Classical Antiquity Person Collection
A dataset of about 24 000 Wikidata Person IDs that might prove useful for annotating persons in an ancient Greek literary text
Total search results: 23939
▲ | Wikidata ID | person | Pausanias Person | gender | Description | entity | citizen | death | father | mother | birthplace |
3072 | Q2864772 | Artabri | ancient Celtic tribe of Galicia | ethnic group | |||||||
10752 | Q828084 | Heracleidae | Ἡρακλείδας | mythical descendants of Heracles | group of Greek mythical characters | ||||||
6145 | Q12116549 | Cypris | epithet of the goddess Aphrodite | epithet | |||||||
12289 | Q743931 | Laestrygonians | Λαιστρυγόνες | giant cannibal tribe mentioned in the Odyssey | mythical ethnic group | ||||||
18177 | Q3382132 | Phoebus | epithet of Greek god Apollo | epithet | |||||||
4866 | Q1055283 | Cerealia | major festival in celebration of Ceres | festival | |||||||
18946 | Q107294383 | Prostasia | epithet of Demeter, protectress | epithet | |||||||
1283 | Q4741672 | Ambologera | Ancient Greek mythological epithet | epithet | |||||||
18947 | Q107315843 | Prostaterios | epithet of Apollo | epithet | |||||||
20483 | Q107349838 | Rinokoloustes | epithet of Herakles | epithet | |||||||
20739 | Q3473776 | Sasernae | two members of an ancient Roman family (maybe father and son, or brothers) who wrote a treatise about farming, mentioned by Varro, Plinius, and Columella | kindred | |||||||
1284 | Q109331315 | Amboulioi | epithet of the Dioscuri in Sparta | epithet | |||||||
4868 | Q107313035 | Cereatas | epithet of Apollo in ancient Arcadia | epithet | |||||||
6148 | Q1478391 | Cypselidae | Κυψελίδαι | dynasty of Cypselus of Corinth | family | ||||||
11780 | Q114291538 | Ismenid nymphs | νυμφῶν Ἰσμηνίδων | Nymphs venerated in ancient Attica | group of mythical characters | ||||||
14084 | Q107349784 | Lyterios | epithet of Pan, as deliverer | epithet | |||||||
20740 | Q3473776 | Sasernae | two members of an ancient Roman family (maybe father and son, or brothers) who wrote a treatise about farming, mentioned by Varro, Plinius, and Columella | duo | |||||||
16133 | Q429732 | Morgetes | ancient south Italian people | isolated human group | |||||||
11526 | Q107349776 | Iatros | epithet of Asclepius, doctor | epithet | |||||||
11782 | Q107243256 | Ismenius | epithet of Apollo at Thebes | epithet | |||||||
15622 | Q2713170 | Meleagrids | mythical birds | flock | |||||||
15623 | Q2713170 | Meleagrids | mythical birds | group of Greek mythical characters | |||||||
22535 | Q111672117 | Thyrxeus | epithet of Apollo at an oracle near Kyaneae in Lycia | epithet | |||||||
11528 | Q837791 | Iazyges | Historical ethnical group and tribe | historical ethnic group | |||||||
8713 | Q61598263 | Feretrius | epithet of Jupiter | epithet | |||||||
1290 | Q459098 | Ambrones | ethnic group | ethnic group | |||||||
4874 | Q16545569 | Ceryces | Κήρυκες | ancient Athenian clan with religious functions | noble family | ||||||
3851 | Q804277 | Bacchiadae | Βακχιδῶν | family | noble family | ||||||
5644 | Q58451195 | Colaenis | Κολαινίδος | epithet of Artemis | epithet | ||||||
16908 | Q107349760 | Ombrios | epithet of Zeus as rain god | epithet | |||||||
23820 | Q146787 | Zanes (Olympic) | bronze statues of Zeus as penalty for Olympic cheating | fine | |||||||
15885 | Q111668056 | Meter (mother) | epithet of Athena in Elis | epithet | |||||||
16141 | Q107349798 | Morpho | epithet of Aphrodite | epithet | |||||||
23565 | Q188761 | Vestal Virgin | priestesses of goddess Vesta in Ancient Rome | position | |||||||
23821 | Q146787 | Zanes (Olympic) | bronze statues of Zeus as penalty for Olympic cheating | group of sculptures | |||||||
1038 | Q1857789 | Alea | epithet of Athena and Hera | epithet | |||||||
23566 | Q188761 | Vestal Virgin | priestesses of goddess Vesta in Ancient Rome | religious occupation | |||||||
1039 | Q16737288 | Aleaea | sacred games at Tegea for Athena Alea | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
4111 | Q28123288 | Boreads | group of Greek mythical characters, including all descendants of Boreas | group of Greek mythical characters | Boreas | ||||||
11279 | Q121298626 | Hoplosmios | epithet of Zeus and Hera | epithet | |||||||
23567 | Q188761 | Vestal Virgin | priestesses of goddess Vesta in Ancient Rome | religious order | |||||||
7952 | Q107349795 | Euanemos | epithet of Zeus | epithet | |||||||
16400 | Q107288745 | Nemeios | epithet of Zeus at Nemea | epithet | |||||||
5649 | Q107349737 | Colias | epithet of Aphrodite at cape Kolias | epithet | |||||||
11281 | Q201411 | Horae | Ὧραι | goddesses of the seasons and the natural portions of time in Greek mythology | group of Greek mythical characters | Zeus | Themis | ||||
15377 | Q3849712 | Marmaridi | ancient tribe of Cyrene | tribe | |||||||
2578 | Q40139332 | Ardalides | epithet of the Muses in Troezen | epithet | |||||||
5650 | Q58456661 | Colonatas | epithet of Dionysos | epithet | |||||||
6930 | Q574807 | Dionysia | festivals of Dionysus in ancient Athens | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
7186 | Q203711 | Dorians | Δωριεῖς | ethnic group of ancient Greece | ethnic group | ||||||
11794 | Q1079061 | Issedones | historical ethnical group | historical ethnic group | |||||||
19730 | Q3355023 | Pyanopsia | religious festival in Athens | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
2323 | Q619619 | Apomyius | epithet of Zeus at Olympia as averter of flies | epithet | |||||||
4627 | Q107315859 | Carinus | epithet of Apollo attached to a stone in Megara | epithet | |||||||
6931 | Q574807 | Dionysia | festivals of Dionysus in ancient Athens | theatre festival | |||||||
10515 | Q62132641 | Hecaleius | epithet of Zeus in Attica | epithet | |||||||
11795 | Q107243311 | Issoria | epithet of Artemis at Sparta | epithet | |||||||
20755 | Q207213 | Saturnalia | ancient Roman festival in December | reversal party | |||||||
1300 | Q55066048 | Ambulius | Ancient Greek epithet of Zeus and Athena at Sparta | epithet | |||||||
1812 | Q339689 | Anthesteria | festivals in honor of Dionysus | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
10516 | Q3717878 | Hecalesia | ancient festival in Attica | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
20756 | Q207213 | Saturnalia | ancient Roman festival in December | holiday | |||||||
1301 | Q55066048 | Ambulius | Ancient Greek epithet of Zeus and Athena at Sparta | epithet | |||||||
8725 | Q179826 | First Council of Constantinople | 381 AD council of Christian bishops | ecumenical council | |||||||
17429 | Q11940519 | Patrous | Πατρῷον | epithet of Greek gods, ancestral | epithet | ||||||
17685 | Q12372321 | Perseides | Περσεῖδαι | mythical descendants of Perseus | dynasty | ||||||
19221 | Q107248607 | Ptoos | epithet of Apollo in Boeotia | epithet | |||||||
19733 | Q1747200 | Pygmy | Πυγμαίων | tribe of diminutive humans in Greek mythology | mythical ethnic group | ||||||
20757 | Q207213 | Saturnalia | ancient Roman festival in December | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
11286 | Q4892498 | Horcus | personified spirit (daimon) of oaths who punished perjurers, a punitive companion of the goddess Dike (Justice) | personification | |||||||
11798 | Q675181 | Isthmian Games | ancient panhellenic festival to Isthmian Poseidon in Greece | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
17686 | Q12372321 | Perseides | Περσεῖδαι | mythical descendants of Perseus | group of mythical characters | ||||||
19734 | Q1747200 | Pygmy | Πυγμαίων | tribe of diminutive humans in Greek mythology | fictional ethnic group | ||||||
23 | Q2359586 | Abasgoi | ancient tribe of Caucasian Iberia | isolated human group | |||||||
11543 | Q211678 | Iceni | British tribe of the Iron Age and Roman era | tribe | |||||||
11799 | Q675181 | Isthmian Games | ancient panhellenic festival to Isthmian Poseidon in Greece | recurring sporting event | |||||||
12567 | Q13415450 | Leontis | ancient Athenian phyle | Phyle | |||||||
11288 | Q107271273 | Horius | divine epithet for Zeus and Apollo, of borders | epithet | |||||||
11544 | Q211678 | Iceni | British tribe of the Iron Age and Roman era | Roman client kingdoms in Britain | |||||||
12312 | Q28365 | Lamian War | fought by a coalition of Greek cities against Macedon and its ally Boeotia | war | |||||||
16664 | Q107247969 | Nomius | epithet of the gods Pan and Apollo in Greek religion | epithet | |||||||
21784 | Q107349833 | Symmachia | epithet of Aphrodite | epithet | |||||||
7449 | Q3106381 | Elaphebolia | religious festival in ancient Greece | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
11801 | Q107349789 | Isthmius | epithet of Poseidon of the Isthmus | epithet | |||||||
16153 | Q26742090 | Moschoi | ancient people of the Black Sea coast | ethnic group | |||||||
2586 | Q106518607 | Areia | divine epithet, Warlike, of Athena and Aphrodite | epithet | |||||||
7450 | Q60297614 | Elaphiaea | Ἐλαφιαίαν | epithet of the goddess Artemis | epithet | ||||||
11546 | Q1096303 | Ichthyophagi | ancient name for several peoples | historical ethnic group | |||||||
15642 | Q59554817 | Melia | nymph in Greek mythology, mother of Phoroneus and Aegialeus, consort of Inachus | mythological Greek character | |||||||
3099 | Q3624180 | Artemis Tauropolos | local aspect and epithet of Artemis | deity | |||||||
4123 | Q8069815 | Bouleus | epithet of Zeus and other gods at Dodona and elsewhere | epithet | |||||||
5659 | Q58457543 | Colotis | epithet of Aphrodite | epithet | |||||||
11547 | Q11028701 | Icili | ancient Rome politician | group of humans | citizen | ||||||
14363 | Q209851 | Marcomanni | historical ethnical group | historical ethnic group | |||||||
1820 | Q107349751 | Anthios | Διονύσου τε Ἀνθίου | epithet of Dionysos, flowery | epithet | ||||||
3100 | Q3624180 | Artemis Tauropolos | local aspect and epithet of Artemis | epithet | |||||||
14108 | Q106416220 | Machanitis | divine epithet, contriver, for Athena and other Greek gods | epithet | |||||||
15900 | Q33195778 | Metionidae | Μητιονίδαι | sons of Metion, ancient clan | group of Greek mythical characters | Metion | |||||
18460 | Q107349746 | Polieus | epithet of Zeus | epithet | |||||||
3101 | Q2864875 | Artemisia | ancient Greek religious festival | festival | |||||||
3357 | Q4833410 | Aśvakas | ancient people of NW south Asia | isolated human group | |||||||
20509 | Q383325 | Roxolani | historical ethnical group | historical ethnic group | |||||||
23581 | Q924779 | Vettones | ancient people of Spain | isolated human group | |||||||
21534 | Q107349835 | Spodios | epithet of Apollo | epithet | |||||||
23582 | Q924779 | Vettones | ancient people of Spain | people | |||||||
4639 | Q744759 | Carnea | ancient Greek festival | festival | |||||||
8223 | Q60958067 | Euploea | epithet of Aphrodite, of good sailing | epithet | |||||||
15392 | Q1265446 | Marsi | ancient Italic tribe | ethnic group | |||||||
22049 | Q179674 | Teutons | historical ethnic group | historical ethnic group | |||||||
4130 | Q47140 | Brahmin caste | varna (class) in Hinduism, one of four castes | ethnic group | |||||||
7202 | Q60183934 | Doritis | Δωρίτιδος | epithet of Aphrodite at Cnidus | epithet | ||||||
21282 | Q1127109 | Silures | Celtic tribe of ancient Britain | ethnic group | |||||||
23330 | Q1353723 | Turdetani | ethnic group | historical ethnic group | |||||||
1059 | Q1693536 | Aleuadae | Ἀλευάδας | ancient greek aristocratic family | noble family | ||||||
4131 | Q47140 | Brahmin caste | varna (class) in Hinduism, one of four castes | religious concept | |||||||
21283 | Q1127109 | Silures | Celtic tribe of ancient Britain | tribe | |||||||
23331 | Q2666017 | Turduli | historic ethnic group | ethnic group | |||||||
804 | Q4693579 | AgoraeaA go area | Divine epithet of various Greek gods, of the public square (agora) | epithet | |||||||
4132 | Q47140 | Brahmin caste | varna (class) in Hinduism, one of four castes | caste | |||||||
37 | Q171795 | Abkhazians | Northwest Caucasian ethnic subgroup of Georgia indigenous to Abkhazia | people | |||||||
805 | Q21548139 | Agoraeus | divine epithet of Hermes | epithet | |||||||
5925 | Q58842393 | Cresius | epithet of Dionysos | epithet | |||||||
38 | Q171795 | Abkhazians | Northwest Caucasian ethnic subgroup of Georgia indigenous to Abkhazia | ethnic group | |||||||
11814 | Q43252544 | Ithomaea | sacred festival of Zeus at Messene | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
11815 | Q107247012 | Ithomatas | epithet of Zeus at ancient Messene | epithet | |||||||
18983 | Q107349753 | Protogone | Κόρης Πρωτογόνης | epithet of Kore | epithet | ||||||
809 | Q21548142 | Agraeus | an epithet of the god Apollo in Greek mythology | epithet | |||||||
4140 | Q5193138 | Brauronia | festival of Artemis Brauronia | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
1325 | Q5732464 | Ammonia | epithet of Hera at Olympia | epithet | |||||||
18989 | Q20182551 | Protothronia | Πρωτοθρονίης | divine epithet of Artemis | epithet | ||||||
23342 | Q101609 | Twelve Olympians | θεοὺς τοὺς δώδεκα | major deities of the Greek pantheon | dodecad | ||||||
815 | Q2827214 | Agrionia | ancient religious festival in Orchomenus | festival | |||||||
23343 | Q101609 | Twelve Olympians | θεοὺς τοὺς δώδεκα | major deities of the Greek pantheon | group of mythical characters | ||||||
12336 | Q21051047 | Lampter | epithet of Dionysus | epithet | |||||||
18224 | Q108839436 | Phratrios | epithet of Zeus and Athena, guardian of the phratry | epithet | |||||||
306 | Q403361 | Aeacidae | Αἰακιδῶν | mythical dynasty descended from Aeacus, associated with Aegina | dynasty | ||||||
3122 | Q16171193 | Arthemius, Candida and Paulina | crystian martyrs | group of humans | citizen | Rome | |||||
5170 | Q11916249 | Chthonia | ancient festival of Demeter in Hermione | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
6194 | Q1657070 | Daemonia Nymphe | Greek music band founded in the 1990s | musical ensemble | |||||||
13874 | Q1969313 | Ludi Romani | Ancient Roman religious festival | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
15410 | Q1288728 | Masaesyli | ethnic group | ethnic group | |||||||
4660 | Q56850454 | Casius | epithet of Zeus | epithet | |||||||
5172 | Q57444528 | Chthonia | θεὸν | epithet of Demeter | epithet | ||||||
7732 | Q13415445 | Erechtheis | ancient Athenian phyle | Phyle | |||||||
11316 | Q45813 | Huns | extinct nomadic people in Eurasia (4th–6th centuries) | extinct human group | |||||||
11317 | Q45813 | Huns | extinct nomadic people in Eurasia (4th–6th centuries) | tribe | |||||||
21813 | Q524178 | Taifals | historical ethnical group | historical ethnic group | |||||||
6710 | Q3558603 | Diasia | festival of Zeus | festival | |||||||
10550 | Q19739284 | Hecate Epipyrgidia | epithet of Hekate | epithet | |||||||
4151 | Q500393 | Brigantes | British tribe of the Iron Age and Roman era | isolated human group | |||||||
6711 | Q3558603 | Diasia | festival of Zeus | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
11319 | Q3080551 | Hyacinthia | ancient Spartan religious festival | festival | |||||||
15415 | Q379821 | Massagetae | ancient Iranian nomadic confedeation | historical ethnic group | |||||||
15671 | Q107349740 | Melpomenos | Μελπόμενον | epithet of Dionysos | epithet | ||||||
4152 | Q500393 | Brigantes | British tribe of the Iron Age and Roman era | tribe | |||||||
8504 | Q61300917 | Eutresites | epithet of Apollo | epithet | |||||||
11320 | Q16331764 | Hyacinthides | character from Greek mythology | mythological Greek character | |||||||
13880 | Q650197 | Lupercalia | ancient pastoral annual festival observed in the city of Rome between February 13 and February 15 | party | |||||||
1593 | Q188468 | Ancient Olympic Games | athletic competitions in Ancient Greece | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
6201 | Q852554 | Dahae | an Iranian people of ancient Central Asia | tribe | |||||||
13881 | Q10513846 | Luperci | group of priests in ancient Rome | group of humans | |||||||
18745 | Q84430787 | Portunalia | ancient Roman festival honoring Portunus | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
1594 | Q188468 | Ancient Olympic Games | athletic competitions in Ancient Greece | recurring sporting event | |||||||
4154 | Q13630418 | Brimo | epithet of Demeter and other goddesses | epithet | |||||||
16186 | Q107351283 | Munychia | epithet of Artemis | epithet | |||||||
7483 | Q3587649 | Eleusinia | ancient religious festival of Demeter and Kore | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
10811 | Q605458 | Heraean Games | ancient women's sports festival in Olympia | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
16443 | Q54230 | Nereids | ταύταις | sea nymph in Greek mythology | group of Greek mythical characters | Nereus | Doris | ||||
1340 | Q121309763 | Amoebeus | epithet of Poseidon at Delphi, exchanger | epithet | |||||||
5180 | Q57446061 | Chthonius | epithet of Zeus of the underworld | epithet | |||||||
7484 | Q3587649 | Eleusinia | ancient religious festival of Demeter and Kore | festival | |||||||
7485 | Q30025797 | Eleusinian goddesses | θεοῖν | common term for Demeter (Ceres) and Kore (Proserpina) | group of Greek mythical characters | ||||||
10558 | Q175255 | Hecatoncheires | ancient Greek mythological giants with 50 heads and 100 arms | group of Greek mythical characters | Uranus | Gaia | |||||
19774 | Q107305496 | Pyronia | epithet of Artemis | epithet | |||||||
23358 | Q17053173 | Tychon | A god | Greek deity | |||||||
3135 | Q11906860 | Asbystae | berber tribe named by Herodotus | ethnic group | |||||||
11327 | Q15618315 | Hyantes | Ὕαντας | pre-Greek people of Boiotia | isolated human group | ||||||
7744 | Q1350313 | Ergane | epithet of Athena as goddess of crafts | epithet | |||||||
16192 | Q12130844 | Musagetes | Μουσηγέτην | divine epithet, leader of the Muses | epithet | ||||||
7489 | Q5829324 | Eleutheria Games | religious festival of Zeus the Liberator, at Plataea in Greece | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
16193 | Q66016 | Muses | Μουσῶν | goddesses of the inspiration of literature, science and the arts | group of Greek mythical characters | Pieria Prefecture | |||||
578 | Q21548073 | Aethyia | Ἀθηνᾶς Αἰθυίας | epithet of Athena at Megara | epithet | ||||||
6722 | Q59876222 | Dictynna | Δικτύννης | epithet of Artemis | epithet | ||||||
7490 | Q106542644 | Eleutherios | divine epithet of Zeus, of freedom | epithet | |||||||
4931 | Q200969 | Chaldea Nation | small Semitic nation between the late 10th and mid-6th century BC | historical country | |||||||
6723 | Q59876725 | Dictynnaea | epithet of Artemis | epithet | |||||||
10819 | Q103020456 | Hercius | Ἑρκείου | epithet of Zeus as protector of the family compound | epithet | ||||||
13891 | Q110606057 | Lyaeus | epithet of the god Dionysus | epithet | |||||||
2116 | Q106600636 | Aones | Ἄονας | ancient Boeotian tribe, used in poetry for Boeotians | isolated human group | ||||||
4164 | Q2566812 | Bromius | epithet of Dionysus | epithet | |||||||
15428 | Q6787435 | Matienians | tribe | ||||||||
22084 | Q685394 | Thargelia | ancient Athenian religious festival | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
4933 | Q107349786 | Chalinitis | epithet of Athena | epithet | |||||||
15429 | Q477741 | Matralia | Roman festival | festival | |||||||
15430 | Q477741 | Matralia | Roman festival | religious and cultural festive day | |||||||
2631 | Q2527467 | Arevaci | ancient people of the Iberian peninsula | ethnic group | |||||||
5191 | Q57516832 | Cillaeus | epithet of Apollo in Aeolia | epithet | |||||||
23879 | Q117196777 | Zeus Labraundos | epithet of Zeus in Asia Minor | epithet | |||||||
4936 | Q938608 | Chalybes | race of iron-workers in Greek mythology | mythical ethnic group | |||||||
16968 | Q3884171 | Opici | ethnic group of ancient Italy | ethnic group |