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View Data from Recogito by 24 Different Annotation Types of Pausanias’ Periegesis

With Links to Wikidata and to Book Sections


Select an annotation type to view the annotations in a table with links to Wikidata and to Book Sections.

You can select between the following 24 types of annotation.

With the view number 25 you can open and read Pausanias’ all 10 books in English and Greek, classified by Book, Chapter and Section.

With the view number 26 you can search among all per­sons included in Wiki­data by this date.

  1. view__events_by_alphabet
  2. view__events_by_section
  3. view__events_grouped_by_sections
  4. view__persons_by_alphabet
  5. view__persons_by_section
  6. view__persons_grouped_by_sections
  7. view__persons_grouped_within_sections
  8. view__places_by_alphabet
  9. view__places_by_section
  10. view__places_grouped_by_sections
  11. view_animals
  12. view_artworks
  13. view_attributes
  14. view_epithets
  15. view_focalisations
  16. view_interventions
  17. view_materials
  18. view_measures
  19. view_movements
  20. view_objects
  21. view_quotes
  22. view_transformations
  23. view_txs
  24. view_works
  25. views_books_grouped_by_section:
    Includes Pausanias’ all 10 books in English and Greek, classified by Book, Chapter and Section.
  26. views_wiki_persons:
    In­cludes all per­sons in Wiki­data by this date.