Classical Antiquity Person Collection

A dataset of about 24 000 Wikidata Person IDs that might prove useful for annotating persons in an ancient Greek literary text

Search only persons mentioned by Pausanias in Recogito Annotation
Total search results: 23939
Wikidata IDpersonPausanias PersongenderDescriptionentitycitizendeathfathermotherbirthplace
15463 Q64764989Maximus Decimus Meridiusmalemain character in the film Gladiatoradventure film charactercitizen
6510 Q40730DemeterΔήμητροςfemaleGreek goddess of the harvest, grains, and agricultureagricultural deityKronosRhea
20751 Q134388Saturnmalegod in ancient Roman mythologyagricultural deityCaelusTerra
20752 Q134388Saturnmalegod in ancient Roman mythologyagricultural deityCaelusHecate
890 Q391089AlalafemalePersonification of the war cry in Greek mythologyallegorical Greek deityPolemos
1702 Q4762641Angeliafemaledaughter of Hermesallegorical Greek deityHermes
2126 Q617977ApatefemaleMinor goddess in Greek mythology, personification of deceitallegorical Greek deityNyx
3369 Q210871AtëfemaleAncient Greek goddess of mischiefallegorical Greek deityZeusEris
6758 Q465875DikeΔίκηfemaleGreek goddess of law and justiceallegorical Greek deityNomosThemis
6762 Q465875DikeΔίκηfemaleGreek goddess of law and justiceallegorical Greek deityNomosEusebia
6766 Q465875DikeΔίκηfemaleGreek goddess of law and justiceallegorical Greek deityZeusThemis
6770 Q465875DikeΔίκηfemaleGreek goddess of law and justiceallegorical Greek deityZeusEusebia
9944 Q1052301Gerasmaleson of Night and personification of Old Age in Greek mythologyallegorical Greek deityErebosNyx
16619 Q165023NikeΝίκηνfemalegoddess of victory in Greek mythologyallegorical Greek deityPallasStyx
1496 Q332246AnankeἈνάγκηςfemalepersonification of inevitability, compulsion and necessity in Greek mythologyallegoryHydros
1501 Q332246AnankeἈνάγκηςfemalepersonification of inevitability, compulsion and necessity in Greek mythologyallegoryChronos
5555 Q106879820CloniefemaleAmazon at Troy in Greek mythologyAmazons
5564 Q21768480ClymenefemaleAmazon in Greek mythologyAmazons
6127 Q59211515CynnafemaleAmazon, eponym of a Pontic townAmazons
16099 Q2608554MolpadiaΜολπαδίαςfemaleAmazon in Greek mythologyAmazons
16225 Q17561739Myrinafemalereina mítica de las amazonasAmazons
23707 Q57394134Wonder WomanfemaleDC Extended Universe characterAmazonsThemyscira
1441 Q58373AmunmaleEgyptian and Berber deityAncient Egyptian deityNu
2108 Q47534AnubismaleEgyptian deity of mummification and the afterlife, usually depicted as a man with a canine headAncient Egyptian deitySethNephthys
2194 Q208150ApisἎπινmalesacred bull in Egyptian mythologyAncient Egyptian deity
11770 Q79876IsisἼσιδοςfemaleEgyptian deityAncient Egyptian deityGebNut
17078 Q46491OsirisὌσιρινmalegod of the afterlife in Egyptian mythologyAncient Egyptian deityGebNut
20976 Q214554SerapisΣαράπιδόςmaleGraeco-Egyptian godAncient Egyptian deity
23876 Q3575327Zeus AmmonἌμμωναmaleancient Egyptian deityAncient Egyptian deity
2123 Q118233233Aparctiaswind from the northwest in classical antiquityAnemoi
2129 Q2245728Apeliotesmalewind from the east in classical antiquityAnemoiAstraeusEos
2650 Q55529508ArgestesmaleGreek god of the northwest or westnorthwest windAnemoiAstraeusEos
4114 Q109220BoreasΒορέουmaleGreek mythological personification of the North windAnemoiAstraeusEos
4272 Q1721421Caeciasmalenortheast wind and its associated god in ancient GreeceAnemoiAstraeusEos
8262 Q836518Eurosmalethe Greek deity representing the unlucky east windAnemoiAstraeusEos
12740 Q1740184LipsmaleSW wind in ancient GreeceAnemoiAstraeusEos
16688 Q903273Notusmalegod of the south wind in Greek mythologyAnemoiAstraeusEos
20820 Q9337884Scironmalepersonified NW wind in GreeceAnemoiAstraeusEos
22467 Q118232586Thrasciasnortheast wind in ancient Greek seafaringAnemoi
23869 Q467515ZephyrusΖεφύρουmaleGreek god of the wind from the westAnemoiAstraeusEos
4844 Q109755750Cerberusmale organisma three-headed dog to the gates of the Underworld, whom Dick Dastardly plans to unleash after uniting his skulls.animated character
892 Q575250AlalcomenesἈλαλκομενέωςmaleAncient Greek mythological figureanthropogonyGaia
21599 Q43999St. James the Elder, Apostlemaleone of the Twelve Apostles of Jesusapostlecitizen0044ZebedeeSalomeBethsaida
17800 Q638008PhalerusΦαληροῦmaleAthenian mythological character, son of Alcon and grandson of Erechtheus king of AthensArgonautscitizenAlcon
21896 Q331327TelamonΤελαμῶνοςmaleone of the Argonauts of Jason, in Greek mythologyArgonautsActaeusEndeïsAegina
21897 Q331327TelamonΤελαμῶνοςmaleone of the Argonauts of Jason, in Greek mythologyArgonautsAeacusEndeïsAegina
21898 Q331327TelamonΤελαμῶνοςmaleone of the Argonauts of Jason, in Greek mythologyArgonautsActaeusGlauceAegina
21899 Q331327TelamonΤελαμῶνοςmaleone of the Argonauts of Jason, in Greek mythologyArgonautsAeacusGlauceAegina
16379 Q199438Nemean lionλέωνmale organismthe lion killed by Herculesartistic themeOrthrusSelene
16384 Q199438Nemean lionλέωνmale organismthe lion killed by Herculesartistic themeOrthruschimera
16385 Q199438Nemean lionλέωνmale organismthe lion killed by Herculesartistic themeZeusSelene
16389 Q199438Nemean lionλέωνmale organismthe lion killed by Herculesartistic themeZeuschimera
16393 Q199438Nemean lionλέωνmale organismthe lion killed by Herculesartistic themeOrthrusEchidna
16396 Q199438Nemean lionλέωνmale organismthe lion killed by Herculesartistic themeZeusEchidna
185 Q12873255AcraeaἈκραίανfemalemythical daughter of AsterionAsterionidaeAsterion
7962 Q1372112EuboeaΕὔβοιανfemalemythical daughter of AsterionAsterionidaeAsterion
18948 Q29856413ProsymnaΠρόσυμνανfemalemythical daughter of AsterionAsterionidaeAsterion
17769 Q7180028PhaenonmaleSynonym of SaturnAstra PlanetaAstraeusEos
5056 Q7382381ChioneΧιόνηςfemalemythological Greek character, daughter of BoreasAuraiBoreasOrithyia
13902 Q501667LycaonΛυκάονοςmaleGreek mythical character, king of Arcadia, son of Pelasgus and MeliboeaautochthonosPelasgusMeliboea
13903 Q501667LycaonΛυκάονοςmaleGreek mythical character, king of Arcadia, son of Pelasgus and MeliboeaautochthonosPelasgusCyllene
13905 Q501667LycaonΛυκάονοςmaleGreek mythical character, king of Arcadia, son of Pelasgus and MeliboeaautochthonosPelasgusDeïaneira
17151 Q12353585Palaechtonmalemythical father of Pelasgusautochthonos
17545 Q1636827PelasgusΠελασγοῦmaleancestor of the Arcadians in Greek mythologyautochthonosZeusNiobe
17865 Q106075949PheneusΦενεόνmalemythical founder of the polis of Pheneos in ArcadiaautochthonosPheneos
21818 Q657174TalosΤάλωmalemythological bronze automaton guarding CreteautomatonCres
3956 Q207250Battle of Lake Trasimene217 BC battle of the Second Punic Warbattle
3957 Q720100Battle of SepeiaBattle between Spartan forces led by Cleomenes I and Argos (494 BC)battle
3959 Q195881Battle of the 300 Championsbattle between Argos and Spartabattle
3960 Q3636289Battle of the Great Fossancient defeat of Messenia by Spartabattle
17585 Q39864PentecostChristian holiday commemorating the New Testament stories of the Holy Spirit descenting upon the Apostles of Jesusbiblical concept
20696 Q214648Samsonmalejudge of ancient Israel, known for wielding supernatural strength (Judges)biblical judge-1077Manoahwife of ManoahZorah
4234 Q505171Butesmalemythical son of BoreasBoreadsBoreas
5058 Q7382381ChioneΧιόνηςfemalemythological Greek character, daughter of BoreasBoreadsBoreasOrithyia
5466 Q542356CleopatrafemaleGreek mythological figure, daughter of BoreasBoreadsBoreasOrithyia
4132 Q47140Brahmin castevarna (class) in Hinduism, one of four castescaste
4728 Q2900652Cattle of Heliosgroup of animals in Greek mythologycattle
3373 Q754544AtepomarusmaledeityCeltic deity
7695 Q835976EponafemaleCeltic goddess of horsesCeltic deity
15 Q305611Abasmalemythological character, one of the CentaurscentaurIxion
841 Q518658Agriusmalecentaur in the Greek mythologycentaur
1591 Q15783253Anchiusmalecentaur in Greek mythologycentaur
2149 Q26806435Aphareusmalea centaurcentaur
2666 Q15783910Argiusmalecentaurcentaur
3134 Q74055Asbolusmalecentaur of Greek mythologycentaur
5069 Q183417ChironΧίρωνιmalecentaur, figure from Greek mythologycentaurKronosPhilyra
5107 Q57419146Chromismalemythological Greek charactercentaur
6098 Q3676711Cyllarusmalecentaurcentaur
7462 Q60300036Elatusmalea centaurcentaur
8415 Q1378578EurytionΕὐρυτίωναmalecentaur in ancient Greek poetrycentaur
8418 Q540468Eurytionmalecentaur in Greek mythologycentaur
11361 Q28113345Hylaeusmalecentaurcentaur
11369 Q391070Hylonomefemalecentauride in Greek mythologycentaur
16460 Q466866NessusΝέσσονcentaur in Greek mythologycentaurIxionNephele
17007 Q106519417Oreius the centaurὌρειονmalecentaur defeated by Heraclescentaur
18188 Q1135152PholusΦόλῳmalecentaur in Greek mythologycentaurSilenusMelia
19749 Q16327570PylenorΠυλήνοραmalecentaur wounded by Heraclescentaur
20463 Q12758406Rhoecusmalecentaurcentaur
4842 Q109755750Cerberusmale organisma three-headed dog to the gates of the Underworld, whom Dick Dastardly plans to unleash after uniting his skulls.CGI character
21268 Q312376Silasmaleancient Roman saint and bishopcharacter from the Quran and the Biblecitizen0050Rome
781 Q4439972AglaeaἈγλαΐανfemaleone of the Graces (Charites) in Greek mythologyCharitesHeliosEurynome
782 Q4439972AglaeaἈγλαΐανfemaleone of the Graces (Charites) in Greek mythologyCharitesZeusEurynome
1797 Q3312821Antheiafemaleone of the Charites, or Graces, of Greek mythologyCharites
5507 Q12879099CletaΚλητᾶςfemaleone of the Charites/GracesCharites
17399 Q1235379PasitheaΠασιθέαςfemalepersonification of relaxation, meditation and hallucinations in Greek mythologyCharitesDionysusHera
17400 Q1235379PasitheaΠασιθέαςfemalepersonification of relaxation, meditation and hallucinations in Greek mythologyCharitesZeusEurynome
17401 Q1235379PasitheaΠασιθέαςfemalepersonification of relaxation, meditation and hallucinations in Greek mythologyCharitesDionysusEurynome
17402 Q1235379PasitheaΠασιθέαςfemalepersonification of relaxation, meditation and hallucinations in Greek mythologyCharitesZeusHera
17764 Q11328715PhaennaΦαένναςfemaleone of the Graces in Greek mythologyCharites
22067 Q1260484ThaliaΘαλίανfemaleone of the 3 GracesCharitesZeusEurynome
22068 Q1260484ThaliaΘαλίανfemaleone of the 3 GracesCharitesHeliosEurynome
17589 Q39864PentecostChristian holiday commemorating the New Testament stories of the Holy Spirit descenting upon the Apostles of JesusChristian holy day
18201 Q200382PhorcysΦόρκουmaleGreek sea godchthonic godsPontusGaia
23412 Q389236Umbriancient people of Italycivilization
23522 Q42211VandalsEast Germanic tribecivilization
10706 Q48616Helvetiihistorical ethnical groupcivitas
20964 Q852935Sequaniancient people of Gaulcivitas
9938 Q20002409Gephyraeilineage of ancient Athensclan
15512 Q106632597MedontidsΜεδοντίδαςancient Athenian ruling familyclancitizen
21339 Q150986sirenΣειρῆναcreatures half bird and half woman who lured sailors by the sweetness of her songclass of mythical entitiesAchelous
895 Q132990AlamanniGermanic peopleconfederation
3200 Q1949987Asinius Lupusmalepossible son of Vipsania Agrippinaconflationcitizen0100Gaius Asinius GallusVipsania Agrippina
12901 Q12285142Lucius Annius Vinicianusmaleconflation itemconflationcitizen
3958 Q720100Battle of SepeiaBattle between Spartan forces led by Cleomenes I and Argos (494 BC)conflict
5092 Q1076902Chremonidean WarWar (267–261 BC) fought by a coalition of Greek city-states against Antigonid Macedonian domination, resulting in a Macedonian victory which confirmed Antigonid control over the city states of Greececonflict
20408 Q7320035Rhadine and LeontichusῬαδίνης καὶ Λεοντίχουlovers in Greek mythologycoupleSamos
1205 Q909765Aloadaeπαίδωνcharacters in Greek mythologycouple of mythological Greek characters
2145 Q773409ApharetidaeLynceus and Idas, the sons of Aphareus in Greek mythologycouple of mythological Greek charactersAphareus
4700 Q190103Castor and PolluxΔιοσκούρωνGreek mythical siblingscouple of mythological Greek characters
4859 Q1504253Cercopescouple of mythological Greek characterscouple of mythological Greek characters
6278 Q901481Damon and Pythiaslegendary friends from Syracusecouple of mythological Greek characters
17168 Q591622Palicimalepair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythologycouple of mythological Greek charactersHephaestusThalia
17170 Q591622Palicimalepair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythologycouple of mythological Greek charactersHephaestusAetna
17171 Q591622Palicimalepair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythologycouple of mythological Greek charactersZeusThalia
17173 Q591622Palicimalepair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythologycouple of mythological Greek charactersZeusAetna
17177 Q591622Palicimalepair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythologycouple of mythological Greek charactersAdranusAetna
17178 Q591622Palicimalepair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythologycouple of mythological Greek charactersAdranusThalia
8084 Q949461Eugenia of RomefemaleRoman Christian martyr (died c 258)cross-dressing saintscitizen0262Rome
20804 Q12878563Scelmismaleone of the Idaean DactylsCuretes
2649 Q420269Argesmalecyclops in Greek mythologycyclopsUranusGaia
4165 Q2291710BrontesmaleCyclop ("thunderer")cyclopsUranusGaia
9941 Q1509779Geraestus the cyclopsmaleCyclops with tomb near Athenscyclops
18602 Q193567Polyphemusmalegiant son of Poseidon and Thoosa in Greek mythologycyclopsPoseidonThoosa
21639 Q3553687Steropesmalecyclops in Greek mythology ("lightning")cyclopsUranusGaia
107 Q3604254AcesidasἈκεσίδαmaleIdaean Dactyl with altar at OlympiaDactyls
20805 Q12878563Scelmismaleone of the Idaean DactylsDactyls
680 Q391553AgathodaemonΔαίμονός τε ἀγαθοῦmalemythological serpentdaemon
891 Q391089AlalafemalePersonification of the war cry in Greek mythologydaemonPolemos
900 Q576123AlastormaleGreek punitive deitydaemon
1058 Q1317994Aletheiafemalepersonification of truth in ancient GreecedaemonZeus
7642 Q5382860EpidotesἘπιδώτηνdivinity worshipped at Lacedaemon and divine epithetdaemon
8374 Q1378534EurynomosΕὐρύνομοςmalespirit of the underworlddaemon
11336 Q14321610Hybrisfemalepersonification of Outrage in Greek mythologydaemonErebosDyssebeia
11337 Q14321610Hybrisfemalepersonification of Outrage in Greek mythologydaemonErebosNyx
12233 Q636428Kydoimosmalepersonification of the noise of battle in ancient Greecedaemon
18457 Q2713002Polemosmaledaemon in Greek mythology, a divine personification or embodiment of wardaemonPhorcys
3271 Q18642287Asteriafemaleone of the Danaids, daughters of Danaus who, with one exception, murdered their husbands on their wedding nights. She was, briefly, the bride of ChaetusDaughters of DanausDanausAtlantia
3273 Q18642287Asteriafemaleone of the Danaids, daughters of Danaus who, with one exception, murdered their husbands on their wedding nights. She was, briefly, the bride of ChaetusDaughters of DanausDanausPhoebe
2106 Q47534AnubismaleEgyptian deity of mummification and the afterlife, usually depicted as a man with a canine headdeath deitySethNephthys
5005 Q6612CharonΧάρωνmaleferryman of Hades in Greek-Roman mythologydeath deityErebosNyx
7696 Q835976EponafemaleCeltic goddess of horsesdeath deity
10418 Q41410HadesἍιδουmalegod of the underworld in Greek mythologydeath deityKronosRhea
10838 Q2319713HermanubismaleGreco-Egyptian divinitydeath deity
22082 Q199647ThanatosΘάνατόνmalepersonification of Death in Greek mythologydeath deityErebosNyx
922 Q9594792Alburnusmaledivinity of Monte Alburno in Lucaniadeity
3099 Q3624180Artemis Tauropoloslocal aspect and epithet of Artemisdeity
5126 Q57424690ChryseisfemaleOceanid of Greek mythologydeityOceanusTethys
6648 Q18604149Dercetofemalemain goddess of Ascalon / Ashkelondeity
7297 Q1267598Dusharamaledeitydeity
7324 Q106800538EcecheiriaἘκεχειρίαςfemalepersonification of Truce in ancient Greek religious artdeity
8671 Q751867Fascinuspersonification of the phallus in Roman religiondeity
10060 Q1532491Glyconmalemythical creaturedeity
10772 Q91109410Heracles of CanobusΑἰγύπτιος Ἡρακλῆςmalealternate Herakles alluded to in Greek mythologydeityCanopus
11332 Q106784276HyblaeaὙβλαίαςfemalegoddess worshipped in ancient Sicilydeity
11457 Q15850651Hypsistosall-highest, divine epithet of Zeus in ancient Greek religiondeity
11495 Q106076553IanirefemaleOne of the OceanidsdeityOceanusTethys
12208 Q1781076KomyrosmaleCarian divinity and epithet of Zeusdeity
15439 Q6791855Mattonmale"kneader", ancient Spartan demi-goddeity
15667 Q106079953MelobosisΜηλόβοσίςfemaleOne of the OceanidsdeityOceanusTethys
15766 Q106079915MenesthofemaleOne of the OceanidsdeityOceanusTethys
16799 Q1539620Oeagrusmalemythical character, father of OrpheusdeityCharops
16800 Q1539620Oeagrusmalemythical character, father of OrpheusdeityPierus
16933 Q106618800OngaὌγγαfemalegoddess of Thebes, identified with Athenadeity
16961 Q1053307OphionmalePrimordial Greek creator deitydeity
17065 Q105335595OrtheiaἈρτέμιδοςfemalegoddess worshipped in ancient Sparta, assimilated to Artemisdeity
17080 Q106092358OsogoaὈσογῶαgod of Mylasa in ancient Caria, associated with Zeusdeity
17167 Q591622Palicimalepair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythologydeityZeusThalia
17169 Q591622Palicimalepair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythologydeityHephaestusThalia
17172 Q591622Palicimalepair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythologydeityAdranusThalia
17174 Q591622Palicimalepair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythologydeityHephaestusAetna
17175 Q591622Palicimalepair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythologydeityZeusAetna
17176 Q591622Palicimalepair of indigenous Sicilian chthonic deities in Greek and Roman mythologydeityAdranusAetna
17598 Q7166476Pepromeneπεπρωμένῃgoddess for fate/destiny in Greek mythologydeity
17808 Q1349003PhanesmaleAncient Greek deity of procreationdeityHydros
23877 Q3575327Zeus AmmonἌμμωναmaleancient Egyptian deitydeity
5367 Q17581463Cleitofemalemythical daughter of EvenordemigodEvenorLeucippe
12477 Q1419059LelexΛέλεγαmaleking of LaconiademigodHelios
17915 Q12885691PhilanderΦιλάνδρῳmalemythical son of Apollo by AcacallisdemigodApolloAcacallis
4838 Q12879039Ceraonmaledemi-god of the meal in Greek mythologydemigod of Greek mythology
6473 Q5252494Deipneusmaleminor Achaean deitydemigod of Greek mythology

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