Classical Antiquity Person Collection
A dataset of about 24 000 Wikidata Person IDs that might prove useful for annotating persons in an ancient Greek literary text
Total search results: 23939
▲ | Wikidata ID | person | Pausanias Person | gender | Description | entity | citizen | death | father | mother | birthplace |
768 | Q15217119 | Agiatis | female | spartan queen | human | -0223 | |||||
1024 | Q1258989 | Alcmenes | Ἀλκαμένης | male | Ruler of Sparta | mythological Greek character | Teleclus | Sparta | |||
1280 | Q134154 | Amazons | Ἀντιόπης | female | warrior women from Greek mythology | mythical ethnic group | |||||
1536 | Q488567 | Anaxandridas I | Ἀναξανδρίδου | male | king of Sparta from c. 675 to c. 645 BC | human | -0700 | Theopompus of Sparta | Sparta | ||
1792 | Q107144070 | Anthea | female | mythological Greek character | mythological Greek character | ||||||
2048 | Q106483570 | Antissa | female | Princess in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
2304 | Q297040 | Apollonius of Tyana | male | 1st century AD Greek Neopythagorean philosopher | human | 0100 | Tyana | ||||
2560 | Q2860241 | Archippe | female | ancient Greek spouse of Pasion | human | ||||||
2816 | Q104580055 | Aristocles | male | ancient Greek historian, author of a work on the history of Italy | human | ||||||
3072 | Q2864772 | Artabri | ancient Celtic tribe of Galicia | ethnic group | |||||||
3328 | Q10399416 | Astydameia | female | daughter of Amyntor, consort of Heracles | mythological Greek character | Amyntor | |||||
3840 | Q11907451 | Azanites | male | Greek physician | human | ||||||
4096 | Q891049 | Boios | male | ancient Greek author | human | ||||||
4608 | Q20018046 | Capys | male | son of Assaracus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Assaracus | Clitodora | ||||
4864 | Q1349772 | Cercyon of Eleusis | Κερκυόνος | male | son of Branchus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Branchus | Argiope | |||
5120 | Q320660 | Chrysaor | Χρυσάορος | male | mythical character | king in Greek mythology | Poseidon | Medusa | |||
5888 | Q82949115 | Crates of Athens | male | ancient Greek historian | human | ||||||
6144 | Q12032124 | Cyprias of Halicarnassus | male | ancient epic poet | human | ||||||
6656 | Q1199978 | Derdas III | male | archon of Elimiotis | human | -0400 | Derdas | Elimiotis | |||
7424 | Q94066 | Eileithyia | Εἰλειθυίας | female | Greek goddess of childbirth and midwifery | Greek deity | Zeus | Hera | |||
7680 | Q12877146 | Epistoras | male | character from Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
7936 | Q5402571 | Eteoneus | male | Greek mythological character | mythological Greek character | ||||||
8192 | Q11921182 | Euphorion | male | Greek sculptor | human | ||||||
9984 | Q15631131 | Glauce | female | daughter of Danaus | mythological Greek character | Danaus | Atlantia | ||||
10496 | Q3200444 | Harpina | Ἅρπινα | female | Naiad nymph, daughter of Phliasian Asopus and Metrope | Greek nymph | Asopus | Metope | |||
10752 | Q828084 | Heracleidae | Ἡρακλείδας | mythical descendants of Heracles | group of Greek mythical characters | ||||||
11264 | Q108365616 | Homolippus | male | son of Heracles in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Heracles | Xanthis | ||||
11520 | Q1132071 | Iasus | male | mythical king of Argos | mythological Greek character | Phoroneus | Ismene | ||||
12288 | Q65118729 | Laestrygon | male | Greek mythological figure | mythological Greek character | ||||||
12544 | Q16328598 | Leonidas of Corinth | male | martyr et saint chrétien | human | ||||||
14080 | Q106866423 | Lysithous | male | Mythological Greek character | mythological Greek character | ||||||
15616 | Q729432 | Meleager | male | Ancient Macedonian general | human | -0322 | |||||
15872 | Q1924572 | Mestor | male | son of Poseidon in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Poseidon | Cleito | ||||
16128 | Q1887300 | Mopsus | Μόψος | male | Greek mythological seer. son of Manto, | mythological Greek character | Apollo | Manto | |||
16384 | Q199438 | Nemean lion | λέων | male organism | the lion killed by Hercules | artistic theme | Orthrus | chimera | |||
16896 | Q290144 | Olympus | Ὄλυμπος | male | ancient Greek musician | mythological Greek character | |||||
17152 | Q3891708 | Palaemon | male | Argonaut, son of Hephaestus | mythological Greek character | Hephaestus | |||||
17664 | Q107305785 | Periphetes | Περιφήτου | male | mythical son of Nyctimus of Arcadia | mythological Greek character | Nyctimus | Arcadia | |||
18176 | Q2088576 | Phoebidas | male | Ancient Spartan general | human | -0460 | Sparta | ||||
18432 | Q4348382 | Poemander | Ποίμανδρον | male | son of Chaeresilaus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Chaeresilaus | ||||
19200 | Q18607169 | Ptolemy of Cyrene | male | ancient Greek philosopher | human | Cyrene | |||||
20736 | Q3950582 | Sarpedon | male | mythical son of Poseidon | mythological Greek character | Poseidon | |||||
21248 | Q472774 | Sicyon | παισὶν | male | son of Marathon in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Erechtheus | ||||
21504 | Q15206133 | Sparton | Σπάρτων | male | mythical Achaean, son of Tisamenus | mythological Greek character | Tisamenus | ||||
22016 | Q112161108 | Terpsicles | male | Greek sculptor | human | ||||||
22528 | Q2430376 | Thyone | female | Greek divinity or epithet for Semele mother of Dionysus | epithet | ||||||
22784 | Q7806901 | Timoclea | female | woman whose story is told by Plutarch in his Life of Alexander | human | Thebes | |||||
23296 | Q1166183 | Trophonius | Τροφωνίῳ | male | Greek mythological figure with an oracular cult at Lebadaea | mythological Greek character | Erginus | ||||
23808 | Q514746 | Xuthus | Ξούθου | male | king in Greek mythology | king in Greek mythology | Hellen | Orseis | |||
257 | Q12956051 | Adej | male | greek retor | human | ||||||
513 | Q346476 | Aeropus II of Macedon | male | king of Macedonia from 398/7 until 394/3 BC | human | -0392 | Perdiccas II of Macedon | ||||
1025 | Q15631137 | Alcmenor | male | son of Aegyptus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Aegyptus | |||||
1281 | Q724136 | Ambhika | male | Takshashila's ruler | human | -0360 | |||||
1537 | Q349897 | Anaxandridas II | Ἀναξανδρίδου | male | Agiad king of Sparta from c.560 to c.524 BC | human | -0519 | Leon of Sparta | Sparta | ||
1793 | Q11905702 | Antheas of Lindos | male | poet | human | Lindus | |||||
2049 | Q16167163 | Antistates | male | ancient architect in Athenss | human | ||||||
2305 | Q1799262 | Apollonius of Tyre | male | Hellenistic-era philosopher | human | death | Tyre | ||||
2561 | Q109268720 | Archippe | female | courtesan in ancient Athens associated with Sophocles | human | ||||||
2817 | Q117474950 | Aristocles | male | médecin antique | human | ||||||
3073 | Q3624057 | Artaces | male | mythological character | mythological Greek character | ||||||
3329 | Q752340 | Astydameia | female | daughter of Strophius | mythological Greek character | Strophius | Astyoche | ||||
3841 | Q12873065 | Azeus | Ἀζεύς | male | son of Clymenus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Clymenus | Bouzyge | |||
4097 | Q15789235 | Boiscus | male | ancient Greek sculptor | human | ||||||
4609 | Q20018046 | Capys | male | son of Assaracus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Assaracus | Hieromneme | ||||
4865 | Q5064045 | Cerdo | Κερδοῦς | female | wife of Phoroneus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | |||||
5121 | Q1088456 | Chrysaor | male | son of Glaucus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Glaucus | |||||
5377 | Q120355789 | Clement | male | Greek writer who wrote The kings and emperors of the Romans | human whose existence is disputed | ||||||
5889 | Q23038094 | Crates of Elis | male | ancient Olympic victor | human | ||||||
6145 | Q12116549 | Cypris | epithet of the goddess Aphrodite | epithet | |||||||
6657 | Q106923031 | Dereites | Δηρείτου | male | mythical Greek character, father of Aeginetes | mythological Greek character | Harpalus | ||||
6913 | Q60172164 | Diomedes | male | son of Atlas in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Atlas | |||||
7169 | Q16550450 | Domizio Calderini | male | Italian humanist | human | 1478 | Torri del Benaco | ||||
7425 | Q106879751 | Eilissus | male | Greek warrior at Troy | mythological Greek character | ||||||
7681 | Q17282459 | Epistrophus | male | συναρχηγός των Αλιζώνων | mythological Greek character | ||||||
7937 | Q15078598 | Eteonicus | Ἐτεόνικος | male | Spartan admiral during the Peloponesian and Corinthian Wars | human | -0301 | Sparta | |||
9985 | Q18412032 | Glauce | Γλαύκη | female | Arcadian nymph in Greek mythology | Greek nymph | |||||
10497 | Q787492 | Harpocrates | male | God-child of the Greek mythology | Greek deity | ||||||
10753 | Q25240881 | Heracleides | male | uncle of Agathocles of Syracuse | human | ||||||
11009 | Q1131939 | Hicetaon | Ἱκετάονος | male | son of Laomedon of Troy | mythological Greek character | Laomedon | ||||
11265 | Q5891490 | Homonoia | Ὁμονοίας | female | minor goddess of concord and unity of mind in Ancient Greek mythology, | Greek deity | Soter | Praxidike | |||
11521 | Q1132071 | Iasus | male | mythical king of Argos | mythological Greek character | Argus | Ismene | ||||
12289 | Q743931 | Laestrygonians | Λαιστρυγόνες | giant cannibal tribe mentioned in the Odyssey | mythical ethnic group | ||||||
12545 | Q1819435 | Leonidas of Epirus | male | tutor to Alexander the Great | human | -0400 | |||||
14081 | Q29159289 | Lyson | Λύσωνος | male | Greek sculptor mentioned by Pliny the Elder | human | |||||
15873 | Q2290455 | Mestra | female | mythical daughter of Erysichthon | mythological Greek character | Erysichthon of Thessaly | |||||
16129 | Q492938 | Mopsus | male | seer in Greek mythology, son of Ampyx | mythological Greek character | Ampyx | Chloris | ||||
16385 | Q199438 | Nemean lion | λέων | male organism | the lion killed by Hercules | artistic theme | Zeus | Selene | |||
16897 | Q108281114 | Olympus | male | son of Heracles by Euboea | mythological Greek character | Heracles | Euboea | ||||
17153 | Q2046854 | Palaemon | male | Greek sea god, aspect of Melicertes | mythological Greek character | ||||||
17665 | Q3899882 | Periphetes | male | Trojan killed by Teucer | mythological Greek character | ||||||
18177 | Q3382132 | Phoebus | epithet of Greek god Apollo | epithet | |||||||
18433 | Q106981846 | Poemenius | male | figure in Greek mythology | satyr | ||||||
19201 | Q19716403 | Ptolemy of Cythera | male | poète antique | human | ||||||
20737 | Q917719 | Sarpedon | male | Greek mythology character, son of Europa | mythological Greek character | Zeus | Europa | ||||
20993 | Q104919891 | Sergius the Grammarian | male | théologien monophysiste et grammairien | human | ||||||
21249 | Q472774 | Sicyon | παισὶν | male | son of Marathon in Greek mythology | eponymous hero | Marathon | ||||
21505 | Q115484947 | Sparton | Σπάρτωνος | male | mythical son of Phoroneus, disputed | mythological Greek character | Phoroneus | ||||
22017 | Q112161100 | Terpsicles | male | écrivain antique | human | ||||||
22273 | Q366589 | Theodotus of Chios | male | rhetoric tutor of Ptolemy XIII of Egypt | human | -0040 | Chios | ||||
22529 | Q2430379 | Thypheitides | male | griechischer Töpfer | human | ||||||
22785 | Q7806900 | Timocleidas | Τιμοκλείδαν | male | Ancient Greek tyrant | human | |||||
23297 | Q1166183 | Trophonius | Τροφωνίῳ | male | Greek mythological figure with an oracular cult at Lebadaea | mythological Greek character | Apollo | ||||
23809 | Q3571039 | Xuthus | male | Pythagorean philosopher | human | Crotone | |||||
2 | Q55619204 | Abante | male | guerrero troyano | mythological Greek character | ||||||
514 | Q381654 | Aeropus of Lyncestis | male | makedonischer Feldherr | human | Lynkestis | |||||
1026 | Q3609040 | Alcon | Ἄλκωνα | male | son of Hippocoon | mythological Greek character | Hippocoon | ||||
1282 | Q12847 | Ambiorix | male | co-prince of the Eburones | human | Gaul | |||||
1794 | Q3618401 | Anthedon | Ἀνθηδόνος | male | eponymous figure of Anthedon in Boeotia | mythological Greek character | |||||
2050 | Q22906414 | Antisthenes | male | Heraclitean philosopher | human | ||||||
2306 | Q4780405 | Apollonius Paradoxographus | male | 2nd-century BC Greek writer | human | ||||||
2562 | Q107295496 | Archippe | female | épouse de Thémistocle | human | ||||||
2818 | Q666610 | Aristocles | male | ancient Attic sculptor | human | ||||||
3330 | Q752340 | Astydameia | female | daughter of Strophius | mythological Greek character | Strophius | Cyndragora | ||||
3842 | Q55999230 | Azorus | male | figure of Greek mythology, helmsman of the Argo, founder of the city of Azoros | mythological Greek character | ||||||
4098 | Q3641653 | Boiscus | male | ancient Greek poet | human | Cyzicus | |||||
4354 | Q40204180 | Calates | male | Greek painter mentioned by Pliny the Elder, active in 4th century BCE | human | ||||||
4866 | Q1055283 | Cerealia | major festival in celebration of Ceres | festival | |||||||
5122 | Q1088483 | Chryse | female | daughter of Pallas in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Pallas | |||||
5634 | Q44222212 | Coeranus | male | mythical father of Polyidus | mythological Greek character | Abas | |||||
5890 | Q503075 | Crates of Mallus | male | ancient Greek philosopher | human | -0144 | Mallus | ||||
6146 | Q2583477 | Cypros | female | wife of Antipater the Idumaean, mother of Herodes the Great | human | NN, ruler of Nabateia | |||||
6658 | Q106879821 | Derimacheia | female | one of the Amazons | mythological Greek character | ||||||
6914 | Q60032550 | Diomedes | male | son of Diomedes by the daughter of Daunus | mythological Greek character | Diomedes | Euippe | ||||
7170 | Q16550450 | Domizio Calderini | male | Italian humanist | human | 1478 | Torri del Benaco | ||||
7426 | Q12899740 | Eione | female | Nereid of Greek mythology | Nereids | Nereus | Doris | ||||
7682 | Q17282458 | Epistrophus | τὸν μὲν | male | son of Iphitus, Phocian fighter at Troy | mythological Greek character | Iphitus | ||||
7938 | Q12751644 | Eteonus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
8194 | Q11921185 | Euphorion of Chersonesus | male | Hellenistic poet | human | -0300 | |||||
8450 | Q11921290 | Eusebius Scholasticus | male | Ancient Greek jurist and writer | human | 0500 | |||||
9986 | Q61749451 | Glauce | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
10498 | Q30933362 | Harpocration | male | poète et grammairien antique, correspondant de Libanios | human | ||||||
11010 | Q1397609 | Hicetas | male | 4th c. BCE tyrant of Leontini and Syracuse | human | -0339 | Syracuse | ||||
11266 | Q5891490 | Homonoia | Ὁμονοίας | female | minor goddess of concord and unity of mind in Ancient Greek mythology, | mythological Greek character | Soter | Praxidike | |||
11522 | Q1132071 | Iasus | male | mythical king of Argos | mythological Greek character | Triopas | Ismene | ||||
11778 | Q1098393 | Ismenias | male | celebrated Theban flute-player | human | ||||||
12546 | Q20100896 | Leonidas of Heraclea | male | tyrannicide | human | -0352 | Heraclea Pontica | ||||
14082 | Q16853734 | Lysus | Λῦσός | male | Greek artist | human | |||||
15362 | Q1899312 | Maris | male | mythological Greek character; son of Amisodarus | mythological Greek character | Amisodarus | |||||
15618 | Q321541 | Meleager | Μελεάγρῳ | male | son of Oeneus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Ares | Althaea | |||
16130 | Q108146166 | Morea | female | nymph in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Hamadryas | |||||
16386 | Q199438 | Nemean lion | λέων | male organism | the lion killed by Hercules | mythological Greek character | Zeus | Selene | |||
16642 | Q120441551 | Ninus | male | Ancient Greek historiographer cited by John Malalas | human | ||||||
16898 | Q79329858 | Olympus | male | the physician in ordinary to Cleopatra, whom assisted in the suicide; he later published an account | human | ||||||
17154 | Q2046854 | Palaemon | male | Greek sea god, aspect of Melicertes | Greek deity | ||||||
17666 | Q3411991 | Periphetes | male | mythical son of Copreus | mythological Greek character | Copreus | |||||
17922 | Q3381288 | Philemon | male | ancient Greek grammarian (2nd century AD) | human | ||||||
18178 | Q106483495 | Phoenice | female | mythical Phoenician princess, daughter of Phoenix | mythological Greek character | ||||||
18434 | Q106981846 | Poemenius | male | figure in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
18946 | Q107294383 | Prostasia | epithet of Demeter, protectress | epithet | |||||||
19202 | Q2622061 | Ptolemy of Epirus | male | ruler of Ancient Epirus | human | -0300 | Alexandros II of Epirus | Olympias II of Epirus | Epirus | ||
20482 | Q3935751 | Rigmus | male | son of Peirous in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Peirous | Troy | ||||
20738 | Q762520 | Sarpedon | Σαρπηδὼν | male | Greek mythology character, son of Laodamia | mythological Greek character | Zeus | Laodamia | |||
21250 | Q472774 | Sicyon | παισὶν | male | son of Marathon in Greek mythology | eponymous hero | Pelops | ||||
22018 | Q107144071 | Terpsicrate | female | daughter of Thespius | mythological Greek character | Thespius | |||||
22274 | Q11951531 | Theodotus of Laodicea | male | bishop in Laodicea, Syria, during the early 4th century CE | human | death | |||||
22530 | Q107240758 | Thyraeus | male | arcadian prince in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | ||||||
515 | Q409520 | Aesacus | male | son of Priam in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Priam | Alexirrhoe | ||||
771 | Q4692688 | Agis | male | King of the Paeonians in ca. 358, a contemporary of Philip II of Macedon | human | -0357 | |||||
1027 | Q21548281 | Alcon | male | mythological Greek character, son of Ares/Mars | mythological Greek character | Ares | |||||
1283 | Q4741672 | Ambologera | Ancient Greek mythological epithet | epithet | |||||||
1539 | Q366031 | Anaxarchus | male | 4th-century BC Greek philosopher | human | -0319 | Abdera | ||||
1795 | Q21548696 | Anthedon | male | mythological Greek character | mythological Greek character | ||||||
2307 | Q106785748 | Apollonius Rhantes | Ἀπολλώνιος | male | ancient Olympic boxer from Alexandria, Egypt | human | Alexandria | ||||
2563 | Q56305531 | Archippe of Cyme | female | évergète antique | human | ||||||
3075 | Q706089 | Artapanus of Alexandria | male | Alexandrian Jewish historian | human | -0200 | |||||
3331 | Q752337 | Astydameia | female | daughter of Pelops | mythological Greek character | Pelops | Hippodamia | ||||
3843 | Q455523 | Babrius | male | 2nd century Roman Greek writer | human | 0300 | |||||
4099 | Q18643222 | Boison | female | ancient Greek philosopher, student of Epicurus | human | ||||||
4355 | Q106468209 | Calaurus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4611 | Q1728858 | Car | Καρὸς | male | mythical king of Megara | king in Greek mythology | Phoroneus | Laodice | |||
4867 | Q11913546 | Cerealius | male | ancient Greek epigrammatist | human | ||||||
5123 | Q138151 | Chryse | Χρύση | female | daughter of Almus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Almus | ||||
5635 | Q44222212 | Coeranus | male | mythical father of Polyidus | mythological Greek character | Cleitus | |||||
5891 | Q1301355 | Crates of Tarsus | male | Philosoph der Antike | human | -0200 | |||||
6147 | Q59219061 | Cyprus | male | son of Cinyras in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Cinyras | Aphrodite | ||||
6659 | Q3705857 | Derinoe | female | one of the Amazons, a race of warrior-women | mythological Greek character | ||||||
6915 | Q208256 | Diomedes | Διομήδει | male | hero son of Tydeus in Greek mythology, king of Argos | mythological Greek character | Tydeus | Deipyle | |||
7171 | Q11917640 | Domninos | male | Roman historian, 4th century AD | human | ||||||
7427 | Q3720726 | Eioneus | male | character in the Iliad | mythological Greek character | ||||||
7683 | Q3055822 | Epistrophus | male | mythological Greek character, son of Evenus | mythological Greek character | Evenus | |||||
7939 | Q60633511 | Ethalion | male | son of Zeus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Zeus | Protogeneia | ||||
8451 | Q61241198 | Eusirus | male | mythical father of Cerambus and son of Poseidon | mythological Greek character | Poseidon | |||||
9987 | Q61749452 | Glauce | female | mythical daughter of Cycnus | mythological Greek character | Cycnus | |||||
10499 | Q108582393 | Harpocration | male | ancient Greek astrologist | human | ||||||
10755 | Q23929468 | Heracleides of Alexandria | Ἡρακλείδης | male | ancient Greek olympian | human | Alexandria | ||||
11011 | Q612787 | Hicetas | male | Pythagorean philosopher | human | death | Syracuse | ||||
11267 | Q1224702 | Honestes | male | ancient Greek epigrammatist | human | ||||||
11523 | Q106405710 | Iasus | Ἰασίου | male | mythical son of Eleuther | mythological Greek character | Eleuther | ||||
11779 | Q108569615 | Ismenias of Chalcis | male | ancient Greek painter | human | Chalcis | |||||
12803 | Q177847 | Lucian of Samosata | male | 2nd-century Syrian satirist and rhetorician | human | 0180 | Samosata | ||||
14083 | Q4263860 | Lytaea | female | mythical daughter of Hyacinthus | mythological Greek character | Hyacinthus the Lacedaemonian | |||||
15619 | Q321541 | Meleager | Μελεάγρῳ | male | son of Oeneus in Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | Oeneus | Althaea | |||
16131 | Q108146166 | Morea | female | nymph in Greek mythology | Greek nymph | Hamadryas | |||||
16387 | Q199438 | Nemean lion | λέων | male organism | the lion killed by Hercules | mythical animal | Zeus | Selene | |||
17923 | Q15230240 | Philemon | male | Byzantine grammarian | human | ||||||
18179 | Q11921785 | Phoenicides | male | ancient Greek poet of New Comedy | human | ||||||
18435 | Q2992411 | Poena | Ποινήν | female | Greek divinity of punishment, often plural | Greek deity | |||||
18947 | Q107315843 | Prostaterios | epithet of Apollo | epithet | |||||||
19203 | Q1241294 | Ptolemy of Marathon | male | philosophe antique | human | ||||||
20483 | Q107349838 | Rinokoloustes | epithet of Herakles | epithet |