Classical Antiquity Person Collection
A dataset of about 24 000 Wikidata Person IDs that might prove useful for annotating persons in an ancient Greek literary text
Total search results: 23939
▲ | Wikidata ID | person | Pausanias Person | gender | Description | entity | citizen | death | father | mother | birthplace |
15463 | Q64764989 | Maximus Decimus Meridius | male | main character in the film Gladiator | adventure film character | citizen | |||||
6510 | Q40730 | Demeter | Δήμητρος | female | Greek goddess of the harvest, grains, and agriculture | agricultural deity | Kronos | Rhea | |||
20751 | Q134388 | Saturn | male | god in ancient Roman mythology | agricultural deity | Caelus | Terra | ||||
20752 | Q134388 | Saturn | male | god in ancient Roman mythology | agricultural deity | Caelus | Hecate | ||||
890 | Q391089 | Alala | female | Personification of the war cry in Greek mythology | allegorical Greek deity | Polemos | |||||
1702 | Q4762641 | Angelia | female | daughter of Hermes | allegorical Greek deity | Hermes | |||||
2126 | Q617977 | Apate | female | Minor goddess in Greek mythology, personification of deceit | allegorical Greek deity | Nyx | |||||
3369 | Q210871 | Atë | female | Ancient Greek goddess of mischief | allegorical Greek deity | Zeus | Eris | ||||
6758 | Q465875 | Dike | Δίκη | female | Greek goddess of law and justice | allegorical Greek deity | Nomos | Themis | |||
6762 | Q465875 | Dike | Δίκη | female | Greek goddess of law and justice | allegorical Greek deity | Nomos | Eusebia | |||
6766 | Q465875 | Dike | Δίκη | female | Greek goddess of law and justice | allegorical Greek deity | Zeus | Themis | |||
6770 | Q465875 | Dike | Δίκη | female | Greek goddess of law and justice | allegorical Greek deity | Zeus | Eusebia | |||
9944 | Q1052301 | Geras | male | son of Night and personification of Old Age in Greek mythology | allegorical Greek deity | Erebos | Nyx | ||||
16619 | Q165023 | Nike | Νίκην | female | goddess of victory in Greek mythology | allegorical Greek deity | Pallas | Styx | |||
1496 | Q332246 | Ananke | Ἀνάγκης | female | personification of inevitability, compulsion and necessity in Greek mythology | allegory | Hydros | ||||
1501 | Q332246 | Ananke | Ἀνάγκης | female | personification of inevitability, compulsion and necessity in Greek mythology | allegory | Chronos | ||||
5555 | Q106879820 | Clonie | female | Amazon at Troy in Greek mythology | Amazons | ||||||
5564 | Q21768480 | Clymene | female | Amazon in Greek mythology | Amazons | ||||||
6127 | Q59211515 | Cynna | female | Amazon, eponym of a Pontic town | Amazons | ||||||
16099 | Q2608554 | Molpadia | Μολπαδίας | female | Amazon in Greek mythology | Amazons | |||||
16225 | Q17561739 | Myrina | female | reina mítica de las amazonas | Amazons | ||||||
23707 | Q57394134 | Wonder Woman | female | DC Extended Universe character | Amazons | Themyscira | |||||
1441 | Q58373 | Amun | male | Egyptian and Berber deity | Ancient Egyptian deity | Nu | |||||
2108 | Q47534 | Anubis | male | Egyptian deity of mummification and the afterlife, usually depicted as a man with a canine head | Ancient Egyptian deity | Seth | Nephthys | ||||
2194 | Q208150 | Apis | Ἆπιν | male | sacred bull in Egyptian mythology | Ancient Egyptian deity | |||||
11770 | Q79876 | Isis | Ἴσιδος | female | Egyptian deity | Ancient Egyptian deity | Geb | Nut | |||
17078 | Q46491 | Osiris | Ὄσιριν | male | god of the afterlife in Egyptian mythology | Ancient Egyptian deity | Geb | Nut | |||
20976 | Q214554 | Serapis | Σαράπιδός | male | Graeco-Egyptian god | Ancient Egyptian deity | |||||
23876 | Q3575327 | Zeus Ammon | Ἄμμωνα | male | ancient Egyptian deity | Ancient Egyptian deity | |||||
2123 | Q118233233 | Aparctias | wind from the northwest in classical antiquity | Anemoi | |||||||
2129 | Q2245728 | Apeliotes | male | wind from the east in classical antiquity | Anemoi | Astraeus | Eos | ||||
2650 | Q55529508 | Argestes | male | Greek god of the northwest or westnorthwest wind | Anemoi | Astraeus | Eos | ||||
4114 | Q109220 | Boreas | Βορέου | male | Greek mythological personification of the North wind | Anemoi | Astraeus | Eos | |||
4272 | Q1721421 | Caecias | male | northeast wind and its associated god in ancient Greece | Anemoi | Astraeus | Eos | ||||
8262 | Q836518 | Euros | male | the Greek deity representing the unlucky east wind | Anemoi | Astraeus | Eos | ||||
12740 | Q1740184 | Lips | male | SW wind in ancient Greece | Anemoi | Astraeus | Eos | ||||
16688 | Q903273 | Notus | male | god of the south wind in Greek mythology | Anemoi | Astraeus | Eos | ||||
20820 | Q9337884 | Sciron | male | personified NW wind in Greece | Anemoi | Astraeus | Eos | ||||
22467 | Q118232586 | Thrascias | northeast wind in ancient Greek seafaring | Anemoi | |||||||
23869 | Q467515 | Zephyrus | Ζεφύρου | male | Greek god of the wind from the west | Anemoi | Astraeus | Eos | |||
4844 | Q109755750 | Cerberus | male organism | a three-headed dog to the gates of the Underworld, whom Dick Dastardly plans to unleash after uniting his skulls. | animated character | ||||||
892 | Q575250 | Alalcomenes | Ἀλαλκομενέως | male | Ancient Greek mythological figure | anthropogony | Gaia | ||||
21599 | Q43999 | St. James the Elder, Apostle | male | one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus | apostle | citizen | 0044 | Zebedee | Salome | Bethsaida | |
17800 | Q638008 | Phalerus | Φαληροῦ | male | Athenian mythological character, son of Alcon and grandson of Erechtheus king of Athens | Argonauts | citizen | Alcon | |||
21896 | Q331327 | Telamon | Τελαμῶνος | male | one of the Argonauts of Jason, in Greek mythology | Argonauts | Actaeus | Endeïs | Aegina | ||
21897 | Q331327 | Telamon | Τελαμῶνος | male | one of the Argonauts of Jason, in Greek mythology | Argonauts | Aeacus | Endeïs | Aegina | ||
21898 | Q331327 | Telamon | Τελαμῶνος | male | one of the Argonauts of Jason, in Greek mythology | Argonauts | Actaeus | Glauce | Aegina | ||
21899 | Q331327 | Telamon | Τελαμῶνος | male | one of the Argonauts of Jason, in Greek mythology | Argonauts | Aeacus | Glauce | Aegina | ||
16379 | Q199438 | Nemean lion | λέων | male organism | the lion killed by Hercules | artistic theme | Orthrus | Selene | |||
16384 | Q199438 | Nemean lion | λέων | male organism | the lion killed by Hercules | artistic theme | Orthrus | chimera | |||
16385 | Q199438 | Nemean lion | λέων | male organism | the lion killed by Hercules | artistic theme | Zeus | Selene | |||
16389 | Q199438 | Nemean lion | λέων | male organism | the lion killed by Hercules | artistic theme | Zeus | chimera | |||
16393 | Q199438 | Nemean lion | λέων | male organism | the lion killed by Hercules | artistic theme | Orthrus | Echidna | |||
16396 | Q199438 | Nemean lion | λέων | male organism | the lion killed by Hercules | artistic theme | Zeus | Echidna | |||
185 | Q12873255 | Acraea | Ἀκραίαν | female | mythical daughter of Asterion | Asterionidae | Asterion | ||||
7962 | Q1372112 | Euboea | Εὔβοιαν | female | mythical daughter of Asterion | Asterionidae | Asterion | ||||
18948 | Q29856413 | Prosymna | Πρόσυμναν | female | mythical daughter of Asterion | Asterionidae | Asterion | ||||
17769 | Q7180028 | Phaenon | male | Synonym of Saturn | Astra Planeta | Astraeus | Eos | ||||
5056 | Q7382381 | Chione | Χιόνης | female | mythological Greek character, daughter of Boreas | Aurai | Boreas | Orithyia | |||
13902 | Q501667 | Lycaon | Λυκάονος | male | Greek mythical character, king of Arcadia, son of Pelasgus and Meliboea | autochthonos | Pelasgus | Meliboea | |||
13903 | Q501667 | Lycaon | Λυκάονος | male | Greek mythical character, king of Arcadia, son of Pelasgus and Meliboea | autochthonos | Pelasgus | Cyllene | |||
13905 | Q501667 | Lycaon | Λυκάονος | male | Greek mythical character, king of Arcadia, son of Pelasgus and Meliboea | autochthonos | Pelasgus | Deïaneira | |||
17151 | Q12353585 | Palaechton | male | mythical father of Pelasgus | autochthonos | ||||||
17545 | Q1636827 | Pelasgus | Πελασγοῦ | male | ancestor of the Arcadians in Greek mythology | autochthonos | Zeus | Niobe | |||
17865 | Q106075949 | Pheneus | Φενεόν | male | mythical founder of the polis of Pheneos in Arcadia | autochthonos | Pheneos | ||||
21818 | Q657174 | Talos | Τάλω | male | mythological bronze automaton guarding Crete | automaton | Cres | ||||
3956 | Q207250 | Battle of Lake Trasimene | 217 BC battle of the Second Punic War | battle | |||||||
3957 | Q720100 | Battle of Sepeia | Battle between Spartan forces led by Cleomenes I and Argos (494 BC) | battle | |||||||
3959 | Q195881 | Battle of the 300 Champions | battle between Argos and Sparta | battle | |||||||
3960 | Q3636289 | Battle of the Great Foss | ancient defeat of Messenia by Sparta | battle | |||||||
17585 | Q39864 | Pentecost | Christian holiday commemorating the New Testament stories of the Holy Spirit descenting upon the Apostles of Jesus | biblical concept | |||||||
20696 | Q214648 | Samson | male | judge of ancient Israel, known for wielding supernatural strength (Judges) | biblical judge | -1077 | Manoah | wife of Manoah | Zorah | ||
4234 | Q505171 | Butes | male | mythical son of Boreas | Boreads | Boreas | |||||
5058 | Q7382381 | Chione | Χιόνης | female | mythological Greek character, daughter of Boreas | Boreads | Boreas | Orithyia | |||
5466 | Q542356 | Cleopatra | female | Greek mythological figure, daughter of Boreas | Boreads | Boreas | Orithyia | ||||
4132 | Q47140 | Brahmin caste | varna (class) in Hinduism, one of four castes | caste | |||||||
4728 | Q2900652 | Cattle of Helios | group of animals in Greek mythology | cattle | |||||||
3373 | Q754544 | Atepomarus | male | deity | Celtic deity | ||||||
7695 | Q835976 | Epona | female | Celtic goddess of horses | Celtic deity | ||||||
15 | Q305611 | Abas | male | mythological character, one of the Centaurs | centaur | Ixion | |||||
841 | Q518658 | Agrius | male | centaur in the Greek mythology | centaur | ||||||
1591 | Q15783253 | Anchius | male | centaur in Greek mythology | centaur | ||||||
2149 | Q26806435 | Aphareus | male | a centaur | centaur | ||||||
2666 | Q15783910 | Argius | male | centaur | centaur | ||||||
3134 | Q74055 | Asbolus | male | centaur of Greek mythology | centaur | ||||||
5069 | Q183417 | Chiron | Χίρωνι | male | centaur, figure from Greek mythology | centaur | Kronos | Philyra | |||
5107 | Q57419146 | Chromis | male | mythological Greek character | centaur | ||||||
6098 | Q3676711 | Cyllarus | male | centaur | centaur | ||||||
7462 | Q60300036 | Elatus | male | a centaur | centaur | ||||||
8415 | Q1378578 | Eurytion | Εὐρυτίωνα | male | centaur in ancient Greek poetry | centaur | |||||
8418 | Q540468 | Eurytion | male | centaur in Greek mythology | centaur | ||||||
11361 | Q28113345 | Hylaeus | male | centaur | centaur | ||||||
11369 | Q391070 | Hylonome | female | centauride in Greek mythology | centaur | ||||||
16460 | Q466866 | Nessus | Νέσσον | centaur in Greek mythology | centaur | Ixion | Nephele | ||||
17007 | Q106519417 | Oreius the centaur | Ὄρειον | male | centaur defeated by Heracles | centaur | |||||
18188 | Q1135152 | Pholus | Φόλῳ | male | centaur in Greek mythology | centaur | Silenus | Melia | |||
19749 | Q16327570 | Pylenor | Πυλήνορα | male | centaur wounded by Heracles | centaur | |||||
20463 | Q12758406 | Rhoecus | male | centaur | centaur | ||||||
4842 | Q109755750 | Cerberus | male organism | a three-headed dog to the gates of the Underworld, whom Dick Dastardly plans to unleash after uniting his skulls. | CGI character | ||||||
21268 | Q312376 | Silas | male | ancient Roman saint and bishop | character from the Quran and the Bible | citizen | 0050 | Rome | |||
781 | Q4439972 | Aglaea | Ἀγλαΐαν | female | one of the Graces (Charites) in Greek mythology | Charites | Helios | Eurynome | |||
782 | Q4439972 | Aglaea | Ἀγλαΐαν | female | one of the Graces (Charites) in Greek mythology | Charites | Zeus | Eurynome | |||
1797 | Q3312821 | Antheia | female | one of the Charites, or Graces, of Greek mythology | Charites | ||||||
5507 | Q12879099 | Cleta | Κλητᾶς | female | one of the Charites/Graces | Charites | |||||
17399 | Q1235379 | Pasithea | Πασιθέας | female | personification of relaxation, meditation and hallucinations in Greek mythology | Charites | Dionysus | Hera | |||
17400 | Q1235379 | Pasithea | Πασιθέας | female | personification of relaxation, meditation and hallucinations in Greek mythology | Charites | Zeus | Eurynome | |||
17401 | Q1235379 | Pasithea | Πασιθέας | female | personification of relaxation, meditation and hallucinations in Greek mythology | Charites | Dionysus | Eurynome | |||
17402 | Q1235379 | Pasithea | Πασιθέας | female | personification of relaxation, meditation and hallucinations in Greek mythology | Charites | Zeus | Hera | |||
17764 | Q11328715 | Phaenna | Φαέννας | female | one of the Graces in Greek mythology | Charites | |||||
22067 | Q1260484 | Thalia | Θαλίαν | female | one of the 3 Graces | Charites | Zeus | Eurynome | |||
22068 | Q1260484 | Thalia | Θαλίαν | female | one of the 3 Graces | Charites | Helios | Eurynome | |||
17589 | Q39864 | Pentecost | Christian holiday commemorating the New Testament stories of the Holy Spirit descenting upon the Apostles of Jesus | Christian holy day | |||||||
18201 | Q200382 | Phorcys | Φόρκου | male | Greek sea god | chthonic gods | Pontus | Gaia | |||
23412 | Q389236 | Umbri | ancient people of Italy | civilization | |||||||
23522 | Q42211 | Vandals | East Germanic tribe | civilization | |||||||
10706 | Q48616 | Helvetii | historical ethnical group | civitas | |||||||
20964 | Q852935 | Sequani | ancient people of Gaul | civitas | |||||||
9938 | Q20002409 | Gephyraei | lineage of ancient Athens | clan | |||||||
15512 | Q106632597 | Medontids | Μεδοντίδας | ancient Athenian ruling family | clan | citizen | |||||
21339 | Q150986 | siren | Σειρῆνα | creatures half bird and half woman who lured sailors by the sweetness of her song | class of mythical entities | Achelous | |||||
895 | Q132990 | Alamanni | Germanic people | confederation | |||||||
3200 | Q1949987 | Asinius Lupus | male | possible son of Vipsania Agrippina | conflation | citizen | 0100 | Gaius Asinius Gallus | Vipsania Agrippina | ||
12901 | Q12285142 | Lucius Annius Vinicianus | male | conflation item | conflation | citizen | |||||
3958 | Q720100 | Battle of Sepeia | Battle between Spartan forces led by Cleomenes I and Argos (494 BC) | conflict | |||||||
5092 | Q1076902 | Chremonidean War | War (267–261 BC) fought by a coalition of Greek city-states against Antigonid Macedonian domination, resulting in a Macedonian victory which confirmed Antigonid control over the city states of Greece | conflict | |||||||
20408 | Q7320035 | Rhadine and Leontichus | Ῥαδίνης καὶ Λεοντίχου | lovers in Greek mythology | couple | Samos | |||||
1205 | Q909765 | Aloadae | παίδων | characters in Greek mythology | couple of mythological Greek characters | ||||||
2145 | Q773409 | Apharetidae | Lynceus and Idas, the sons of Aphareus in Greek mythology | couple of mythological Greek characters | Aphareus | ||||||
4700 | Q190103 | Castor and Pollux | Διοσκούρων | Greek mythical siblings | couple of mythological Greek characters | ||||||
4859 | Q1504253 | Cercopes | couple of mythological Greek characters | couple of mythological Greek characters | |||||||
6278 | Q901481 | Damon and Pythias | legendary friends from Syracuse | couple of mythological Greek characters | |||||||
17168 | Q591622 | Palici | male | pair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythology | couple of mythological Greek characters | Hephaestus | Thalia | ||||
17170 | Q591622 | Palici | male | pair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythology | couple of mythological Greek characters | Hephaestus | Aetna | ||||
17171 | Q591622 | Palici | male | pair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythology | couple of mythological Greek characters | Zeus | Thalia | ||||
17173 | Q591622 | Palici | male | pair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythology | couple of mythological Greek characters | Zeus | Aetna | ||||
17177 | Q591622 | Palici | male | pair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythology | couple of mythological Greek characters | Adranus | Aetna | ||||
17178 | Q591622 | Palici | male | pair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythology | couple of mythological Greek characters | Adranus | Thalia | ||||
8084 | Q949461 | Eugenia of Rome | female | Roman Christian martyr (died c 258) | cross-dressing saints | citizen | 0262 | Rome | |||
20804 | Q12878563 | Scelmis | male | one of the Idaean Dactyls | Curetes | ||||||
2649 | Q420269 | Arges | male | cyclops in Greek mythology | cyclops | Uranus | Gaia | ||||
4165 | Q2291710 | Brontes | male | Cyclop ("thunderer") | cyclops | Uranus | Gaia | ||||
9941 | Q1509779 | Geraestus the cyclops | male | Cyclops with tomb near Athens | cyclops | ||||||
18602 | Q193567 | Polyphemus | male | giant son of Poseidon and Thoosa in Greek mythology | cyclops | Poseidon | Thoosa | ||||
21639 | Q3553687 | Steropes | male | cyclops in Greek mythology ("lightning") | cyclops | Uranus | Gaia | ||||
107 | Q3604254 | Acesidas | Ἀκεσίδα | male | Idaean Dactyl with altar at Olympia | Dactyls | |||||
20805 | Q12878563 | Scelmis | male | one of the Idaean Dactyls | Dactyls | ||||||
680 | Q391553 | Agathodaemon | Δαίμονός τε ἀγαθοῦ | male | mythological serpent | daemon | |||||
891 | Q391089 | Alala | female | Personification of the war cry in Greek mythology | daemon | Polemos | |||||
900 | Q576123 | Alastor | male | Greek punitive deity | daemon | ||||||
1058 | Q1317994 | Aletheia | female | personification of truth in ancient Greece | daemon | Zeus | |||||
7642 | Q5382860 | Epidotes | Ἐπιδώτην | divinity worshipped at Lacedaemon and divine epithet | daemon | ||||||
8374 | Q1378534 | Eurynomos | Εὐρύνομος | male | spirit of the underworld | daemon | |||||
11336 | Q14321610 | Hybris | female | personification of Outrage in Greek mythology | daemon | Erebos | Dyssebeia | ||||
11337 | Q14321610 | Hybris | female | personification of Outrage in Greek mythology | daemon | Erebos | Nyx | ||||
12233 | Q636428 | Kydoimos | male | personification of the noise of battle in ancient Greece | daemon | ||||||
18457 | Q2713002 | Polemos | male | daemon in Greek mythology, a divine personification or embodiment of war | daemon | Phorcys | |||||
3271 | Q18642287 | Asteria | female | one of the Danaids, daughters of Danaus who, with one exception, murdered their husbands on their wedding nights. She was, briefly, the bride of Chaetus | Daughters of Danaus | Danaus | Atlantia | ||||
3273 | Q18642287 | Asteria | female | one of the Danaids, daughters of Danaus who, with one exception, murdered their husbands on their wedding nights. She was, briefly, the bride of Chaetus | Daughters of Danaus | Danaus | Phoebe | ||||
2106 | Q47534 | Anubis | male | Egyptian deity of mummification and the afterlife, usually depicted as a man with a canine head | death deity | Seth | Nephthys | ||||
5005 | Q6612 | Charon | Χάρων | male | ferryman of Hades in Greek-Roman mythology | death deity | Erebos | Nyx | |||
7696 | Q835976 | Epona | female | Celtic goddess of horses | death deity | ||||||
10418 | Q41410 | Hades | Ἅιδου | male | god of the underworld in Greek mythology | death deity | Kronos | Rhea | |||
10838 | Q2319713 | Hermanubis | male | Greco-Egyptian divinity | death deity | ||||||
22082 | Q199647 | Thanatos | Θάνατόν | male | personification of Death in Greek mythology | death deity | Erebos | Nyx | |||
922 | Q9594792 | Alburnus | male | divinity of Monte Alburno in Lucania | deity | ||||||
3099 | Q3624180 | Artemis Tauropolos | local aspect and epithet of Artemis | deity | |||||||
5126 | Q57424690 | Chryseis | female | Oceanid of Greek mythology | deity | Oceanus | Tethys | ||||
6648 | Q18604149 | Derceto | female | main goddess of Ascalon / Ashkelon | deity | ||||||
7297 | Q1267598 | Dushara | male | deity | deity | ||||||
7324 | Q106800538 | Ececheiria | Ἐκεχειρίας | female | personification of Truce in ancient Greek religious art | deity | |||||
8671 | Q751867 | Fascinus | personification of the phallus in Roman religion | deity | |||||||
10060 | Q1532491 | Glycon | male | mythical creature | deity | ||||||
10772 | Q91109410 | Heracles of Canobus | Αἰγύπτιος Ἡρακλῆς | male | alternate Herakles alluded to in Greek mythology | deity | Canopus | ||||
11332 | Q106784276 | Hyblaea | Ὑβλαίας | female | goddess worshipped in ancient Sicily | deity | |||||
11457 | Q15850651 | Hypsistos | all-highest, divine epithet of Zeus in ancient Greek religion | deity | |||||||
11495 | Q106076553 | Ianire | female | One of the Oceanids | deity | Oceanus | Tethys | ||||
12208 | Q1781076 | Komyros | male | Carian divinity and epithet of Zeus | deity | ||||||
15439 | Q6791855 | Matton | male | "kneader", ancient Spartan demi-god | deity | ||||||
15667 | Q106079953 | Melobosis | Μηλόβοσίς | female | One of the Oceanids | deity | Oceanus | Tethys | |||
15766 | Q106079915 | Menestho | female | One of the Oceanids | deity | Oceanus | Tethys | ||||
16799 | Q1539620 | Oeagrus | male | mythical character, father of Orpheus | deity | Charops | |||||
16800 | Q1539620 | Oeagrus | male | mythical character, father of Orpheus | deity | Pierus | |||||
16933 | Q106618800 | Onga | Ὄγγα | female | goddess of Thebes, identified with Athena | deity | |||||
16961 | Q1053307 | Ophion | male | Primordial Greek creator deity | deity | ||||||
17065 | Q105335595 | Ortheia | Ἀρτέμιδος | female | goddess worshipped in ancient Sparta, assimilated to Artemis | deity | |||||
17080 | Q106092358 | Osogoa | Ὀσογῶα | god of Mylasa in ancient Caria, associated with Zeus | deity | ||||||
17167 | Q591622 | Palici | male | pair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythology | deity | Zeus | Thalia | ||||
17169 | Q591622 | Palici | male | pair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythology | deity | Hephaestus | Thalia | ||||
17172 | Q591622 | Palici | male | pair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythology | deity | Adranus | Thalia | ||||
17174 | Q591622 | Palici | male | pair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythology | deity | Hephaestus | Aetna | ||||
17175 | Q591622 | Palici | male | pair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythology | deity | Zeus | Aetna | ||||
17176 | Q591622 | Palici | male | pair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythology | deity | Adranus | Aetna | ||||
17598 | Q7166476 | Pepromene | πεπρωμένῃ | goddess for fate/destiny in Greek mythology | deity | ||||||
17808 | Q1349003 | Phanes | male | Ancient Greek deity of procreation | deity | Hydros | |||||
23877 | Q3575327 | Zeus Ammon | Ἄμμωνα | male | ancient Egyptian deity | deity | |||||
5367 | Q17581463 | Cleito | female | mythical daughter of Evenor | demigod | Evenor | Leucippe | ||||
12477 | Q1419059 | Lelex | Λέλεγα | male | king of Laconia | demigod | Helios | ||||
17915 | Q12885691 | Philander | Φιλάνδρῳ | male | mythical son of Apollo by Acacallis | demigod | Apollo | Acacallis | |||
4838 | Q12879039 | Ceraon | male | demi-god of the meal in Greek mythology | demigod of Greek mythology | ||||||
6473 | Q5252494 | Deipneus | male | minor Achaean deity | demigod of Greek mythology |