Classical Antiquity Person Collection

A dataset of about 24 000 Wikidata Person IDs that might prove useful for annotating persons in an ancient Greek literary text

Search only persons mentioned by Pausanias in Recogito Annotation
Total search results: 23939
Wikidata IDpersonPausanias PersongenderDescriptionentitycitizendeathfathermotherbirthplace
1 Q97486531A. Platorius Nepos Calpurnianus Marcellusmalec. 98 - s.m. s. IIhumancitizen
2 Q55619204Abantemaleguerrero troyanomythological Greek character
3 Q305524AbantidasἈβαντίδαςmaleTyrant of the Greek city-state of Sicyon from 264 to 252 BChumancitizen-0250Paseas
4 Q279782Abarbareafemalewater deitynaiadAesepus
5 Q305568Abarismalemythical character from Caucasusmythological Greek characterCaucasus
6 Q305566Abarismalefrom Cyzicus, killed by Jason in Greek mythologymythological Greek character
7 Q305567Abaris the HyperboreanἌβαρινmalesemi-legendary Greek physician, magician, and prophet of Apollohumancitizen
8 Q15781282AbartusἌβαρτονmalemythical king of Phocaeamythological Greek character
9 Q38098392Abasmalemythical character, defender of Thebes against the Sevenmythological Greek character
12 Q305613AbasἌβαντοςmalemythical character, son of Melampusmythological Greek characterMelampus
13 Q305616Abasmalemythical character, trojan companion of Aeneasmythological Greek character
14 Q305604Abasmalemythical character, companion of Perseusmythological Greek character
15 Q305611Abasmalemythological character, one of the CentaurscentaurIxion
16 Q305609Abasmalemythological character, son of Eurydamasmythological Greek characterEurydamas
17 Q305608Abasmaleancient Greek historianhuman
18 Q305611Abasmalemythological character, one of the Centaursmythological Greek characterIxion
19 Q305603AbasmaleEtruscan figure in Roman mythologymythical character
20 Q305603AbasmaleEtruscan figure in Roman mythologymythological Greek character
22 Q2190860Abasmaleone of Diomedes' companionsmythological Greek character
23 Q2359586Abasgoiancient tribe of Caucasian Iberiaisolated human group
24 Q4663560AbassadmaleEgyptian bishop and martyrhumancitizen
26 Q122035397AbderafemaleGreek mythical character, sister of Diomedes, eponymous hero of Abderaeponymous hero
27 Q122035397AbderafemaleGreek mythical character, sister of Diomedes, eponymous hero of Abderamythological Greek character
28 Q308055Abderusmaleson of Hermes in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterErimus
29 Q308055Abderusmaleson of Hermes in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterPoseidon
30 Q308055Abderusmaleson of Hermes in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterMenoetius
31 Q308055Abderusmaleson of Hermes in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterHermes
32 Q308320Abdonmalemale human biblical figure in Judges 12:13-15, judge of Israelhuman biblical figurePirathon
34 Q318778AbeloxmaleAncient Roman noblehuman-0260
35 Q3603524Abgar VImaleruler of Osroene from 71 to 91 CEhumancitizen0116Q21777960
36 Q320830AbiaἈβίανfemalemythical character, nurse of Glenusmythological Greek character
37 Q171795AbkhaziansNorthwest Caucasian ethnic subgroup of Georgia indigenous to Abkhaziapeople
38 Q171795AbkhaziansNorthwest Caucasian ethnic subgroup of Georgia indigenous to Abkhaziaethnic group
39 Q957189Ablabiusmalehigh official of the Roman Empirehumancitizen0338Crete
40 Q322053Ablabiusmalehistorian of the Gothshumancitizen0600birthplace Label
41 Q51883245Ablabiusmaleayudante del censor en Córcegahumancitizen0500birthplace Label
42 Q11903853AblabiusmaleGreek physician of the second centuryhumancitizen
43 Q322054Ablabius Illustriusmalegriechisch-römischer Bischofhumancitizen0500Galatia
44 Q11903863Ablabius Murenamalefictional Roman man formerly considered to be historicalfictional human formerly considered to be historicalcitizen
45 Q322372Ablerusmalemythical charactermythological Greek character
46 Q2562036AbradatasmalePersian princehuman whose existence is disputedcitizen
48 Q2821860Abraham of Ephesusmalearchbishop of Ephesus (6th century AD)human
49 Q329898Abraomas KulvietismaleLithuanian noble and writerhumancitizen1545Kulva
50 Q331523AbrocomasmaleAchaemenid satraphuman-0460
51 Q2758562Abronius SilomaleLatin poethumancitizen0100Hispania
52 Q1566958AbronychusmaleAthenian sailorhumancitizen-0500
53 Q2634102AbrotafemaleMythological wife of Nisus of Megaramythological Greek charactercitizenOnchestus
54 Q18639389Abroteliafemalefemale Pythagorean philosopher.human-0500Taranto
55 Q21996128Abrotonumfemalemother of Themistocleshuman
56 Q331602AbrupolisἈβρούπολινmale2nd-century BC king of the Thracian Sapaeihuman-0200
60 Q2595580AbudimusmaleChristian martyrhumancitizen0305Bozcaada
61 Q188265Abudius Rusomalelegate during the reign of Tiberiushumancitizen0100birthplace Label
62 Q335990AbundantiusmaleRoman consulhumancitizen0500Scythia Minor
63 Q19918146Abundantiusmalepolítico romano del siglo Vhumancitizen
64 Q2489389AbundantiusmaleSainthumancitizen0304birthplace Label
65 Q64549280Aburnius Valensmalejurista romanohumancitizen
67 Q305267AbydenusmaleAncient Greek historianhuman0200
69 Q2822188Acaciusmalepatriarch in the 5th centuryhuman
70 Q337191Acacius of BeroeamaleSyrian bishophumancitizen0436Roman Syria
71 Q337191Acacius of BeroeamaleSyrian bishophumancitizen0430Roman Syria
72 Q337196Acacius of CaesareamalePalestinian bishophuman0365
73 Q337196Acacius of CaesareamalePalestinian bishophuman0366
74 Q415483Acacius of Constantinoplemalereligious leaderhumancitizen0489
75 Q7129224Acacius of Melitenemalebishop of Melitene ca. 430-438human0435
76 Q415491AcacusἌκακόςmalemythical son of Lycaonking in Greek mythologyLycaon
78 Q4671657Acallarisfemalein Greek mythology, the daughter of Eumedesmythological Greek character
79 Q2822481Acamantisancient Athenian phylePhyle
80 Q1782641Acamasmaleson of Antenormythological Greek characterAntenor
81 Q415628Acamasmaleson of Eussorusmythological Greek characterEusorus
82 Q21547761Acamasmaleson of Asius in the Iliadmythological Greek character
84 Q2822505Acanthisfemaledaughter of Hippodamia and Autonous and sister to Anthus, Erodius, Schoenous and Acanthusmythological Greek characterAutonous
86 Q2822600Acanthus of Spartamale8th-century BC Greek athletehumandeathSparta
89 Q9143220Acastefemalenurse of the children of Adrastusmythological Greek character
90 Q416323Acastusmalelegendary Athenian rulermythological Greek characterMedon
92 Q9143443Accafemalecomrade of Camilla in Greek mythologymythological Greek character
93 Q338298Acca Larentiafemalefoster mother of Romulus and RemusRoman deity
94 Q338298Acca Larentiafemalefoster mother of Romulus and Remushuman whose existence is disputed
95 Q24951345Accius Julianusmalefather-in-law of Lucius Neratius Priscushumancitizen
96 Q5656172Accius Labeomalefictional Roman poet formerly considered to be historicalfictional human formerly considered to be historicalcitizen
97 Q24936100Accius Suramalepolítico y militar de la Antigua Romahumancitizen0200birthplace Label
98 Q3604219Accofemaleancient Greek daimon for frightening childrenmythological Greek character
100 Q16330081Aceratus Grammaticusmaleancient Greek epigrammatisthuman
101 Q367565Acerbasmalepriest from Roman mythologymythological Greek character
103 Q12873238Acesamenusmaleson of Poseidon in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterPoseidon
104 Q1131105AcesandermaleCyrenean historianhumanCyrene
105 Q3558505AcesasmaleCyprian weaver famed for his skill in weaving cloth with variegated patternshuman-0001Salamis
106 Q3604255Acesiasmaleancient Greek physicianhuman
107 Q3604254AcesidasἈκεσίδαmaleIdaean Dactyl with altar at OlympiaDactyls
108 Q3604254AcesidasἈκεσίδαmaleIdaean Dactyl with altar at Olympiamythical entity
109 Q115379458AcesisἌκεσινmaleancient Greek healing divinity venerated at EpidaurusGreek deity
111 Q4673231AcessamenusmaleAncient Greek mythological kingking in Greek mythology
113 Q4673235Acestodorusmaleancient Greek historianhuman
114 Q3604258AcestormaleGreek tragedy writerhumanScythia
115 Q9143395Acestormalemythical son of Ephippusmythological Greek character
116 Q417502AcestorἈκέστωρmaleGreek sculptorhuman-0300
117 Q15469145AcestoridesmaleCorinthian commander, active in Syracusehuman
118 Q15471626Acestoridesmaleancient Greek mythographerhuman
119 Q28858429Achaecusmalephilosophe antiquehuman
120 Q106802838AchaeiaἈχαιίανfemaleHyperborean maiden in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterHyperborea
121 Q312032Achaemenesmalepossibly mythical apical ancestor of the Achaemenid dynasty, living in the 7th century BC and possibly a ruler of Parsumash, a vassal state of the Median Empirehuman-0700Iran
122 Q312032Achaemenesmalepossibly mythical apical ancestor of the Achaemenid dynasty, living in the 7th century BC and possibly a ruler of Parsumash, a vassal state of the Median Empirehuman whose existence is disputed-0700Iran
123 Q13527812Achaemenid dynastyAchemenid dynasty of Persia ca. 550-330 BCEdynasty
124 Q930198Achaemenidesmaleson of Adamastus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterAdamastus
125 Q535413AchaeusmaleGreek generalhuman-0212Andromachus
131 Q718070Achaeus of EretriamaleGreek playwrighthuman-0419Eretria
132 Q982939Achaicus of Corinthmaleone of the seventy discipleshuman biblical figure0100Achaea Regional Unit
133 Q982939Achaicus of Corinthmaleone of the seventy discipleshuman0100Achaea Regional Unit
134 Q21547777Achamantisfemaledaughter of Danaus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterDanaus
135 Q2633865Achareusmalemythical fighter in Greek mythologymythological Greek character
136 Q21547790Acheilusmaleson of Zeus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterZeus
137 Q3604317Achelaosmalemythical son of Antenormythological Greek characterAntenor
139 Q391379AchelousἈχελῴῳmaleriver god in Greek mythologyPotamoi
140 Q21547783AcheronmaleACHĔRON , ontis , ein König in klein Asien, dessen Tochter Dardanis, sich mit dem Herkules zu vertraulich machete, und deren Sohn wiederum Herkules hieß, von denen denn der Fluß Acheron das Land Dardania und die Stadt Heraklea den Namen bekommen hamythological Greek character
141 Q12626619Acheronmalegod of river of underworld, Greek mythologyPotamoiOceanus
142 Q656021Achillasmaleofficial of Ptolemy XIIIhumancitizen-0047
144 Q16168865Achilles of Athensmaleinventer of ostracismhumancitizen
145 Q340320Achilles Tatiusmaleancient Greek astronomerhumancitizen
146 Q221951Achilles TatiusmaleGreek novellisthumancitizen0300Alexandria
147 Q579522Achilleusmalerebel against the Roman emperor Diocletian in Egypt in 297 ADhumancitizen0298
148 Q3948626Achilleusmaleearly Roman sainthumancitizen0303
149 Q19901827Achilleus of Alexandriamaleancient Olympic victor, 101 CEhumanAlexandria
150 Q122965814AchladaeusἈχλαδαῖονmaleSpartan military officer killed by Aristomeneshumancitizen
151 Q1241557AcholiusmaleLatin historianhumandeath
152 Q3555328AcichoriusἈκιχώριοςmaleGallic rulerhuman
153 Q4674099Acidinusmalecorespondent of Cicerohumancitizen
154 Q38716201AcidusafemaleGreek mythical character, wife of Scamandermythological Greek character
160 Q329578Acilius AviolamaleRoman officer in the early empirehumancitizen0100birthplace Label
162 Q85852590Acilius Glabrio SibidiusmaleRoman politicianhumancitizen
163 Q56349800Acilius Severusmale4th-century Roman writerhumancitizendeathbirthplace Label
164 Q56349800Acilius Severusmale4th-century Roman writerhumancitizen0400birthplace Label
165 Q1131137Acilius SeverusmaleRoman consul 323 ADhumancitizen0400
168 Q12873241AcmenesἈκμηνὰςnymphs honored at Olympiagroup of mythical characters
169 Q33191300Acmonmalemythological Greek character, Cercopemythological Greek characterOceanus
170 Q420259Acmonmalemythical character, companion of Diomedes in Italymythological Greek character
172 Q3606609Acmonmalefigure in Ovid's Metamorphosesmythological Greek character
173 Q420264Acmon of Phrygiamalemythical Phrygian kingmythological Greek characterManes
174 Q2666563Acoetesmalein Greek mythology, son of fisherman who helped Bacchusmythological Greek character
175 Q27921410Acoetesmalefather of Laocoon in Greek mythologymythological Greek character
176 Q21547808Acoetesmalecharacter in the Aeneidmythical character
177 Q1147581Aconia Fabia Paulinafemalepagan priestess in Ancient Romehumancitizen0384Aconius Catullinus Philomatius
178 Q4059713Aconius Catullinusmalehomme politique romain du IVe s.humancitizen
179 Q1542104Aconius Catullinus PhilomatiusmaleRoman senatorhumancitizendeathRome
180 Q11904101Acontesmaleson of Lycaon in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterLycaon
181 Q105393817Acontesmalearcadian princemythological Greek character
182 Q21547810Aconteusmalemythological Greek character
183 Q420533Acontiusmalecharacter in Greek mythologymythological Greek character
184 Q420733AcraeaἈκραίαςdivine epithetepithet
185 Q12873255AcraeaἈκραίανfemalemythical daughter of AsterionAsterionidaeAsterion
186 Q4675035AcraepheusmaleGreek mythical character, son of Apollomythological Greek characterApollo
187 Q3604755Acragasmalesilversmithhuman
190 Q21547822Acratophorusepithet of Dionysos at Phygaliaepithet
191 Q2067017AcratopotesmaleAncient Greek mythological figuremythological Greek character
192 Q12647288Acratusmaledaemon associated with Dionysus in AthensGreek deity
193 Q12873245AcriasἈκρίανmalesuitor of Hippodameiamythological Greek character
196 Q60234561Acronmalesculpteur antiquehuman
197 Q16160516AcronmaleRoman mythical characterhuman whose existence is disputed
198 Q2563682AcronmaleAncient Greek physicianhumanAcragas
199 Q421190AcrotatusἈκρότατοςmaleSpartan princehuman-0400Cleomenes II
200 Q421184AcrotatusἈκρότατοςmaleKing of Spartahumancitizen-0261Areus I
203 Q9581658Actaeonmaleson of Melissus loved by Archiasmythological Greek characterMelissus father of Actaeon
205 Q4425724Actaeon's Dogsmythological dogsgroup of dogs
206 Q4425724Actaeon's Dogsmythological dogsgroup of Greek mythical characters
207 Q421808ActaeusἈκταῖονmaleGreek mythical character, first king of Atticamythological Greek character
208 Q21547854ActaeusmaleGreek mythical character, father of Telamonmythological Greek character
209 Q106616246Acteisfemalemother of Clonius in Greek mythologymythological Greek character
211 Q4677443ActisanesmaleAncient Greek mythological King of Ethiopiahuman
212 Q21547864Actiusepithet of Apollo from Actiumepithet
214 Q17521119ActormaleGreek mythical character, son of Hippasusmythological Greek character
215 Q17521118Actormaleson of Acastus, figure of Greek mythologymythological Greek characterAcastus
216 Q21547872ActormaleLapithmythological Greek character
217 Q21547875Actormalecompanion of Aeneasmythological Greek character
219 Q2823758ActorἌκτοροςmaleson of Azeus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterAzeus
223 Q24055358Actor of Phocismaleargonaut, son of Hippasusmythological Greek characterHippasus
228 Q12873261Actoridafemalecharacter from Greek mythologymythological Greek character
229 Q21547878Actorionmaleson of Irus in Greek mythologymythological Greek characterIrus
230 Q423734Acumenusmale5th-century BC Greek physicianhumancitizen-0460
231 Q423894AcusilausἈκουσιλάῳmaleancient Greek logographer and mythographerhumanArgos
232 Q28918912Acusilaus of Cyrenemaleancient Greek olympic victor in stadionhumanCyrene
233 Q11904135Acusilaus of RhodesἈκουσίλαοςmaleboxerhuman-0460Diagoras of RhodesIalysos
235 Q235788Ada of Cariafemalesatrap of Cariahuman-0325HecatomnusMuğla
236 Q346767Adaeusmaleancient Greek poethuman
237 Q346769Adaeus AlectryonmaleMacedonian officer under Philip IIhuman-0352
238 Q346780Adaeus of Mitylenemaleancient Greek poethuman-0300Mytilene
239 Q70899Adammalefirst man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islammythical characterdeathGarden of Eden
240 Q70899Adamandrogynosfirst man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islamhuman biblical figuredeathGarden of Eden
241 Q70899Adamandrogynosfirst man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and IslamprotoplastdeathGarden of Eden
242 Q70899Adamandrogynosfirst man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islammythical characterdeathGarden of Eden
243 Q70899Adammalefirst man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islamhuman biblical figuredeathGarden of Eden
244 Q70899Adammalefirst man according to the Abrahamic creation and religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and IslamprotoplastdeathGarden of Eden
245 Q351469Adamantiusmaleancient Roman Jewish physicianhumancitizen0500Alexandria
246 Q3605031Adamantiusmalepolitician and diplomathumancitizen
247 Q4680115AdamantiusmaleChristian writerpseudo-authorAnatolia
248 Q4680115AdamantiusmaleChristian writerhumanAnatolia
249 Q3605023AdamasmaleGreek mythical character, son of Asiusmythological Greek charactercitizenAsius
250 Q12076717Adamastusmaleancient greek mythology personnagemythological Greek character
252 Q353570AdeimantusἈδείμαντονmale5th-century BC Greek generalhumancitizen-0460Classical Athens
253 Q12898586Adeimantusmaleflatterer of Demetrios Poliorketeshuman
254 Q12873040Adeimantusmalemythical king in the Argolidmythological Greek character
256 Q353577Adeimantus of Corinthmale5th century BCE Corinthian naval commanderhumancitizen-0500
257 Q12956051Adejmalegreek retorhuman

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