Classical Antiquity Person Collection
A dataset of about 24 000 Wikidata Person IDs that might prove useful for annotating persons in an ancient Greek literary text
Total search results: 23939
▲ | Wikidata ID | person | Pausanias Person | gender | Description | entity | citizen | death | father | mother | birthplace |
182 | Q21547810 | Aconteus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
303 | Q107174537 | Aea | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
377 | Q108443552 | Aegyrus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
483 | Q15781904 | Aenius | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
495 | Q108363898 | Aeopolus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
536 | Q12873228 | Aeschylides | male | human | citizen | Athens | |||||
811 | Q54666951 | Agreus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
852 | Q21548174 | Agyrtes | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
855 | Q122817400 | Ahmed ben Sirin | male | human | 1050 | ||||||
906 | Q93230836 | Albert Rijksbaron | male | human | |||||||
1036 | Q12873415 | Alcyoneus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
1076 | Q18235527 | Alexander | male | human | citizen | ||||||
1173 | Q5666614 | Alfio Flavo | male | human | citizen | ||||||
1221 | Q3611116 | Alphito | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
1231 | Q106514629 | Althepus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
1237 | Q3611733 | Alykos | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
1277 | Q15782893 | Amathusa | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
1317 | Q9610563 | Ametista | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
1348 | Q105772874 | Amphalces | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
1351 | Q21040929 | Amphialus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
1353 | Q21040927 | Amphialus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
1421 | Q22046827 | Amphitheus I | male | mythological Greek character | Demeter | ||||||
1502 | Q1565660 | Anaphas | male | human | citizen | ||||||
1512 | Q97795329 | Anastasius Melodus | male | human | citizen | ||||||
1693 | Q106521700 | Androthoe | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
1714 | Q117794554 | Anicia of Rome | female | human | citizen | Anicius Auchenius Bassus | |||||
1742 | Q112506036 | Anna Iris | female | human | Brno | ||||||
1745 | Q112511695 | Anne-Marie Favreau-Linder | female | human | |||||||
1746 | Q112513345 | Annette Hüffmeier | female | human | |||||||
1876 | Q108649245 | Antigonus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
1918 | Q55287298 | Antioche | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
2027 | Q16331165 | Antiphera | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
2130 | Q19720580 | Apellaeus of Elis | male | human | |||||||
2202 | Q108443876 | Apis of Sicyon | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
2365 | Q16097565 | Appius Maximus Santra | male | human | citizen | ||||||
2448 | Q2349623 | Arcathius | male | human | Mithridates VI of Pontus | Laodice | |||||
2647 | Q107144057 | Argele | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
3006 | Q108336485 | Arneus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
3025 | Q108443501 | Arrhon | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
3148 | Q26960309 | Ascholius | male | human | citizen | 0384 | |||||
3260 | Q3627484 | Astarbea | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
3309 | Q55833708 | Astrêvs | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
3337 | Q108649228 | Astylochus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
3344 | Q55855535 | Astynous | Ἀστύνοον | male | mythological Greek character | ||||||
3358 | Q55862382 | Asýlas | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
3370 | Q55956887 | Ate | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
3517 | Q55965937 | Atys | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
3574 | Q4821843 | Aulus Cluentius Habitus | male | human | citizen | ||||||
3700 | Q21556072 | Aulus Vitellius Chryserus | male | human | citizen | ||||||
3786 | Q55978780 | Autonoe | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
3848 | Q96372945 | Babys | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
3884 | Q22965398 | Balburos | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
3901 | Q22965401 | Barge | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4058 | Q76766624 | Bishop Elpidius | male | human | citizen | Perth | |||||
4125 | Q2922509 | Boussiris de Gaza | female | human | citizen | death | |||||
4176 | Q2020150 | Brutidius Niger | male | human | citizen | ||||||
4191 | Q22965410 | Bubon | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4355 | Q106468209 | Calaurus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4376 | Q106630026 | Callianeira | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4519 | Q108649230 | Calydoneus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4540 | Q106310662 | Camarina | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4575 | Q108597292 | Canes | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4667 | Q59527512 | Cassian the Sabaite | male | human | 0548 | ||||||
4721 | Q12282727 | Catius Lepidus | male | human | citizen | ||||||
4762 | Q57158101 | Celadon | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4784 | Q108444167 | Celeustanor | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4787 | Q5760226 | Celio Sinfosio | male | human | citizen | ||||||
4839 | Q57251578 | Cerásvs | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4873 | Q107144056 | Certhe | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4891 | Q20190381 | Chadisia | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4930 | Q12886015 | Chalcus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
4934 | Q20191268 | Chalkaor | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5030 | Q11944225 | Chereas | male | human | citizen | ||||||
5033 | Q12886083 | Chersicrates | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5067 | Q106866489 | Chirimachus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5071 | Q11914076 | Chlaeneas | male | human | |||||||
5072 | Q108443976 | Chlidanope | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5102 | Q57419147 | Chromis | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5104 | Q57419147 | Chromis | male | satyr | |||||||
5157 | Q57437809 | Chrysonoë | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5228 | Q57522269 | Cisseus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5438 | Q105412604 | Cleomestra | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5499 | Q19720521 | Cleoptolemus of Laconia | male | human | Sparta | ||||||
5591 | Q107144064 | Clytippe | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5600 | Q58399705 | Clytodora | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5601 | Q12879147 | Clytomedes | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5626 | Q58423359 | Cocytus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5678 | Q11914907 | Comini | male | human | citizen | ||||||
5690 | Q16330640 | Connidas | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5814 | Q58700935 | Coronis | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5821 | Q62611026 | Corymbasus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5911 | Q16190048 | Creon | male | human | |||||||
5931 | Q58850277 | Crete | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
5964 | Q12879375 | Critheïs | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6039 | Q105720737 | Ctimenus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6061 | Q59162056 | Cyanêvs | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6080 | Q59184674 | Cycnus | male | mythological Greek character | Aurophite | ||||||
6083 | Q11916418 | Cydias | male | human | citizen | ||||||
6110 | Q59210373 | Cymelus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6138 | Q59217844 | Cyparissus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6176 | Q106091021 | Cytus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6216 | Q3701234 | Damaethus | male | king in Greek mythology | |||||||
6217 | Q3701234 | Damaethus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6306 | Q11916587 | Daniel de Barcelona | male | human whose existence is disputed | citizen | 0304 | Barcelona | ||||
6307 | Q11916587 | Daniel de Barcelona | male | human | citizen | 0304 | Barcelona | ||||
6335 | Q3702538 | Daria of Venafro | female | human | citizen | ||||||
6362 | Q3704497 | Decentius | male | human | citizen | ||||||
6402 | Q12277940 | Decimus Simonius Proculus Julianus | male | human | citizen | ||||||
6425 | Q3704795 | Deicoon | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6482 | Q108559037 | Deliades | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6591 | Q3705346 | Demodice | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6601 | Q59772192 | Demolëvs | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6661 | Q59773489 | Desínor | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6668 | Q59780202 | Deucalion | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6669 | Q59780284 | Deucalion | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6894 | Q108336428 | Diogenia | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
6919 | Q108427162 | Diomeneia | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7207 | Q114456041 | Dorotheus of Drama | male | human | citizen | Kavala | |||||
7222 | Q60185814 | Dorylas | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7235 | Q106866411 | Dotus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7272 | Q60197439 | Dryas (Pallene's courter) | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7275 | Q60198212 | Dryope | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7439 | Q16737676 | Elacatus | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7441 | Q107144069 | Elachia | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7454 | Q106521683 | Elasippus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7460 | Q60300050 | Elattonus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7545 | Q60448627 | Engyêvs | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7559 | Q108365563 | Entelides | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7650 | Q106910896 | Epigeus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7709 | Q108365560 | Erasippus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7714 | Q108427160 | Erasus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7737 | Q16331944 | Eretmêvs | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7743 | Q106920006 | Ereuthus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7890 | Q3731779 | Erylaus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7900 | Q60617861 | Erymas | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7901 | Q60617860 | Erymas | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7918 | Q60619267 | Eryx | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7938 | Q12751644 | Eteonus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
7958 | Q106651946 | Euarne | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
8016 | Q25535634 | Eucles | male | human | citizen | ||||||
8045 | Q16332167 | Eudanemus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
8104 | Q2480213 | Eulogius of Tarragona | male | human | citizen | 0259 | |||||
8136 | Q107240926 | Eumetes | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
8143 | Q107240917 | Eumon | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
8154 | Q104904731 | Eunomius of Beroea | male | human | |||||||
8184 | Q16332304 | Euphetes | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
8185 | Q97031371 | Euphiletos | male | human | citizen | ||||||
8246 | Q19999516 | Euriptolemus | male | human | citizen | ||||||
8295 | Q108281054 | Eurycapys | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
8303 | Q19720500 | Eurycles of Laconia | Εὐρυκλῆς | male | human | ||||||
8366 | Q61046103 | Eurynome | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
8367 | Q61046076 | Eurynome | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
8369 | Q61046106 | Eurynome | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
8411 | Q12877390 | Eurythemiste | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
8493 | Q3061142 | Euthyme le Jeune | male | human | 0898 | Turkey | |||||
8614 | Q61049896 | Evryphaëssa | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
8633 | Q23583654 | Fabio Acerbi | male | human | citizen | Livorno | |||||
8719 | Q106983764 | Filip Horáček | male | human | |||||||
8728 | Q11922156 | Flamidià del Conflent | male | human whose existence is disputed | citizen | 0301 | |||||
8729 | Q11922156 | Flamidià del Conflent | male | human | citizen | 0301 | |||||
8806 | Q24934872 | Flavius Plintha | male | human | citizen | ||||||
8847 | Q112361597 | Fókión | male | human | -0317 | ||||||
8950 | Q11910288 | Gaius Anicius | male | human | citizen | ||||||
9034 | Q11923509 | Gaius Aurunculeius | male | human | citizen | death | father Label | mother Label | Ancient Rome | ||
9048 | Q20100621 | Gaius Bellienus | male | human | citizen | death | father Label | mother Label | Ancient Rome | ||
9057 | Q20002172 | Gaius Burrienus | male | human | citizen | ||||||
9101 | Q11923519 | Gaius Canuleius | male | human | citizen | ||||||
9132 | Q11923524 | Gaius Cetronius | male | human | citizen | ||||||
9226 | Q1215473 | Gaius Fabius Ambustus | male | human | citizen | -0350 | father Label | mother Label | Ancient Rome | ||
9292 | Q11923586 | Gaius Herennius | male | human | citizen | death | father Label | mother Label | Ancient Rome | ||
9408 | Q11029535 | Gaius Lacerius | male | human | citizen | death | father Label | mother Label | Ancient Rome | ||
9585 | Q774643 | Gaius Pompeius Longus Gallus | male | human | citizen | death | |||||
9592 | Q12276027 | Gaius Pomponius Pius | male | human | citizen | ||||||
9718 | Q857080 | Gaius Staienus | male | human | citizen | ||||||
9719 | Q8254934 | Gaius Stallius | male | human | citizen | death | |||||
9720 | Q20002209 | Gaius Stertinius | male | human | citizen | ||||||
9804 | Q12275958 | Gaius Vettius Rufus | male | human | citizen | ||||||
9837 | Q1056610 | Gál Huszár | male | human | citizen | 1575 | birthplace Label | ||||
9918 | Q106981843 | Gemon | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
9943 | Q112512483 | Gérard Journée | male | human | |||||||
9945 | Q3103989 | Geras of Carthago | male | human | |||||||
9951 | Q40331680 | Germanus | male | human | citizen | ||||||
9986 | Q61749451 | Glauce | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
10066 | Q11924388 | Gnaeus Anicius | male | human | citizen | death | father Label | mother Label | Ancient Rome | ||
10256 | Q16561248 | Gnaeus Seius | male | human | citizen | -0042 | |||||
10411 | Q5625536 | Gyrton | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
10424 | Q62058295 | Haemon | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
10434 | Q5638777 | Hagnodorus | male | human | citizen | ||||||
10457 | Q108444160 | Halocrates | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
10617 | Q4134901 | Hekaergos | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
10622 | Q62344173 | Helena | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
10828 | Q11925462 | Herennius Gallus | male | human | citizen | ||||||
11080 | Q108597431 | Hippalces | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
11130 | Q16061955 | Hippocles of Athens | male | human | citizen | Athens | |||||
11143 | Q106946452 | Hippocorystes | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
11144 | Q107144076 | Hippocrate | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
11240 | Q108444170 | Hippozygus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
11452 | Q106981859 | Hypsicerus | male | mythological Greek character | |||||||
11474 | Q106695990 | Iache | female | mythological Greek character | |||||||
11554 | Q60790802 | Ida of Crete | female | mythological Greek character |