Classical Antiquity Person Collection
A dataset of about 24 000 Wikidata Person IDs that might prove useful for annotating persons in an ancient Greek literary text
Total search results: 23939
▲ | Wikidata ID | person | Pausanias Person | gender | Description | entity | citizen | death | father | mother | birthplace |
1 | Q97486531 | A. Platorius Nepos Calpurnianus Marcellus | male | c. 98 - s.m. s. II | human | citizen | |||||
2 | Q55619204 | Abante | male | guerrero troyano | mythological Greek character | ||||||
3 | Q305524 | Abantidas | Ἀβαντίδας | male | Tyrant of the Greek city-state of Sicyon from 264 to 252 BC | human | citizen | -0250 | Paseas | ||
4 | Q279782 | Abarbarea | female | water deity | naiad | Aesepus | |||||
6 | Q305566 | Abaris | male | from Cyzicus, killed by Jason in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
7 | Q305567 | Abaris the Hyperborean | Ἄβαριν | male | semi-legendary Greek physician, magician, and prophet of Apollo | human | citizen | ||||
8 | Q15781282 | Abartus | Ἄβαρτον | male | mythical king of Phocaea | mythological Greek character | |||||
9 | Q38098392 | Abas | male | mythical character, defender of Thebes against the Seven | mythological Greek character | ||||||
10 | Q305607 | Abas | Ἄβαντός | male | mythical character, son of Lynceus | mythological Greek character | Lynceus | Hypermnestra | |||
11 | Q305614 | Abas | male | mythical character, son of Poseidon | mythological Greek character | Poseidon | Arethusa | ||||
12 | Q305613 | Abas | Ἄβαντος | male | mythical character, son of Melampus | mythological Greek character | Melampus | ||||
13 | Q305616 | Abas | male | mythical character, trojan companion of Aeneas | mythological Greek character | ||||||
14 | Q305604 | Abas | male | mythical character, companion of Perseus | mythological Greek character | ||||||
15 | Q305611 | Abas | male | mythological character, one of the Centaurs | centaur | Ixion | |||||
16 | Q305609 | Abas | male | mythological character, son of Eurydamas | mythological Greek character | Eurydamas | |||||
17 | Q305608 | Abas | male | ancient Greek historian | human | ||||||
18 | Q305611 | Abas | male | mythological character, one of the Centaurs | mythological Greek character | Ixion | |||||
19 | Q305603 | Abas | male | Etruscan figure in Roman mythology | mythical character | ||||||
20 | Q305603 | Abas | male | Etruscan figure in Roman mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
21 | Q3603128 | Abas | male | mythological character, son of Metaneira | mythological Greek character | Celeus | Metanira | ||||
22 | Q2190860 | Abas | male | one of Diomedes' companions | mythological Greek character | ||||||
23 | Q2359586 | Abasgoi | ancient tribe of Caucasian Iberia | isolated human group | |||||||
24 | Q4663560 | Abassad | male | Egyptian bishop and martyr | human | citizen | |||||
25 | Q15634657 | Abdera | female | mythical daughter of Tydeus | mythological Greek character | Tydeus | Deipyle | ||||
26 | Q122035397 | Abdera | female | Greek mythical character, sister of Diomedes, eponymous hero of Abdera | eponymous hero | ||||||
27 | Q122035397 | Abdera | female | Greek mythical character, sister of Diomedes, eponymous hero of Abdera | mythological Greek character | ||||||
28 | Q308055 | Abderus | male | son of Hermes in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Erimus | |||||
29 | Q308055 | Abderus | male | son of Hermes in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Poseidon | |||||
30 | Q308055 | Abderus | male | son of Hermes in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Menoetius | |||||
31 | Q308055 | Abderus | male | son of Hermes in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Hermes | |||||
34 | Q318778 | Abelox | male | Ancient Roman noble | human | -0260 | |||||
35 | Q3603524 | Abgar VI | male | ruler of Osroene from 71 to 91 CE | human | citizen | 0116 | Q21777960 | |||
36 | Q320830 | Abia | Ἀβίαν | female | mythical character, nurse of Glenus | mythological Greek character | |||||
37 | Q171795 | Abkhazians | Northwest Caucasian ethnic subgroup of Georgia indigenous to Abkhazia | people | |||||||
38 | Q171795 | Abkhazians | Northwest Caucasian ethnic subgroup of Georgia indigenous to Abkhazia | ethnic group | |||||||
42 | Q11903853 | Ablabius | male | Greek physician of the second century | human | citizen | |||||
44 | Q11903863 | Ablabius Murena | male | fictional Roman man formerly considered to be historical | fictional human formerly considered to be historical | citizen | |||||
45 | Q322372 | Ablerus | male | mythical character | mythological Greek character | ||||||
46 | Q2562036 | Abradatas | male | Persian prince | human whose existence is disputed | citizen | |||||
47 | Q9181 | Abraham | male | legendary patriarch in the Hebrew Bible | human biblical figure | -1637 | Terah | Amasla | |||
48 | Q2821860 | Abraham of Ephesus | male | archbishop of Ephesus (6th century AD) | human | ||||||
50 | Q331523 | Abrocomas | male | Achaemenid satrap | human | -0460 | |||||
52 | Q1566958 | Abronychus | male | Athenian sailor | human | citizen | -0500 | ||||
53 | Q2634102 | Abrota | female | Mythological wife of Nisus of Megara | mythological Greek character | citizen | Onchestus | ||||
55 | Q21996128 | Abrotonum | female | mother of Themistocles | human | ||||||
56 | Q331602 | Abrupolis | Ἀβρούπολιν | male | 2nd-century BC king of the Thracian Sapaei | human | -0200 | ||||
57 | Q3603818 | Abseus | male | mythical giant | mythological Greek character | Uranus | Gaia | ||||
58 | Q333658 | Absyrtus | male | mythical brother of Medea | mythological Greek character | Aeëtes | Neaera | ||||
59 | Q333658 | Absyrtus | male | mythical brother of Medea | mythological Greek character | Aeëtes | Asterodeia | ||||
63 | Q19918146 | Abundantius | male | político romano del siglo V | human | citizen | |||||
65 | Q64549280 | Aburnius Valens | male | jurista romano | human | citizen | |||||
67 | Q305267 | Abydenus | male | Ancient Greek historian | human | 0200 | |||||
68 | Q947753 | Acacallis | Ἀκακαλλίδος | female | daughter of Minos in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Minos | Pasiphaë | |||
69 | Q2822188 | Acacius | male | patriarch in the 5th century | human | ||||||
72 | Q337196 | Acacius of Caesarea | male | Palestinian bishop | human | 0365 | |||||
73 | Q337196 | Acacius of Caesarea | male | Palestinian bishop | human | 0366 | |||||
74 | Q415483 | Acacius of Constantinople | male | religious leader | human | citizen | 0489 | ||||
75 | Q7129224 | Acacius of Melitene | male | bishop of Melitene ca. 430-438 | human | 0435 | |||||
76 | Q415491 | Acacus | Ἄκακός | male | mythical son of Lycaon | king in Greek mythology | Lycaon | ||||
77 | Q3603901 | Acalanthis | female | mythological character, one of the Pierides | mythological Greek character | Pierus | Euippe | ||||
78 | Q4671657 | Acallaris | female | in Greek mythology, the daughter of Eumedes | mythological Greek character | ||||||
79 | Q2822481 | Acamantis | ancient Athenian phyle | Phyle | |||||||
80 | Q1782641 | Acamas | male | son of Antenor | mythological Greek character | Antenor | |||||
81 | Q415628 | Acamas | male | son of Eussorus | mythological Greek character | Eusorus | |||||
82 | Q21547761 | Acamas | male | son of Asius in the Iliad | mythological Greek character | ||||||
83 | Q348668 | Acamas | Ἀκάμας | male | son of Theseus | king in Greek mythology | Theseus | Phaedra | |||
84 | Q2822505 | Acanthis | female | daughter of Hippodamia and Autonous and sister to Anthus, Erodius, Schoenous and Acanthus | mythological Greek character | Autonous | |||||
85 | Q9143205 | Acanthus | male | son of Autonous in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Autonous | Hippodamia | ||||
87 | Q221925 | Acarnan | Ἀκαρνάν | male | son of Alcmaeon in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Alcmaeon | Callirhoe | |||
88 | Q4668463 | Acaste | female | Oceanid of Greek mythology | Okeanid | Oceanus | Tethys | ||||
89 | Q9143220 | Acaste | female | nurse of the children of Adrastus | mythological Greek character | ||||||
90 | Q416323 | Acastus | male | legendary Athenian ruler | mythological Greek character | Medon | |||||
91 | Q416384 | Acastus | Ἄκαστον | male | mythical character, son of Pelias | mythological Greek character | Pelias | Anaxibia | |||
92 | Q9143443 | Acca | female | comrade of Camilla in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
93 | Q338298 | Acca Larentia | female | foster mother of Romulus and Remus | Roman deity | ||||||
94 | Q338298 | Acca Larentia | female | foster mother of Romulus and Remus | human whose existence is disputed | ||||||
95 | Q24951345 | Accius Julianus | male | father-in-law of Lucius Neratius Priscus | human | citizen | |||||
96 | Q5656172 | Accius Labeo | male | fictional Roman poet formerly considered to be historical | fictional human formerly considered to be historical | citizen | |||||
98 | Q3604219 | Acco | female | ancient Greek daimon for frightening children | mythological Greek character | ||||||
99 | Q12873234 | Aceles | male | son of Heracles and eponym of Akeles in Lydia | mythological Greek character | Heracles | Malis | ||||
100 | Q16330081 | Aceratus Grammaticus | male | ancient Greek epigrammatist | human | ||||||
101 | Q367565 | Acerbas | male | priest from Roman mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
103 | Q12873238 | Acesamenus | male | son of Poseidon in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Poseidon | |||||
106 | Q3604255 | Acesias | male | ancient Greek physician | human | ||||||
107 | Q3604254 | Acesidas | Ἀκεσίδα | male | Idaean Dactyl with altar at Olympia | Dactyls | |||||
108 | Q3604254 | Acesidas | Ἀκεσίδα | male | Idaean Dactyl with altar at Olympia | mythical entity | |||||
109 | Q115379458 | Acesis | Ἄκεσιν | male | ancient Greek healing divinity venerated at Epidaurus | Greek deity | |||||
110 | Q605797 | Aceso | female | Greek goddess of healing | mythological Greek character | Asclepius | Epione | ||||
111 | Q4673231 | Acessamenus | male | Ancient Greek mythological king | king in Greek mythology | ||||||
112 | Q404275 | Acestes | male | mythical character | king in Greek mythology | Crinisus | Aegesta | ||||
113 | Q4673235 | Acestodorus | male | ancient Greek historian | human | ||||||
115 | Q9143395 | Acestor | male | mythical son of Ephippus | mythological Greek character | ||||||
116 | Q417502 | Acestor | Ἀκέστωρ | male | Greek sculptor | human | -0300 | ||||
117 | Q15469145 | Acestorides | male | Corinthian commander, active in Syracuse | human | ||||||
118 | Q15471626 | Acestorides | male | ancient Greek mythographer | human | ||||||
119 | Q28858429 | Achaecus | male | philosophe antique | human | ||||||
123 | Q13527812 | Achaemenid dynasty | Achemenid dynasty of Persia ca. 550-330 BCE | dynasty | |||||||
124 | Q930198 | Achaemenides | male | son of Adamastus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Adamastus | |||||
125 | Q535413 | Achaeus | male | Greek general | human | -0212 | Andromachus | ||||
126 | Q607170 | Achaeus | Ἀχαιοῦ | male | Greek mythological figure, son of Xuthus | mythological Greek character | Zeus | Creusa | |||
127 | Q607170 | Achaeus | Ἀχαιοῦ | male | Greek mythological figure, son of Xuthus | mythological Greek character | Xuthus | Phthia | |||
128 | Q607170 | Achaeus | Ἀχαιοῦ | male | Greek mythological figure, son of Xuthus | mythological Greek character | Xuthus | Creusa | |||
129 | Q607170 | Achaeus | Ἀχαιοῦ | male | Greek mythological figure, son of Xuthus | mythological Greek character | Zeus | Phthia | |||
130 | Q29654939 | Achaeus | male | son of Poseidon in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Poseidon | Larissa | ||||
134 | Q21547777 | Achamantis | female | daughter of Danaus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Danaus | |||||
135 | Q2633865 | Achareus | male | mythical fighter in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
136 | Q21547790 | Acheilus | male | son of Zeus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Zeus | |||||
137 | Q3604317 | Achelaos | male | mythical son of Antenor | mythological Greek character | Antenor | |||||
138 | Q1501571 | Acheles | male | son of Heracles in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Heracles | Omphale | ||||
139 | Q391379 | Achelous | Ἀχελῴῳ | male | river god in Greek mythology | Potamoi | |||||
140 | Q21547783 | Acheron | male | ACHĔRON , ontis , ein König in klein Asien, dessen Tochter Dardanis, sich mit dem Herkules zu vertraulich machete, und deren Sohn wiederum Herkules hieß, von denen denn der Fluß Acheron das Land Dardania und die Stadt Heraklea den Namen bekommen ha | mythological Greek character | ||||||
141 | Q12626619 | Acheron | male | god of river of underworld, Greek mythology | Potamoi | Oceanus | |||||
142 | Q656021 | Achillas | male | official of Ptolemy XIII | human | citizen | -0047 | ||||
143 | Q41746 | Achilles | Ἀχιλλέως | male | Greek mythological hero | mythological Greek character | Peleus | Thetis | |||
144 | Q16168865 | Achilles of Athens | male | inventer of ostracism | human | citizen | |||||
145 | Q340320 | Achilles Tatius | male | ancient Greek astronomer | human | citizen | |||||
147 | Q579522 | Achilleus | male | rebel against the Roman emperor Diocletian in Egypt in 297 AD | human | citizen | 0298 | ||||
148 | Q3948626 | Achilleus | male | early Roman saint | human | citizen | 0303 | ||||
150 | Q122965814 | Achladaeus | Ἀχλαδαῖον | male | Spartan military officer killed by Aristomenes | human | citizen | ||||
151 | Q1241557 | Acholius | male | Latin historian | human | death | |||||
152 | Q3555328 | Acichorius | Ἀκιχώριος | male | Gallic ruler | human | |||||
153 | Q4674099 | Acidinus | male | corespondent of Cicero | human | citizen | |||||
154 | Q38716201 | Acidusa | female | Greek mythical character, wife of Scamander | mythological Greek character | ||||||
162 | Q85852590 | Acilius Glabrio Sibidius | male | Roman politician | human | citizen | |||||
165 | Q1131137 | Acilius Severus | male | Roman consul 323 AD | human | citizen | 0400 | ||||
166 | Q21547799 | Acinetus | male | son of Heracles in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Heracles | Megara | ||||
167 | Q9581080 | Acme | female | one of the Horae | Horae | Zeus | Themis | ||||
168 | Q12873241 | Acmenes | Ἀκμηνὰς | nymphs honored at Olympia | group of mythical characters | ||||||
169 | Q33191300 | Acmon | male | mythological Greek character, Cercope | mythological Greek character | Oceanus | |||||
170 | Q420259 | Acmon | male | mythical character, companion of Diomedes in Italy | mythological Greek character | ||||||
171 | Q5081127 | Acmon | male | Greek deity, father of Uranos | Greek deity | Gaia | |||||
172 | Q3606609 | Acmon | male | figure in Ovid's Metamorphoses | mythological Greek character | ||||||
173 | Q420264 | Acmon of Phrygia | male | mythical Phrygian king | mythological Greek character | Manes | |||||
174 | Q2666563 | Acoetes | male | in Greek mythology, son of fisherman who helped Bacchus | mythological Greek character | ||||||
175 | Q27921410 | Acoetes | male | father of Laocoon in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
176 | Q21547808 | Acoetes | male | character in the Aeneid | mythical character | ||||||
177 | Q1147581 | Aconia Fabia Paulina | female | pagan priestess in Ancient Rome | human | citizen | 0384 | Aconius Catullinus Philomatius | |||
178 | Q4059713 | Aconius Catullinus | male | homme politique romain du IVe s. | human | citizen | |||||
180 | Q11904101 | Acontes | male | son of Lycaon in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Lycaon | |||||
181 | Q105393817 | Acontes | male | arcadian prince | mythological Greek character | ||||||
182 | Q21547810 | Aconteus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
183 | Q420533 | Acontius | male | character in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
184 | Q420733 | Acraea | Ἀκραίας | divine epithet | epithet | ||||||
185 | Q12873255 | Acraea | Ἀκραίαν | female | mythical daughter of Asterion | Asterionidae | Asterion | ||||
186 | Q4675035 | Acraepheus | male | Greek mythical character, son of Apollo | mythological Greek character | Apollo | |||||
187 | Q3604755 | Acragas | male | silversmith | human | ||||||
188 | Q10404083 | Acragas | male | son of Zeus in Greek mythology | eponymous hero | Zeus | Asterope | ||||
189 | Q10404083 | Acragas | male | son of Zeus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Zeus | Asterope | ||||
190 | Q21547822 | Acratophorus | epithet of Dionysos at Phygalia | epithet | |||||||
191 | Q2067017 | Acratopotes | male | Ancient Greek mythological figure | mythological Greek character | ||||||
192 | Q12647288 | Acratus | male | daemon associated with Dionysus in Athens | Greek deity | ||||||
193 | Q12873245 | Acrias | Ἀκρίαν | male | suitor of Hippodameia | mythological Greek character | |||||
194 | Q208017 | Acrisius | Ἀκρίσιος | male | Greek mythical king of Argos | mythological Greek character | Abas | Aglaea | |||
195 | Q208017 | Acrisius | Ἀκρίσιος | male | Greek mythical king of Argos | mythological Greek character | Abas | Ocalea | |||
196 | Q60234561 | Acron | male | sculpteur antique | human | ||||||
197 | Q16160516 | Acron | male | Roman mythical character | human whose existence is disputed | ||||||
199 | Q421190 | Acrotatus | Ἀκρότατος | male | Spartan prince | human | -0400 | Cleomenes II | |||
200 | Q421184 | Acrotatus | Ἀκρότατος | male | King of Sparta | human | citizen | -0261 | Areus I | ||
201 | Q15360016 | Actaea | female | daughter of Danaus | mythological Greek character | Danaus | Pieria | ||||
202 | Q12898582 | Actaea | Ἀκταίαν | female | Nereid of Greek mythology | Nereids | Nereus | Doris | |||
203 | Q9581658 | Actaeon | male | son of Melissus loved by Archias | mythological Greek character | Melissus father of Actaeon | |||||
204 | Q208531 | Actaeon | Ἀκταίωνος | male | son of Aristaeus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Aristaeus | Autonoë | |||
205 | Q4425724 | Actaeon's Dogs | mythological dogs | group of dogs | |||||||
206 | Q4425724 | Actaeon's Dogs | mythological dogs | group of Greek mythical characters | |||||||
207 | Q421808 | Actaeus | Ἀκταῖον | male | Greek mythical character, first king of Attica | mythological Greek character | |||||
208 | Q21547854 | Actaeus | male | Greek mythical character, father of Telamon | mythological Greek character | ||||||
209 | Q106616246 | Acteis | female | mother of Clonius in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
210 | Q2657834 | Actis | male | mythical son of Helius | mythological Greek character | Helios | Rhodos | ||||
211 | Q4677443 | Actisanes | male | Ancient Greek mythological King of Ethiopia | human | ||||||
212 | Q21547864 | Actius | epithet of Apollo from Actium | epithet | |||||||
213 | Q21547867 | Acton | male | son of Myrmidon in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Myrmidon | Pisidice | ||||
214 | Q17521119 | Actor | male | Greek mythical character, son of Hippasus | mythological Greek character | ||||||
215 | Q17521118 | Actor | male | son of Acastus, figure of Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Acastus | |||||
216 | Q21547872 | Actor | male | Lapith | mythological Greek character | ||||||
217 | Q21547875 | Actor | male | companion of Aeneas | mythological Greek character | ||||||
218 | Q21547870 | Actor | male | son of Poseidon in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Poseidon | Agamede | ||||
219 | Q2823758 | Actor | Ἄκτορος | male | son of Azeus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Azeus | ||||
220 | Q2823762 | Actor | male | king in Greek mythology | king in Greek mythology | Myrmidon | Pisidice | ||||
221 | Q2823762 | Actor | male | king in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Myrmidon | Pisidice | ||||
222 | Q2473937 | Actor | male | Son of Deion, figure of Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Deioneus | Diomede | ||||
223 | Q24055358 | Actor of Phocis | male | argonaut, son of Hippasus | mythological Greek character | Hippasus | |||||
224 | Q423424 | Actor son of Phorbas | Ἄκτορος | male | king in Greek mythology | king in Greek mythology | Myrmidon | Hyrmine | |||
225 | Q423424 | Actor son of Phorbas | Ἄκτορος | male | king in Greek mythology | king in Greek mythology | Phorbas | Hyrmine | |||
226 | Q423424 | Actor son of Phorbas | Ἄκτορος | male | king in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Phorbas | Hyrmine | |||
227 | Q423424 | Actor son of Phorbas | Ἄκτορος | male | king in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Myrmidon | Hyrmine | |||
228 | Q12873261 | Actorida | female | character from Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
229 | Q21547878 | Actorion | male | son of Irus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Irus | |||||
230 | Q423734 | Acumenus | male | 5th-century BC Greek physician | human | citizen | -0460 | ||||
236 | Q346767 | Adaeus | male | ancient Greek poet | human | ||||||
237 | Q346769 | Adaeus Alectryon | male | Macedonian officer under Philip II | human | -0352 | |||||
246 | Q3605031 | Adamantius | male | politician and diplomat | human | citizen | |||||
249 | Q3605023 | Adamas | male | Greek mythical character, son of Asius | mythological Greek character | citizen | Asius | ||||
250 | Q12076717 | Adamastus | male | ancient greek mythology personnage | mythological Greek character | ||||||
251 | Q352278 | Adanus | male | son of Uranus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Uranus | Gaia | ||||
253 | Q12898586 | Adeimantus | male | flatterer of Demetrios Poliorketes | human | ||||||
254 | Q12873040 | Adeimantus | male | mythical king in the Argolid | mythological Greek character | ||||||
256 | Q353577 | Adeimantus of Corinth | male | 5th century BCE Corinthian naval commander | human | citizen | -0500 | ||||
257 | Q12956051 | Adej | male | greek retor | human | ||||||
258 | Q3605188 | Adelphia | female | nobildonna romana | human | citizen | 0355 | ||||
260 | Q12873052 | Adiante | female | daughter of Danaus | mythological Greek character | Danaus |