Classical Antiquity Person Collection
A dataset of about 24 000 Wikidata Person IDs that might prove useful for annotating persons in an ancient Greek literary text
Total search results: 23939
▲ | Wikidata ID | person | Pausanias Person | gender | Description | entity | citizen | death | father | mother | birthplace |
201 | Q15360016 | Actaea | female | daughter of Danaus | mythological Greek character | Danaus | Pieria | ||||
202 | Q12898582 | Actaea | Ἀκταίαν | female | Nereid of Greek mythology | Nereids | Nereus | Doris | |||
203 | Q9581658 | Actaeon | male | son of Melissus loved by Archias | mythological Greek character | Melissus father of Actaeon | |||||
204 | Q208531 | Actaeon | Ἀκταίωνος | male | son of Aristaeus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Aristaeus | Autonoë | |||
205 | Q4425724 | Actaeon's Dogs | mythological dogs | group of dogs | |||||||
206 | Q4425724 | Actaeon's Dogs | mythological dogs | group of Greek mythical characters | |||||||
207 | Q421808 | Actaeus | Ἀκταῖον | male | Greek mythical character, first king of Attica | mythological Greek character | |||||
208 | Q21547854 | Actaeus | male | Greek mythical character, father of Telamon | mythological Greek character | ||||||
209 | Q106616246 | Acteis | female | mother of Clonius in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
210 | Q2657834 | Actis | male | mythical son of Helius | mythological Greek character | Helios | Rhodos | ||||
211 | Q4677443 | Actisanes | male | Ancient Greek mythological King of Ethiopia | human | ||||||
212 | Q21547864 | Actius | epithet of Apollo from Actium | epithet | |||||||
213 | Q21547867 | Acton | male | son of Myrmidon in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Myrmidon | Pisidice | ||||
214 | Q17521119 | Actor | male | Greek mythical character, son of Hippasus | mythological Greek character | ||||||
215 | Q17521118 | Actor | male | son of Acastus, figure of Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Acastus | |||||
216 | Q21547872 | Actor | male | Lapith | mythological Greek character | ||||||
217 | Q21547875 | Actor | male | companion of Aeneas | mythological Greek character | ||||||
218 | Q21547870 | Actor | male | son of Poseidon in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Poseidon | Agamede | ||||
219 | Q2823758 | Actor | Ἄκτορος | male | son of Azeus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Azeus | ||||
220 | Q2823762 | Actor | male | king in Greek mythology | king in Greek mythology | Myrmidon | Pisidice | ||||
221 | Q2823762 | Actor | male | king in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Myrmidon | Pisidice | ||||
222 | Q2473937 | Actor | male | Son of Deion, figure of Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Deioneus | Diomede | ||||
223 | Q24055358 | Actor of Phocis | male | argonaut, son of Hippasus | mythological Greek character | Hippasus | |||||
224 | Q423424 | Actor son of Phorbas | Ἄκτορος | male | king in Greek mythology | king in Greek mythology | Myrmidon | Hyrmine | |||
225 | Q423424 | Actor son of Phorbas | Ἄκτορος | male | king in Greek mythology | king in Greek mythology | Phorbas | Hyrmine | |||
226 | Q423424 | Actor son of Phorbas | Ἄκτορος | male | king in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Phorbas | Hyrmine | |||
227 | Q423424 | Actor son of Phorbas | Ἄκτορος | male | king in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Myrmidon | Hyrmine | |||
228 | Q12873261 | Actorida | female | character from Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
229 | Q21547878 | Actorion | male | son of Irus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Irus | |||||
230 | Q423734 | Acumenus | male | 5th-century BC Greek physician | human | citizen | -0460 | ||||
231 | Q423894 | Acusilaus | Ἀκουσιλάῳ | male | ancient Greek logographer and mythographer | human | Argos | ||||
232 | Q28918912 | Acusilaus of Cyrene | male | ancient Greek olympic victor in stadion | human | Cyrene | |||||
233 | Q11904135 | Acusilaus of Rhodes | Ἀκουσίλαος | male | boxer | human | -0460 | Diagoras of Rhodes | Ialysos | ||
234 | Q775658 | Acutia | female | wife of Publius Vitellius the Younger | human | citizen | 0100 | father Label | mother Label | birthplace Label | |
235 | Q235788 | Ada of Caria | female | satrap of Caria | human | -0325 | Hecatomnus | Muğla | |||
236 | Q346767 | Adaeus | male | ancient Greek poet | human | ||||||
237 | Q346769 | Adaeus Alectryon | male | Macedonian officer under Philip II | human | -0352 | |||||
238 | Q346780 | Adaeus of Mitylene | male | ancient Greek poet | human | -0300 | Mytilene | ||||
239 | Q70899 | Adam | male | first man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam | mythical character | death | Garden of Eden | ||||
240 | Q70899 | Adam | androgynos | first man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam | human biblical figure | death | Garden of Eden | ||||
241 | Q70899 | Adam | androgynos | first man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam | protoplast | death | Garden of Eden | ||||
242 | Q70899 | Adam | androgynos | first man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam | mythical character | death | Garden of Eden | ||||
243 | Q70899 | Adam | male | first man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam | human biblical figure | death | Garden of Eden | ||||
244 | Q70899 | Adam | male | first man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam | protoplast | death | Garden of Eden | ||||
245 | Q351469 | Adamantius | male | ancient Roman Jewish physician | human | citizen | 0500 | Alexandria | |||
246 | Q3605031 | Adamantius | male | politician and diplomat | human | citizen | |||||
247 | Q4680115 | Adamantius | male | Christian writer | pseudo-author | Anatolia | |||||
248 | Q4680115 | Adamantius | male | Christian writer | human | Anatolia | |||||
249 | Q3605023 | Adamas | male | Greek mythical character, son of Asius | mythological Greek character | citizen | Asius | ||||
250 | Q12076717 | Adamastus | male | ancient greek mythology personnage | mythological Greek character | ||||||
251 | Q352278 | Adanus | male | son of Uranus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Uranus | Gaia | ||||
252 | Q353570 | Adeimantus | Ἀδείμαντον | male | 5th-century BC Greek general | human | citizen | -0460 | Classical Athens | ||
253 | Q12898586 | Adeimantus | male | flatterer of Demetrios Poliorketes | human | ||||||
254 | Q12873040 | Adeimantus | male | mythical king in the Argolid | mythological Greek character | ||||||
255 | Q353580 | Adeimantus of Collytus | male | brother of Plato | human | citizen | -0381 | Ariston of Athens | Perictione | Kollytos | |
256 | Q353577 | Adeimantus of Corinth | male | 5th century BCE Corinthian naval commander | human | citizen | -0500 | ||||
257 | Q12956051 | Adej | male | greek retor | human | ||||||
258 | Q3605188 | Adelphia | female | nobildonna romana | human | citizen | 0355 | ||||
259 | Q332942 | Adeodatus | male | monk | human | citizen | 0388 | Augustine of Hippo | Carthage | ||
260 | Q12873052 | Adiante | female | daughter of Danaus | mythological Greek character | Danaus | |||||
261 | Q356947 | Adiatorix | male | 1st-century BC Galatian priest and ruler of Comana in Cappadocia | human | citizen | -0028 | father Label | mother Label | Ancient Rome | |
262 | Q3605348 | Adimantus | male | follower of Mani | human | ||||||
263 | Q15406622 | Adite | female | daughter of Danaus | mythological Greek character | Danaus | Pieria | ||||
264 | Q17748154 | Admete | female | daughter of Amphidamas in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Amphidamas | |||||
265 | Q927322 | Admete | female | daughter of Eurystheus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Eurystheus | Admete | ||||
266 | Q927322 | Admete | female | daughter of Eurystheus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Eurystheus | Antimache | ||||
267 | Q4679171 | Admete | female | Oceanid of Greek mythology | Okeanid | Oceanus | Tethys | ||||
268 | Q21547898 | Adméto | female | daughter of Pontus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Pontus | Thalassa | ||||
269 | Q192109 | Admetus | Ἄδμητός | male | king of Pherae in Thessaly, in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Pheres | ||||
270 | Q91121089 | Admetus | Ἀδμήτου | male | son of Augeias, represented in Iliupersis painting at Delphi | mythological Greek character | citizen | Augias | |||
271 | Q163920 | Adonis | Ἄδωνιν | male | Greek god of beauty and desire | Greek deity | Theias | Alphesiboea | |||
272 | Q163920 | Adonis | Ἄδωνιν | male | Greek god of beauty and desire | Greek deity | Cinyras | Alphesiboea | |||
273 | Q163920 | Adonis | Ἄδωνιν | male | Greek god of beauty and desire | Greek deity | Phoenix | Alphesiboea | |||
274 | Q163920 | Adonis | Ἄδωνιν | male | Greek god of beauty and desire | Greek deity | Theias | Myrrha | |||
275 | Q163920 | Adonis | Ἄδωνιν | male | Greek god of beauty and desire | Greek deity | Cinyras | Myrrha | |||
276 | Q163920 | Adonis | Ἄδωνιν | male | Greek god of beauty and desire | Greek deity | Phoenix | Myrrha | |||
277 | Q4057954 | Adrasteia | female | Greek nymph | Greek nymph | Oceanus | Amalthea | ||||
278 | Q4057954 | Adrasteia | female | Greek nymph | Greek nymph | Melissus of Crete | Amalthea | ||||
279 | Q16737262 | Adrasteia | Ἀδράστεια | female | mountain goddess in Greek mythology | Greek deity | Zeus | Themis | |||
280 | Q16737262 | Adrasteia | Ἀδράστεια | female | mountain goddess in Greek mythology | Greek deity | Zeus | Ananke | |||
281 | Q4684706 | Adrastos of Kyzikos | male | ancient Greek mathematician | human | Cyzicus | |||||
282 | Q107092424 | Adrastos the Lydian | Ἄδραστον | male | volunteer for the Greek cities resisting Macedon, honored by a statue | human | citizen | ||||
283 | Q3294469 | Adrastus | male | son of Gordias, king of Phrygia | mythological Greek character | Gordias | |||||
284 | Q18643761 | Adrastus | male | Greek mythical character, son of Hercules | mythological Greek character | Heracles | |||||
285 | Q21547912 | Adrastus | male | mythological Trojan in the Iliad | mythological Greek character | ||||||
286 | Q21547914 | Adrastus | male | mythical son of Polyneices | mythological Greek character | Polynices | Argea | ||||
287 | Q223152 | Adrastus | Ἀδράστου | male | mythological king of Argos | king in Greek mythology | Talaus | Eurynome | |||
288 | Q223152 | Adrastus | Ἀδράστου | male | mythological king of Argos | mythological Greek character | Talaus | Eurynome | |||
289 | Q2824994 | Adrastus | male | mythological Greek character, father of Eurydice | mythological Greek character | ||||||
290 | Q4057953 | Adrastus | male | Greek mythical character, son of Merops | mythological Greek character | Merops Perkosios | |||||
291 | Q2530523 | Adrastus of Aphrodisias | male | ancient Greek philosopher | human | citizen | Aphrodisias | ||||
292 | Q16160790 | Adrastus the Phrygian | male | accidental killer of son of Croesus | mythological Greek character | ||||||
293 | Q12873053 | Adresta | female | slave of Helen in the Odyssey | mythological Greek character | ||||||
294 | Q100331355 | Adrian of Antioch | male | exégète antique | human | ||||||
295 | Q374822 | Adrian of Nicomedia | male | Herculian Guard of the Roman Emperor Galerius Maximian | human | citizen | 0306 | Probus | Constantinople | ||
296 | Q11904212 | Adrianus | male | Byzantine theologian | human | ||||||
297 | Q2080167 | Adrianus | male | ancient Greek poet | human | ||||||
298 | Q1271013 | Adrianus of Tyre | male | sophist during the reigns of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus | human | citizen | 0193 | Tyre | |||
299 | Q376216 | Adrias | male | mythical character | mythological Greek character | ||||||
300 | Q377669 | Adristas | Δρίστα | male | mythical character | mythological Greek character | |||||
301 | Q17048369 | Adrymes | male | personaggio della mitologia greca | mythological Greek character | ||||||
302 | Q3605352 | Adymnus | male | son of Cephalus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Cephalus | Eos | ||||
303 | Q107174537 | Aea | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
304 | Q85739907 | Aeaces | male | père de Polycratès | human | ||||||
305 | Q11917954 | Aeaces | male | Late 6th/early 5th century BC ruler of Samos | human | -0478 | Syloson | Samos | |||
306 | Q403361 | Aeacidae | Αἰακιδῶν | mythical dynasty descended from Aeacus, associated with Aegina | dynasty | ||||||
307 | Q403377 | Aeacides of Epirus | Αἰακίδου | male | Ruler of Ancient Epirus | human | -0312 | Arybbas of Epirus | Troas | Epirus | |
308 | Q206187 | Aeacus | Αἰακὸν | male | son of Zeus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Zeus | Aegina | Aegina | ||
309 | Q15781889 | Aeanes | male | son of Amphidamas in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Amphidamas | |||||
310 | Q403400 | Aeantides | male | ancient Greek tragic poet | human | -0300 | |||||
311 | Q403403 | Aeantides of Lampsacus | male | Lampsacus politician | human | citizen | Hippoclus | ||||
312 | Q403408 | Aeantides of Miletus | male | fought with Lysander at Aegospotami, he was represented in a votive group in Delphi | human | citizen | |||||
313 | Q16329939 | Aeanus | male | son of Elymus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Elymus | |||||
314 | Q15781890 | Aeatus | male | son of Pheidippus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Pheidippus | |||||
315 | Q97824075 | Aebutia | female | dama romana de principios del siglo II a. C. | human | citizen | -0200 | Aebutius | mother Label | birthplace Label | |
316 | Q97824081 | Aebutius | male | abuelo de Publio Ebucio | hypothetical person | citizen | death | father Label | mother Label | birthplace Label | |
317 | Q97824086 | Aebutius | male | father of Publius Aebutius | hypothetical person | citizen | death | Aebutius | mother Label | birthplace Label | |
318 | Q3607060 | Aechmagoras | Αἰχμαγόραν | male | Greek mythical character, son of Hercules | mythological Greek character | Heracles | Phialo | |||
319 | Q91121903 | Aechmeas of Parapotami | Αἰχμέας Παραποτάμιος | male | winner in Pythian games | human | citizen | ||||
320 | Q91121903 | Aechmeas of Parapotami | Αἰχμέας Παραποτάμιος | male | winner in Pythian games | Pythian games winner | citizen | ||||
321 | Q15781893 | Aechmodicus | male | mythological Greek character, lover of Amphissa or Metope | mythological Greek character | ||||||
322 | Q404962 | Aeclus | male | son of Xuthus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Xuthus | |||||
323 | Q2382393 | Aedesia | female | philosopher (0410-0480) | human | citizen | 0500 | ||||
324 | Q19918454 | Aedesius | male | homme politique romain | human | citizen | 0390 | ||||
325 | Q404023 | Aedesius | male | Neoplatonist philosopher | human | citizen | 0355 | Cappadocia | |||
326 | Q4687473 | Aedesius of Alexandria | male | saint | human | citizen | 0306 | Patara | |||
327 | Q12279512 | Aedia Servilia | female | wife of Manius Acilius Aviola | human | citizen | |||||
328 | Q97213544 | Aëdon | female | personnage de la mythologie grecque | mythological Greek character | ||||||
329 | Q368853 | Aëdon | female | daughter of Pandareus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Pandareus | |||||
330 | Q241971 | Aeëtes | Αἰήτῃ | male | son of Helios in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Helios | Perse | |||
331 | Q241971 | Aeëtes | Αἰήτῃ | male | son of Helios in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Helios | Antiope | |||
332 | Q4687519 | Aega | female | Greek mythical character, daughter of Olenus, nurse of Zeus | mythological Greek character | Olenus | |||||
333 | Q4687519 | Aega | female | Greek mythical character, daughter of Olenus, nurse of Zeus | mythological Greek character | Melissus of Crete | |||||
334 | Q4687519 | Aega | female | Greek mythical character, daughter of Olenus, nurse of Zeus | mythological Greek character | Helios | |||||
335 | Q21547930 | Aegaeon | male | mythical son of Lycaon of Arcadia | mythological Greek character | Lycaon | |||||
336 | Q3751604 | Aegea | female | mythological queen of the Amazons, eponym | eponym | citizen | |||||
337 | Q3751604 | Aegea | female | mythological queen of the Amazons, eponym | mythological Greek character | citizen | |||||
338 | Q3751604 | Aegea | female | mythological queen of the Amazons, eponym | king in Greek mythology | citizen | |||||
339 | Q17115124 | Aegeoneus | male | Greek mythical character, son of Priam | mythological Greek character | Priam | |||||
340 | Q20100469 | Aegesta | female | mother of Acestes in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
341 | Q191725 | Aegeus | Αἰγεὺς | male | mythical king of Athens | mythological Greek character | citizen | Pandion II | Pylia | ||
342 | Q4687553 | Aegeus | Αἰγέως | male | son of Oeolycus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Oeolycus | ||||
343 | Q21547936 | Aegiale | female | said to be one of the Charites or Graces in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
344 | Q41311 | Aegiale | female | in Greek mythology, daughter of Adrastus married to Diomedes | mythological Greek character | Aegialeus | Amphithea | ||||
345 | Q41311 | Aegiale | female | in Greek mythology, daughter of Adrastus married to Diomedes | mythological Greek character | Adrastus | Amphithea | ||||
346 | Q404396 | Aegiale | female | in Greek mythology, daughter of Helios and Clymene | Greek nymph | Helios | Klymene | ||||
347 | Q404396 | Aegiale | female | in Greek mythology, daughter of Helios and Clymene | Heliades | Helios | Klymene | ||||
348 | Q18246355 | Aegialeus | male | eponymous king of Aegialea in Greece | mythological Greek character | ||||||
349 | Q4687559 | Aegialeus | male | general of the Achaean League | human | -0201 | |||||
350 | Q1422648 | Aegialeus | Αἰγιαλέως | male | mythical king of Sicyon | mythological Greek character | Phoroneus | Melia | |||
351 | Q1422648 | Aegialeus | Αἰγιαλέως | male | mythical king of Sicyon | mythological Greek character | Inachus | Melia | |||
352 | Q10966726 | Aegialeus | Αἰγιαλέως | male | King of Argos, son of Adrastus | mythological Greek character | Adrastus | Amphithea | |||
353 | Q108619595 | Aegialus | male | mythical son of Caunus | mythological Greek character | Caunus | Pronoe | ||||
354 | Q336937 | Aegidius | male | Gallo-Roman general and ruler of the short-lived Kingdom of Soissons from 461 to 465 | human | citizen | 0464 | Lugdunum | |||
355 | Q404326 | Aegimius | Αἰγιμίου | male | mythical character | king in Greek mythology | Dorus | ||||
356 | Q4893810 | Aegimus | male | ancient Greek physician | human | ||||||
357 | Q321298 | Aegina | Αἴγιναν | female | nymph, eponym of the island Aegina | Greek nymph | Asopus | Metope | |||
358 | Q19609964 | Aeginetes | male | ancient Greek artist | human | ||||||
359 | Q5820385 | Aeginetes | Αἰγινήτην | male | mythical son of Pompus, king in Arcadia | mythological Greek character | Pompus of Arcadia | ||||
360 | Q106922918 | Aeginetes son of Dereites | Αἰγινήτου | male | mythical father of Pelias | mythological Greek character | |||||
361 | Q3088918 | Aegipan | male | son of Apollo in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Apollo | Aega | ||||
362 | Q3088918 | Aegipan | male | son of Apollo in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Zeus | Aega | ||||
363 | Q212091 | Aegisthus | Αἴγισθον | male | son of Thyestes in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Thyestes | Pelopeia | |||
364 | Q15703323 | Aegius | male | Greek mythical character, son of Aegyptus | mythological Greek character | Aegyptus | |||||
365 | Q617160 | Aegle | female | Greek mythological character, daughter of Panopeus | mythological Greek character | Panopeus | |||||
366 | Q3586199 | Aegle | female | one of the daughters of Asclepius by Epione | mythological Greek character | Asclepius | Lampetia | ||||
367 | Q3586199 | Aegle | female | one of the daughters of Asclepius by Epione | mythological Greek character | Asclepius | Epione | ||||
368 | Q21272183 | Aegle | Αἴγλης | female | Greek mythical character, Hesperid | Hesperides | Hesperus | ||||
369 | Q26276980 | Aegle | female | The most beautiful of the Naiads | naiad | Zeus | |||||
370 | Q4529779 | Aegleis | female | Ancient Greek mythological figure | mythological Greek character | Hyacinthus the Lacedaemonian | |||||
371 | Q21547957 | Aegolius | male | Cretan who entered the cave of Zeus and was turned into a bird | mythological Greek character | ||||||
372 | Q122079200 | Aegophagus | epithet of Hera attested in Sparta | epithet | |||||||
373 | Q4687678 | Aegypius | male | Greek mythical character | mythological Greek character | Bulis | |||||
374 | Q93737534 | Aegyptius | male | character from Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
375 | Q404844 | Aegyptus | Αἰγύπτου | male | son of Belus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Belus | Anchiroe | |||
376 | Q15360046 | Aegyptus | male | son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Aegyptus | Gorgo | ||||
377 | Q108443552 | Aegyrus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
378 | Q28937388 | Aeithales of Alexandria | male | ancient Greek olympics victor in stadion | human | Alexandria | |||||
379 | Q98690973 | Aelia | female | second wife of Roman dictator Sulla | human | citizen | father Label | mother Label | Ancient Rome | ||
380 | Q3722901 | Aelia Domitia Paulina | female | sister of emperor Hadrian | human | citizen | 0130 | Publius Aelius Hadrianus Afer | Domitia Paulina | ||
381 | Q229307 | Aelia Eudocia | female | Greek Eastern Roman Empress by marriage to Byzantine emperor Theodosius II (c.401-460) | human | citizen | 0460 | Leontius | Athens | ||
382 | Q229307 | Aelia Eudocia | female | Greek Eastern Roman Empress by marriage to Byzantine emperor Theodosius II (c.401-460) | human | citizen | 0460 | Leontius | Athens | ||
383 | Q235603 | Aelia Flaccilla | female | 4th-century Roman empress | human | citizen | 0386 | Flavius Claudius Antonius | Hispania | ||
384 | Q235603 | Aelia Flaccilla | female | 4th-century Roman empress | human | citizen | 0386 | Flavius Claudius Antonius | Hispania | ||
385 | Q4531268 | Aelia Junilla | female | daughter of Sejanus | human | citizen | 0031 | Sejanus | Apicata | ||
386 | Q238448 | Aelia Paetina | female | second wife of Roman emperor Claudius | human | citizen | 0100 | Sextus Aelius Catus | |||
387 | Q16097807 | Aelia Plautilla | female | mother of Avidia, the mother of Lucius Verus | human | citizen | death | Lucius Aelius Plautius Lamia Aelianus | Domitia Longina | birthplace Label | |
388 | Q27924488 | Aelia Sabina | female | Roman singer and organist woman | human | citizen | |||||
389 | Q106654414 | Aelia Secundina | female | Roman in the second half of the 2nd century | human | citizen | |||||
390 | Q313782 | Aelian | male | Roman author and teacher (c.175–c.235) | human | citizen | 0235 | Palestrina | |||
391 | Q4687698 | Aelianus | male | chief Roman officer in charge of the defense of Amida during the siege of 359 by Shah Shapur II | human | citizen | 0359 | ||||
392 | Q380788 | Aelianus | male | 3rd-century Gallic rebel | human | citizen | 0286 | ||||
393 | Q380793 | Aelianus Tacticus | male | 2nd-century Greek military writer | human | citizen | 0200 | ||||
394 | Q106682177 | Aelius Anthus | male | praepositus structorum in the second half of the 2nd century | human | citizen | |||||
395 | Q3625041 | Aelius Antipater | male | Greek sophist and Roman governor | human | citizen | 0300 | Hierapolis | |||
396 | Q354431 | Aelius Aristides | male | 2nd century Greek rhetorician and author | human | citizen | 0189 | Hadrianoi | |||
397 | Q354431 | Aelius Aristides | male | 2nd century Greek rhetorician and author | human | citizen | 0185 | Hadrianoi | |||
398 | Q109374782 | Aelius Asclepiades | male | ancient author of a work on wreaths | human | citizen | |||||
399 | Q88175061 | Aelius Bassianus | male | Roman soldier | human | citizen | |||||
400 | Q18572168 | Aelius Brocchus | male | Roman army officer in Britannia | human | citizen |