguehuman-0201
350 Q1422648AegialeusΑἰγιαλέωςmalemythical king of Sicyonmythological Greek characterPhoroneusMelia
351 Q1422648AegialeusΑἰγιαλέωςmalemythical king of Sicyonmythological Greek characterInachusMelia
352 Q10966726AegialeusΑἰγιαλέωςmaleKing of Argos, son of Adrastusmythological Greek characterAdrastusAmphithea
353 Q108619595Aegialusmalemythical son of Caunusmythological Greek characterCaunusPronoe
354 Q336937AegidiusmaleGallo-Roman general and ruler of the short-lived Kingdom of Soissons from 461 to 465humancitizen0464Lugdunum
355 Q404326AegimiusΑἰγιμίουmalemythical characterking in Greek mythologyDorus
356 Q4893810Aegimusmaleancient Greek physicianhuman
357 Q321298AeginaΑἴγινανfemalenymph, eponym of the island AeginaGreek nymphAsopusMetope
358 Q19609964Aeginetesmaleancient Greek artisthuman
359 Q5820385AeginetesΑἰγινήτηνmalemythical son of Pompus, king in Arcadiamythological Greek characterPompus of Arcadia
360 Q106922918Aeginetes son of DereitesΑἰγινήτουmalemythical father of Peliasmythological Greek character
361 Q3088918Aegipanmaleson of Apollo in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterApolloAega
362 Q3088918Aegipanmaleson of Apollo in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterZeusAega
363 Q212091AegisthusΑἴγισθονmaleson of Thyestes in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterThyestesPelopeia
364 Q15703323AegiusmaleGreek mythical character, son of Aegyptusmythological Greek characterAegyptus
365 Q617160AeglefemaleGreek mythological character, daughter of Panopeusmythological Greek characterPanopeus
366 Q3586199Aeglefemaleone of the daughters of Asclepius by Epionemythological Greek characterAsclepiusLampetia
367 Q3586199Aeglefemaleone of the daughters of Asclepius by Epionemythological Greek characterAsclepiusEpione
368 Q21272183AegleΑἴγληςfemaleGreek mythical character, HesperidHesperidesHesperus
369 Q26276980AeglefemaleThe most beautiful of the NaiadsnaiadZeus
370 Q4529779AegleisfemaleAncient Greek mythological figuremythological Greek characterHyacinthus the Lacedaemonian
371 Q21547957AegoliusmaleCretan who entered the cave of Zeus and was turned into a birdmythological Greek character
372 Q122079200Aegophagusepithet of Hera attested in Spartaepithet
373 Q4687678AegypiusmaleGreek mythical charactermythological Greek characterBulis
374 Q93737534Aegyptiusmalecharacter from Greek mythologymythological Greek character
375 Q404844AegyptusΑἰγύπτουmaleson of Belus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterBelusAnchiroe
376 Q15360046Aegyptusmaleson of Aegyptus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterAegyptusGorgo
377 Q108443552Aegyrusmalemythological Greek character
378 Q28937388Aeithales of Alexandriamaleancient Greek olympics victor in stadionhumanAlexandria
379 Q98690973Aeliafemalesecond wife of Roman dictator Sullahumancitizenfather Labelmother LabelAncient Rome
380 Q3722901Aelia Domitia Paulinafemalesister of emperor Hadrianhumancitizen0130Publius Aelius Hadrianus AferDomitia Paulina
381 Q229307Aelia EudociafemaleGreek Eastern Roman Empress by marriage to Byzantine emperor Theodosius II (c.401-460)humancitizen0460LeontiusAthens
382 Q229307Aelia EudociafemaleGreek Eastern Roman Empress by marriage to Byzantine emperor Theodosius II (c.401-460)humancitizen0460LeontiusAthens
383 Q235603Aelia Flaccillafemale4th-century Roman empresshumancitizen0386Flavius Claudius AntoniusHispania
384 Q235603Aelia Flaccillafemale4th-century Roman empresshumancitizen0386Flavius Claudius AntoniusHispania
385 Q4531268Aelia Junillafemaledaughter of Sejanushumancitizen0031SejanusApicata
386 Q238448Aelia Paetinafemalesecond wife of Roman emperor Claudiushumancitizen0100Sextus Aelius Catus
387 Q16097807Aelia Plautillafemalemother of Avidia, the mother of Lucius VerushumancitizendeathLucius Aelius Plautius Lamia AelianusDomitia Longinabirthplace Label
388 Q27924488Aelia SabinafemaleRoman singer and organist womanhumancitizen
389 Q106654414Aelia SecundinafemaleRoman in the second half of the 2nd centuryhumancitizen
390 Q313782AelianmaleRoman author and teacher (c.175–c.235)humancitizen0235Palestrina
391 Q4687698Aelianusmalechief Roman officer in charge of the defense of Amida during the siege of 359 by Shah Shapur IIhumancitizen0359
392 Q380788Aelianusmale3rd-century Gallic rebelhumancitizen0286
393 Q380793Aelianus Tacticusmale2nd-century Greek military writerhumancitizen0200
394 Q106682177Aelius Anthusmalepraepositus structorum in the second half of the 2nd centuryhumancitizen
395 Q3625041Aelius AntipatermaleGreek sophist and Roman governorhumancitizen0300Hierapolis
396 Q354431Aelius Aristidesmale2nd century Greek rhetorician and authorhumancitizen0189Hadrianoi
397 Q354431Aelius Aristidesmale2nd century Greek rhetorician and authorhumancitizen0185Hadrianoi
398 Q109374782Aelius Asclepiadesmaleancient author of a work on wreathshumancitizen
399 Q88175061Aelius BassianusmaleRoman soldierhumancitizen
400 Q18572168Aelius BrocchusmaleRoman army officer in Britanniahumancitizen

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