Classical Antiquity Person Collection

A dataset of about 24 000 Wikidata Person IDs that might prove useful for annotating persons in an ancient Greek literary text

Search only persons mentioned by Pausanias in Recogito Annotation
Total search results: 23939
Wikidata IDpersonPausanias PersongenderDescriptionentitycitizendeathfathermotherbirthplace
3072 Q2864772Artabriancient Celtic tribe of Galiciaethnic group
10752 Q828084HeracleidaeἩρακλείδαςmythical descendants of Heraclesgroup of Greek mythical characters
6145 Q12116549Cyprisepithet of the goddess Aphroditeepithet
12289 Q743931LaestrygoniansΛαιστρυγόνεςgiant cannibal tribe mentioned in the Odysseymythical ethnic group
18177 Q3382132Phoebusepithet of Greek god Apolloepithet
4866 Q1055283Cerealiamajor festival in celebration of Ceresfestival
18946 Q107294383Prostasiaepithet of Demeter, protectressepithet
1283 Q4741672AmbologeraAncient Greek mythological epithetepithet
18947 Q107315843Prostateriosepithet of Apolloepithet
20483 Q107349838Rinokoloustesepithet of Heraklesepithet
20739 Q3473776Sasernaetwo members of an ancient Roman family (maybe father and son, or brothers) who wrote a treatise about farming, mentioned by Varro, Plinius, and Columellakindred
1284 Q109331315Amboulioiepithet of the Dioscuri in Spartaepithet
4868 Q107313035Cereatasepithet of Apollo in ancient Arcadiaepithet
6148 Q1478391CypselidaeΚυψελίδαιdynasty of Cypselus of Corinthfamily
11780 Q114291538Ismenid nymphsνυμφῶν ἸσμηνίδωνNymphs venerated in ancient Atticagroup of mythical characters
14084 Q107349784Lyteriosepithet of Pan, as delivererepithet
20740 Q3473776Sasernaetwo members of an ancient Roman family (maybe father and son, or brothers) who wrote a treatise about farming, mentioned by Varro, Plinius, and Columelladuo
16133 Q429732Morgetesancient south Italian peopleisolated human group
11526 Q107349776Iatrosepithet of Asclepius, doctorepithet
11782 Q107243256Ismeniusepithet of Apollo at Thebesepithet
15622 Q2713170Meleagridsmythical birdsflock
15623 Q2713170Meleagridsmythical birdsgroup of Greek mythical characters
22535 Q111672117Thyrxeusepithet of Apollo at an oracle near Kyaneae in Lyciaepithet
11528 Q837791IazygesHistorical ethnical group and tribehistorical ethnic group
8713 Q61598263Feretriusepithet of Jupiterepithet
1290 Q459098Ambronesethnic groupethnic group
4874 Q16545569CerycesΚήρυκεςancient Athenian clan with religious functionsnoble family
3851 Q804277BacchiadaeΒακχιδῶνfamilynoble family
5644 Q58451195ColaenisΚολαινίδοςepithet of Artemisepithet
16908 Q107349760Ombriosepithet of Zeus as rain godepithet
23820 Q146787Zanes (Olympic)bronze statues of Zeus as penalty for Olympic cheatingfine
15885 Q111668056Meter (mother)epithet of Athena in Elisepithet
16141 Q107349798Morphoepithet of Aphroditeepithet
23565 Q188761Vestal Virginpriestesses of goddess Vesta in Ancient Romeposition
23821 Q146787Zanes (Olympic)bronze statues of Zeus as penalty for Olympic cheatinggroup of sculptures
1038 Q1857789Aleaepithet of Athena and Heraepithet
23566 Q188761Vestal Virginpriestesses of goddess Vesta in Ancient Romereligious occupation
1039 Q16737288Aleaeasacred games at Tegea for Athena Aleareligious and cultural festive day
4111 Q28123288Boreadsgroup of Greek mythical characters, including all descendants of Boreasgroup of Greek mythical charactersBoreas
11279 Q121298626Hoplosmiosepithet of Zeus and Heraepithet
23567 Q188761Vestal Virginpriestesses of goddess Vesta in Ancient Romereligious order
7952 Q107349795Euanemosepithet of Zeusepithet
16400 Q107288745Nemeiosepithet of Zeus at Nemeaepithet
5649 Q107349737Coliasepithet of Aphrodite at cape Koliasepithet
11281 Q201411HoraeὯραιgoddesses of the seasons and the natural portions of time in Greek mythologygroup of Greek mythical charactersZeusThemis
15377 Q3849712Marmaridiancient tribe of Cyrenetribe
2578 Q40139332Ardalidesepithet of the Muses in Troezenepithet
5650 Q58456661Colonatasepithet of Dionysosepithet
6930 Q574807Dionysiafestivals of Dionysus in ancient Athensreligious and cultural festive day
7186 Q203711DoriansΔωριεῖςethnic group of ancient Greeceethnic group
11794 Q1079061Issedoneshistorical ethnical grouphistorical ethnic group
19730 Q3355023Pyanopsiareligious festival in Athensreligious and cultural festive day
2323 Q619619Apomyiusepithet of Zeus at Olympia as averter of fliesepithet
4627 Q107315859Carinusepithet of Apollo attached to a stone in Megaraepithet
6931 Q574807Dionysiafestivals of Dionysus in ancient Athenstheatre festival
10515 Q62132641Hecaleiusepithet of Zeus in Atticaepithet
11795 Q107243311Issoriaepithet of Artemis at Spartaepithet
20755 Q207213Saturnaliaancient Roman festival in Decemberreversal party
1300 Q55066048AmbuliusAncient Greek epithet of Zeus and Athena at Spartaepithet
1812 Q339689Anthesteriafestivals in honor of Dionysusreligious and cultural festive day
10516 Q3717878Hecalesiaancient festival in Atticareligious and cultural festive day
20756 Q207213Saturnaliaancient Roman festival in Decemberholiday
1301 Q55066048AmbuliusAncient Greek epithet of Zeus and Athena at Spartaepithet
8725 Q179826First Council of Constantinople381 AD council of Christian bishopsecumenical council
17429 Q11940519PatrousΠατρῷονepithet of Greek gods, ancestralepithet
17685 Q12372321PerseidesΠερσεῖδαιmythical descendants of Perseusdynasty
19221 Q107248607Ptoosepithet of Apollo in Boeotiaepithet
19733 Q1747200PygmyΠυγμαίωνtribe of diminutive humans in Greek mythologymythical ethnic group
20757 Q207213Saturnaliaancient Roman festival in Decemberreligious and cultural festive day
11286 Q4892498Horcuspersonified spirit (daimon) of oaths who punished perjurers, a punitive companion of the goddess Dike (Justice)personification
11798 Q675181Isthmian Gamesancient panhellenic festival to Isthmian Poseidon in Greecereligious and cultural festive day
17686 Q12372321PerseidesΠερσεῖδαιmythical descendants of Perseusgroup of mythical characters
19734 Q1747200PygmyΠυγμαίωνtribe of diminutive humans in Greek mythologyfictional ethnic group
23 Q2359586Abasgoiancient tribe of Caucasian Iberiaisolated human group
11543 Q211678IceniBritish tribe of the Iron Age and Roman eratribe
11799 Q675181Isthmian Gamesancient panhellenic festival to Isthmian Poseidon in Greecerecurring sporting event
12567 Q13415450Leontisancient Athenian phylePhyle
11288 Q107271273Horiusdivine epithet for Zeus and Apollo, of bordersepithet
11544 Q211678IceniBritish tribe of the Iron Age and Roman eraRoman client kingdoms in Britain
12312 Q28365Lamian Warfought by a coalition of Greek cities against Macedon and its ally Boeotiawar
16664 Q107247969Nomiusepithet of the gods Pan and Apollo in Greek religionepithet
21784 Q107349833Symmachiaepithet of Aphroditeepithet
7449 Q3106381Elapheboliareligious festival in ancient Greecereligious and cultural festive day
11801 Q107349789Isthmiusepithet of Poseidon of the Isthmusepithet
16153 Q26742090Moschoiancient people of the Black Sea coastethnic group
2586 Q106518607Areiadivine epithet, Warlike, of Athena and Aphroditeepithet
7450 Q60297614ElaphiaeaἘλαφιαίανepithet of the goddess Artemisepithet
11546 Q1096303Ichthyophagiancient name for several peopleshistorical ethnic group
15642 Q59554817Melianymph in Greek mythology, mother of Phoroneus and Aegialeus, consort of Inachusmythological Greek character
3099 Q3624180Artemis Tauropoloslocal aspect and epithet of Artemisdeity
4123 Q8069815Bouleusepithet of Zeus and other gods at Dodona and elsewhereepithet
5659 Q58457543Colotisepithet of Aphroditeepithet
11547 Q11028701Iciliancient Rome politiciangroup of humanscitizen
14363 Q209851Marcomannihistorical ethnical grouphistorical ethnic group
1820 Q107349751AnthiosΔιονύσου τε Ἀνθίουepithet of Dionysos, floweryepithet
3100 Q3624180Artemis Tauropoloslocal aspect and epithet of Artemisepithet
14108 Q106416220Machanitisdivine epithet, contriver, for Athena and other Greek godsepithet
15900 Q33195778MetionidaeΜητιονίδαιsons of Metion, ancient clangroup of Greek mythical charactersMetion
18460 Q107349746Polieusepithet of Zeusepithet
3101 Q2864875Artemisiaancient Greek religious festivalfestival
3357 Q4833410Aśvakasancient people of NW south Asiaisolated human group
20509 Q383325Roxolanihistorical ethnical grouphistorical ethnic group
23581 Q924779Vettonesancient people of Spainisolated human group
21534 Q107349835Spodiosepithet of Apolloepithet
23582 Q924779Vettonesancient people of Spainpeople
4639 Q744759Carneaancient Greek festivalfestival
8223 Q60958067Euploeaepithet of Aphrodite, of good sailingepithet
15392 Q1265446Marsiancient Italic tribeethnic group
22049 Q179674Teutonshistorical ethnic grouphistorical ethnic group
4130 Q47140Brahmin castevarna (class) in Hinduism, one of four castesethnic group
7202 Q60183934DoritisΔωρίτιδοςepithet of Aphrodite at Cnidusepithet
21282 Q1127109SiluresCeltic tribe of ancient Britainethnic group
23330 Q1353723Turdetaniethnic grouphistorical ethnic group
1059 Q1693536AleuadaeἈλευάδαςancient greek aristocratic familynoble family
4131 Q47140Brahmin castevarna (class) in Hinduism, one of four castesreligious concept
21283 Q1127109SiluresCeltic tribe of ancient Britaintribe
23331 Q2666017Turdulihistoric ethnic groupethnic group
804 Q4693579AgoraeaA go areaDivine epithet of various Greek gods, of the public square (agora)epithet
4132 Q47140Brahmin castevarna (class) in Hinduism, one of four castescaste
37 Q171795AbkhaziansNorthwest Caucasian ethnic subgroup of Georgia indigenous to Abkhaziapeople
805 Q21548139Agoraeusdivine epithet of Hermesepithet
5925 Q58842393Cresiusepithet of Dionysosepithet
38 Q171795AbkhaziansNorthwest Caucasian ethnic subgroup of Georgia indigenous to Abkhaziaethnic group
11814 Q43252544Ithomaeasacred festival of Zeus at Messenereligious and cultural festive day
11815 Q107247012Ithomatasepithet of Zeus at ancient Messeneepithet
18983 Q107349753ProtogoneΚόρης Πρωτογόνηςepithet of Koreepithet
809 Q21548142Agraeusan epithet of the god Apollo in Greek mythologyepithet
4140 Q5193138Brauroniafestival of Artemis Brauroniareligious and cultural festive day
1325 Q5732464Ammoniaepithet of Hera at Olympiaepithet
18989 Q20182551ProtothroniaΠρωτοθρονίηςdivine epithet of Artemisepithet
23342 Q101609Twelve Olympiansθεοὺς τοὺς δώδεκαmajor deities of the Greek pantheondodecad
815 Q2827214Agrioniaancient religious festival in Orchomenusfestival
23343 Q101609Twelve Olympiansθεοὺς τοὺς δώδεκαmajor deities of the Greek pantheongroup of mythical characters
12336 Q21051047Lampterepithet of Dionysusepithet
18224 Q108839436Phratriosepithet of Zeus and Athena, guardian of the phratryepithet
306 Q403361AeacidaeΑἰακιδῶνmythical dynasty descended from Aeacus, associated with Aeginadynasty
3122 Q16171193Arthemius, Candida and Paulinacrystian martyrsgroup of humanscitizenRome
5170 Q11916249Chthoniaancient festival of Demeter in Hermionereligious and cultural festive day
6194 Q1657070Daemonia NympheGreek music band founded in the 1990smusical ensemble
13874 Q1969313Ludi RomaniAncient Roman religious festivalreligious and cultural festive day
15410 Q1288728Masaesyliethnic groupethnic group
4660 Q56850454Casiusepithet of Zeusepithet
5172 Q57444528Chthoniaθεὸνepithet of Demeterepithet
7732 Q13415445Erechtheisancient Athenian phylePhyle
11316 Q45813Hunsextinct nomadic people in Eurasia (4th–6th centuries)extinct human group
11317 Q45813Hunsextinct nomadic people in Eurasia (4th–6th centuries)tribe
21813 Q524178Taifalshistorical ethnical grouphistorical ethnic group
6710 Q3558603Diasiafestival of Zeusfestival
10550 Q19739284Hecate Epipyrgidiaepithet of Hekateepithet
4151 Q500393BrigantesBritish tribe of the Iron Age and Roman eraisolated human group
6711 Q3558603Diasiafestival of Zeusreligious and cultural festive day
11319 Q3080551Hyacinthiaancient Spartan religious festivalfestival
15415 Q379821Massagetaeancient Iranian nomadic confedeationhistorical ethnic group
15671 Q107349740MelpomenosΜελπόμενονepithet of Dionysosepithet
4152 Q500393BrigantesBritish tribe of the Iron Age and Roman eratribe
8504 Q61300917Eutresitesepithet of Apolloepithet
11320 Q16331764Hyacinthidescharacter from Greek mythologymythological Greek character
13880 Q650197Lupercaliaancient pastoral annual festival observed in the city of Rome between February 13 and February 15party
1593 Q188468Ancient Olympic Gamesathletic competitions in Ancient Greecereligious and cultural festive day
6201 Q852554Dahaean Iranian people of ancient Central Asiatribe
13881 Q10513846Lupercigroup of priests in ancient Romegroup of humans
18745 Q84430787Portunaliaancient Roman festival honoring Portunusreligious and cultural festive day
1594 Q188468Ancient Olympic Gamesathletic competitions in Ancient Greecerecurring sporting event
4154 Q13630418Brimoepithet of Demeter and other goddessesepithet
16186 Q107351283Munychiaepithet of Artemisepithet
7483 Q3587649Eleusiniaancient religious festival of Demeter and Korereligious and cultural festive day
10811 Q605458Heraean Gamesancient women's sports festival in Olympiareligious and cultural festive day
16443 Q54230Nereidsταύταιςsea nymph in Greek mythologygroup of Greek mythical charactersNereusDoris
1340 Q121309763Amoebeusepithet of Poseidon at Delphi, exchangerepithet
5180 Q57446061Chthoniusepithet of Zeus of the underworldepithet
7484 Q3587649Eleusiniaancient religious festival of Demeter and Korefestival
7485 Q30025797Eleusinian goddessesθεοῖνcommon term for Demeter (Ceres) and Kore (Proserpina)group of Greek mythical characters
10558 Q175255Hecatoncheiresancient Greek mythological giants with 50 heads and 100 armsgroup of Greek mythical charactersUranusGaia
19774 Q107305496Pyroniaepithet of Artemisepithet
23358 Q17053173TychonA godGreek deity
3135 Q11906860Asbystaeberber tribe named by Herodotusethnic group
11327 Q15618315HyantesὝανταςpre-Greek people of Boiotiaisolated human group
7744 Q1350313Erganeepithet of Athena as goddess of craftsepithet
16192 Q12130844MusagetesΜουσηγέτηνdivine epithet, leader of the Musesepithet
7489 Q5829324Eleutheria Gamesreligious festival of Zeus the Liberator, at Plataea in Greecereligious and cultural festive day
16193 Q66016MusesΜουσῶνgoddesses of the inspiration of literature, science and the artsgroup of Greek mythical charactersPieria Prefecture
578 Q21548073AethyiaἈθηνᾶς Αἰθυίαςepithet of Athena at Megaraepithet
6722 Q59876222DictynnaΔικτύννηςepithet of Artemisepithet
7490 Q106542644Eleutheriosdivine epithet of Zeus, of freedomepithet
4931 Q200969Chaldea Nationsmall Semitic nation between the late 10th and mid-6th century BChistorical country
6723 Q59876725Dictynnaeaepithet of Artemisepithet
10819 Q103020456HerciusἙρκείουepithet of Zeus as protector of the family compoundepithet
13891 Q110606057Lyaeusepithet of the god Dionysusepithet
2116 Q106600636AonesἌοναςancient Boeotian tribe, used in poetry for Boeotiansisolated human group
4164 Q2566812Bromiusepithet of Dionysusepithet
15428 Q6787435Matienianstribe
22084 Q685394Thargeliaancient Athenian religious festivalreligious and cultural festive day
4933 Q107349786Chalinitisepithet of Athenaepithet
15429 Q477741MatraliaRoman festivalfestival
15430 Q477741MatraliaRoman festivalreligious and cultural festive day
2631 Q2527467Arevaciancient people of the Iberian peninsulaethnic group
5191 Q57516832Cillaeusepithet of Apollo in Aeoliaepithet
23879 Q117196777Zeus Labraundosepithet of Zeus in Asia Minorepithet
4936 Q938608Chalybesrace of iron-workers in Greek mythologymythical ethnic group
16968 Q3884171Opiciethnic group of ancient Italyethnic group

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